
Regnum Deorum

In a world created by a primordial being, four divine gods - Galadriel, Thokkra, Solariel, and Creatrix - are tasked with shaping the world and breathing life into it. However, their differing beliefs and visions lead to a millennium-long stalemate, resulting in a grand experiment: each god will create their own race, and the most advanced and superior race will inherit the world, while the others will face extinction. The stage is set for an epic war between the four races, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

Mahlatse_Phalane · War
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21 Chs

02 - Falling Skies

The deafening roar of an explosion ripped through the once stormy streets, shattering the already

darkened atmosphere and plunging everything into chaos. The ground trembled violently as buildings

crumbled, their foundations reduced to rubble in an instant. Plumes of thick, acrid smoke billowed into

the sky, blending with the ominous storm clouds and casting a shadow of despair over the scene.

The tallest building in Ledya became unstable and when it hit the ground, it sent many to their early


People ran in all directions, their panicked screams mingling with the crackling of flames as they

devoured everything in in their path. The air was thick with the stench of burning flesh and the metallic

tang of blood, a sickening symphony that assaulted the senses amidst the howling winds and driving rain.

Those who were fortunate enough to use magic manifested shields to prevent themselves from being scorched and helped those in need. The cries of children were synchronized with the flames as they devoured their parents.

Amidst the chaos, a lone figure stumbled through the wreckage, their clothes torn and bloodied, and

their face a mask of shock and horror. They reached out a trembling hand towards a fallen comrade, only

to recoil in horror as they realized the extent of their injuries.

The once bustling city street was now a wasteland of destruction and despair, a grim reminder of the

fragility of life and the destructive power of chaos amidst the raging storm. And as the flames continued to consume everything in their path, a sense of dread settled over the survivors, for they knew that this was merely the beginning of the darkness that lay ahead in the storm's wrath.

In the midst of the chaos, a figure emerged from the billowing smoke and swirling debris. Meet Ammit, a

demoness with long, flowing silver hair cascading down her back. Her eyes are a piercing shade of red,

filled with an intoxicating mix of mischief and danger. Her skin, a vibrant shade of green, glistens in the

dim light.

Ammit's long, pointed ears twitch as she takes in the screams of the people around her. She smirks,

revealing sharp fangs that glimmer in the faint glow.

"Ah, what a delightful storm to make an entrance. The scenery is exquisite." she whispered.

As Ammit moved through the wreckage, her sharp claws left deep gouges in the shattered pavement,

and her bestial snarl echoed through the desolation. The survivors cowered in fear, knowing that this

ancient embodiment of chaos and destruction had been unleashed upon their world.

The storm raged on, the wind howling like a mournful dirge, as Ammit stood amidst the ruins, a fearsome

symbol of the forces that threatened to consume everything in their path. And as the city lay in ruins,

those with resolve knew that they faced not only against the storm but against the malevolent presence that had emerged to claim its toll on their world.

The air hung heavy with the scent of burning debris. Mickey and Kael clung to each other, their hearts

racing, and their eyes wide with fear as they watched the chaos unfolding outside. The once lively eatery

had fallen into a hushed silence, punctuated only by the distant sounds of destruction.

The once vibrant streets now lay in ruins, shattered glass and twisted metal strewn about like discarded


"Kael," Mickey's voice quivered, "what's happening?"

Ammit's rampage was approaching the rooftop restaurant, you could tell by the distant sounds of

destruction as they were getting louder and louder.

Mickey clutched Kael's arm tightly, her fingers trembling as she whispered, "What is that thing? It's like something out of a nightmare."

Kael nodded, his gaze fixed on the distant shadow of Ammit. "I don't know, but we need to find a way out

of here. We can't stay trapped in this restaurant."

As they stood up to leave, the ground trebled beneath them, and the restaurant's windows rattled

violently. The storm outside seemed to be growing even more furious, as if it were responding to the

presence of the demoness.

As they emerged on the street, they saw others fleeing in every direction, their faces etched with terror.

The city was in disarray, and Ammit's malevolent presence seemed to cast a pall over everything. The sky above was ablaze, streaked with fiery trails as if the stars themselves wept.

"We have to find a way to stop that thing," Kael said, his voice filled with grim determination.

Mickey nodded, her eyes reflecting his resolve. "We can't let it destroy everything we know. Even if I am

scared, I will fight with and for you."

Together, they set off into the heart of the storm, knowing that they were now part of a battle against a

force that threatened to consume their world.

Deep beneath the earth's surface, in a secure underground base, the members of the A.N.Ts were

gathered for a crucial meeting. The room was filled with the low hum of strategizing and the occasional

beep of high tech equipment. Supreme Commander Harold Enfer, a seasoned military leader, stood at

the head of the table, his face etched with concern as he addressed the ten assembled commanders.

"We need to be ready for anything," he declared, his voice commanding attention. "The Intelligence Unit

suggests that the Dark Saints will be attacking Ledya soon. We must dispatch units around the city


With determination in his voice, "I shall lead the charge to Ledya. Enemies of Tellus must be eliminated and I am the man for the job," said the Seventh Commander Noelle V. Silverstone.

The other commanders in the room looked at each other as if Noelle was a child seeking attention. Out of all the commanders in the room, he was the weakest of the ten.

Just as the tension in the room reached its peak, a soldier burst into the meeting, his uniform dishevelled and his expression urgent.

"What is the meaning of this, Neith?" Harold asked with a grim face.

"Sorry to disturb the meeting sir!" she called out, breathless from her haste. "We have received news and confirmed that Ledya is under attack."

The news sent a ripple of shock through the room, and the commanders exchanged grim looks as they

absorbed the gravity of the situation.

Supreme Commander Harold Enfer's jaw tightened, his eyes flashing with determination. "Get me a live

report of the situation," he ordered, striding over to a bank of magical monitors.

As his magic manifested the images, they revealed scenes of devastation and panic in Ledya. The city was engulfed in a maelstrom of destruction, with Ammit's monstrous form looming ominously over the


"What is that terrible being?" The Second Commander Ariana Darko asked.

Sudden despair covered the room as the destructive power of the Dark Saints was now apparent to them.

If the Dark Saints had a tool like this in their arsenal, 'how strong are they?' and 'what other weapons of

destruction are they hiding?' were the questions that they asked themselves.

"Pull yourselves together. Pillars of the army shouldn't know despair." Harold said proudly. "We need to mobilize immediately," he declared, his voice cutting through the tense silence. "This is no

ordinary threat, I will admit that much. We are facing something beyond our worst nightmares but the

ancient texts predicted events like these."

The A.N.Ts sprang into action, their training and expertise kicking in as they prepared to confront the

unprecedented danger. With a sense of urgency hanging heavily in the air, they readied themselves for a battle that would test their skills and courage like never before.

The subjugation unit was compiled of the ten vice commanders of the A.N.Ts, and they were led by none other than Noelle V. Silverstone, the commander of the seventh nation, a king to the seventh nation, formerly known as Forgemire, the land of swordsmiths.

This is merely an opening to the upcoming fight between good and evil. Which side will provail? I can't wait to drop the next chapter.

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