
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · Fantasía
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197 Chs

Voices! (2)

As Link walked out of the barber shop, he looked to his left, seeing someone walking behind the library. It was Peter, from that distance, Link could see his mouth moving, like he was talking or arguing with somebody, but he couldn't see anyone with him as he passed the library.

"Is he singing or something? And why is he walking behind the buildings?" Link thought to himself, still keeping an eye on him.

<Are you going to ask him where he got the accumulation method?> Zero spoke, also wondering what Peter was doing.

Link faced him and started walking in his direction, just then, before Peter went behind another building, his head turned, looking at Link and disappeared out of view.

"What the hell was that?" Link said, he had goosebumps "That was creepy"

<That was odd, he didn't look around or anything but his head turned straight and looked at you. Like he knew you were there>

"Ok, i think i'll talk to him some other time" Said Link, walking away. It has been 18 hours since Link had any sleep, he was too tired to deal with whatever Peter was up to.


"That kid, I think he knows something," Said Peter, looking through the corner at Link's back as he was walking away.

"Maybe he was trying to say hi, but you creeped him out and he stopped" A female voice spoke in Peter's head, it had no source whatsoever.

"No, we can't take risks, we must get rid of him. If anything happens the whole plan will fail and The Master is going to kill you again" A hoarse demonic voice spoke, with some growls in the middle of each stop.

"We'll get our chance, for now we have to go to work. I swear that fucking butcher will be the first one i rip appart." Said Peter, continuing on his way.

As he walked away from the wooden cabin, a girl was peeking through the window, fear in her eyes.

"Was that Peter? Why Was he talking to himself? Is he evil?" The little girl said, closing the window and the shutters.


Link was too tired to go out hunting again, so he decided to go to the butchers shop. He needed Exp and there it was easy to get, though it wasn't much.

"Morning Eddy, any animals you want to take care of?" Link walked into the butcher shop, waving at the man behind the counter.

"Morning Link, i heard what you did yesterday, good work, but be more careful next time" Eddy continued "I have a couple sheeps and a bull we need to take care of"

"Ok, let's do it," Said Link, walking to the back.

They all did the same thing as last time, Link would kill the animal and then Eddy and Peter would skin and gut it. but the only difference was when Link would catch Peter looking at him from time to time. Link could do nothing but ignore him, Peter has been on his mind too many times lately and now he was sure that the guy was up to something.

<Sheep Killed>

<10 EXP Has Been Granted>

<Sheep Killed>

<10 EXP Has Been Granted>

<Bull Killed>

<30 EXP Has Been Granted>

<775/800 exp>

Link was disappointed, he wanted to Level Up but it seemed like he was missing 25 Exp. As the day went on, Link did nothing but walk around, helping his mother and then speaking with Samuel for a bit, from what Samuel told him, he had been Practicing since he got the Academy's Invitation, he didn't want to lag behind. Link was happy to see this as Samuel seemed to be glowing a bit.

<That's the traces of the Elemental Energies in his body, since he doesn't give it time to rest and convert it, this is a small side effect.>

After making sure Samuel would rest from time to time, Link went on his way.

The sun started to set, Link got excited that he could finally sleep and rest, he has been barely holding up till now.

<Main Quest Has Been Completed: Stay Awake For 24 Hours>

<200 EXP Has Been Granted>


<175/1 600 exp>

<1 Stat Points Available>

<1 Skill Points Available>

<Required Level Has Been Reached>

<Skill Unlock:>

<Blink: A short distance teleportation spell, allow the user to teleport 10 feet from where he is.>

<Stone Stance: Allow the user to turn into hard stone when standing in a certain way. +30% Defense>

Link was stunned, he didn't know what this was, the screen messages stayed in front of him instead of the usual automatic remove.

"What's happening?"

<You have to choose between the 2 Skills, It's waiting for you>

As Zero said that Link picked The Blink Skill straight away, he already had a lot of ideas on how to put it to good use.

"Teleportation skill, Awesome" Said Link as he pressed it.

<Skill Unlocked: Blink>

Link looked around, seeing nobody was around. He stood up straight and muttered under his breath.

"Blink" As he said so, his body vanished, leaving behind light particles. 10 Feet ahead, he appeared again, the space around him altering a bit.

"Awesome" Link muttered.

After a couple more tries, Link stopped and headed back home, he couldn't wait to get some sleep, being tired out of his mind.

