
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · Fantasía
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197 Chs

The Masin Family!

"After our medical team finished with the tests, please proceed to the administrators office to report the events that occurred inside the dungeon." a tall soldier informed the party.

They were at a huge tent, being checked for any effects of the dungeons changes or injuries.

Red, justin, nancy and ron were each sitting on an individual bed, with a thin white sheet between them, a medical team dressed in protective suits were performing all kinds of tests.

"No portal radiation residue on the subjects." one of the doctors spoke.

"No physical changes or harm." another reported.

"Nothing unusual sir." they were all speaking to Sid, who was standing at the entrance of the tent. After the reports a relieved expression appeared on his face.

"Good, now guys can you please follow me to my office?" said Sid with a smile on his face.

After a minute, the group was out of the tent and heading to what looked like a military 4x4 RV.

"Well, we call it an office but it's just this." chuckled sid and continued after opening the door "Take a seat anywhere you want" the space looked big, it was like they entered another place, there was a desk with bookshelves on each sides stocked up on the left, and on the right a sitting area with sofas and a coffee table in the middle. From what Sid explained, the RV is enchanted with spatial magic, which has increased the space immensely.

They stayed there for a while, speaking to sid. red was the only one that didn't speak while the rest were reporting everything that happened the moment they entered the dungeon. This was one of the first dungeons that replayed and they knew how serious it was, but Red wasn't that concerned, he kept thinking about the fight, the unbearable pain he went through and his encounter with death.

Sid would sneak a look at red while the others were talking, red had a blank expression on his face, he looked different from when he saw him go in, after he understood what happened, he stood up and walked over to red. "You cleared a dungeon by yourself, you should be proud, there will be rewards and even a rank up."

The rest were shocked, it was his first dungeon and already going to rank up, but they saw his skills and couldn't deny that he was way stronger than them.

"Cool, where would I get the rewards?" asked Red, uncaring with the same blank expression still on.

"Report to the guild later, we've already informed them of the incident and will update them on what i heard just now. The rest of you will be rewarded as well." said sid.


Red looked at his pocket, it was his phone. "Hello?".


"RED PLEASE HELP.." the cries of his sister can be heard, with the sound of someone hitting a door.

The look on red's face changed completely, everyone in the room noticed it, but when they were about to say something red ran out.

"What the hell was that?" spoke ron.


Liz and her mom were at home cooking. laughter and music can be heard, they were having some fun, from the looks of it they were cooking up a feast.

"This is reds first dungeon, i've done some research it shouldn't be dangerous." said liz, she noticed the look on her moms face and wanted to comfort her.

"Really? That's good, we should hurry up. He'll be home soon right?" she said with a smile.

They were going to celebrate, this is reds start as a ranker and they wanted to congratulate him properly.

Knock knock!

They both looked over.

"Someone is at the door. i'll go see who it is." says liz as she started to walk over.

She stopped in front of the door and looked through the peephole. four men in black suits stood there with scary expressions, when one of them noticed the light from the peep hole get blocked he smiled and said. "Hello, we're from rankers guild, we'd like to talk to you."

Liz was a bit confused, why are they here? she thought.

"Who is it liz?" her mom asked.

"They said they're from the guild, but i don't know mom it seems kind of weird." said Liz with a worried expression.

Raya stepped forward and said out loud "Sorry, red is not home yet, you're gonna have to come back at a later time sir."

"We're fully aware he's not home, we'd like to talk to you." the man spoke again with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Like i said sir, we can talk when red is home, we're busy right now, sorry." she answered back.

Suddenly, laughter came from the other side.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, we insist." then the handle of the door moved. liz and her mom were frightened from this, they were happy that they locked the door.

"You're being difficult now" the man spoke again.


Liz and Raya took a couple steps back, the men were slamming against the door...

"They're not from the guild." raya muttered. liz looked over at her with a horrified expression.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN HUMILIATE AND HURT OUR YOUNG MASTER AND GET AWAY WITH IT??" one of the men yelled before he slammed against the door once more.



The two ran to the kitchen and grabbed knives, and stood there shaking.


The door isn't going to hold on for longer, Liz grabbed the phone and called red, with the hope he'll come save them or at least do something.

"RED PLEASE HELP.." liz screamed through the phone with tears in her eyes.

Even though they knew that Stan's dad would do something but they didn't think he'd be this aggressive.


The door broke to pieces, and the four men entered the house. One of them was leading and he said "What a shitty place, what was I expecting." he said while laughing.

Liz and her mom stood there with the knives, shaking.

"Well, we can do this the easy way or the hard way ladies." a menacing grin appeared on the men's faces.

"It would be a waste to hurt those pretty faces of yours, don't you think?" another man spoke.

"Let's have some fun first, what do you guys think?" the man laughed.

The 2 leading men stepped towards the two of them. liz couldn't move, she was too scared. the man laughed and went to grab her arm, but a knife slashed his hand.

He looked over and saw raya, but that's all she could do before the other man grabbed her. He took the knife away while the other man did the same.

"Hey we'll go first, you guys wait here." the man spoke as he was kissing lizs' left cheek.

"ARGHH..." gurgling noises came from the back.

The two men looked behind them, and saw the other 2 on the ground, with their