As he entered his house and closed the door, someone stood outside, eyes black as the night with what looked like fangs peeking out of his closed mouth.

"I don't understand who is teaching him these spells, but we have to get rid of him, or else he might do something to stop us later" The figure spoke, walking into the darkness to the side.


Link didn't even look at the food his mother and sister prepared, went straight into his room and jumped in bed, his eyes closing the moment his head landed on the pillow.

Link awoke, rubbing his eyes. Looking to his right, he could see Lisa and Rena already sleeping in their beds, with Lisa in her usual mangled sleeping position, Link looked at her, he frowned, reminding him of a movie he watched a long time ago called The Exorcist.

"She better not be possessed' He thought, smiling.

As Link looked around, he found out it was still night, and from the light outside being non-existent, he knew that he didn't sleep for long.

"Why did i wake up so suddenly, i don't think i had enough sleep yet my head hurts" Link said, grabbing his temples.

<I woke you up> Zero spoke <I sensed killing intent, get ready>

As Zero finished its sentence, Link heard leaves crunching noises outside, and a shadow standing in front of the room's window.

"What the hell, who are you" Seeing the humanoid shape of the figure, Link couldn't help but ask.

"Come outside, or I will rip apart every single person in this house," The figure spoke. It sounded rough and deep, Link's arm hairs stood up, being on high alert.

Without any choice in the matter, he got up from his bed and walked out, opening the front door and stepping outside. As he did he felt something grab him by the neck and threw him to the side, covering an impressive distance.

As Link rolled on the ground, he heard footsteps coming in his direction, whoever it was the person was running.

"Shadow Walk" Link spoke, his shadow crawling up his body and covering all of him. As the figure was getting closer, it noticed that it could no longer see Link on the floor, but some blurry black fog that would slip out of his sight once in a while.

"Even if i can't see you" The figure spoke "I can still smell you, Link"

With a quick roundhouse kick, the figure hit something, sounds of groans were heard and the ruffling of leaves.

"You have to die today" It spoke, raising its right arm close to its head, slowly changing form like it was made of water, taking the shape of a blade.

As the figure ran towards the black fog on the ground, Link suddenly disappeared with light particles appearing in its place instead. As the figure was confused, it felt a stinging pain from its right side, blood squirted all over the place.

"What the hell?" The figure spoke "Where did you get the knife" It said, looking at what hit it.

Link stood behind it, his eyes unmoving and his face blank. As the figure turned, swinging its arm trying to punch Link in the head, he disappeared, the same light particles appearing again.

"Fool me once, shame on you." The figure thought to itself "fool me twice, shame on me" with it's blade arm, it stabbed behind it, the action took less than a second, waiting to feel the familiar feeling, but hitting air.


Link was not stupid. This was not his first fight and just to be sure he didn't teleport again behind the dark figure, but above it. As he was falling down, he turned his body as fast as he could, stretching his right led, slamming it at the figure's head, sending it flying away.

Link sent enough mana into his leg to smash rocks. The figure stood there unmoving.

"Now, Who are you?" Link said, breathing heavily. As he was walking to the figure, he saw it's foot twitch. Link stopped in his tracks, getting into a fighting stance once more.

Suddenly, the figure spoke, sending shivers down Link's spine.

The reason was that the voice was completely different, sounding feminine and seductive.

"Now, that's enough" The figure said as it slowly stood back up "It's my turn."


I made an Instagram account and would love it if my readers could follow.

It's still a work in progress but i would like to interact with you if possible :)

Follow me : monopia.wn

See you there..


Currently :


-- Status :

<User: Link>

<Race: Human>

<Level 5>

<175/1 600 exp>

<HP: 25/25>

<MP: 56/56>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 13>

<Stamina: 10>

<1 Stat Points Available>


-- Skills :

<Rock Skin> <Passive Skill>

<Shadow Walk> <Active Skill>

<Counter Instinct> <Active Skill> <2>

<Blink> <Active Skill>

<1 Skill Points Available>


-- Quests :

<Main Quests :>

<Reach Level 10>


<Daily Quests :>



Thank you for reading...

So Here's another Quest for you.


30+ Stones/Votes = 1 Chapter Release

300 Stones/Votes = 4 Chapters Release

400 Stones/Votes = 5 Chapters Release

500 Stones/Votes = 10 Chapters Release


Keep voting, and i hope i see your comments out there <3

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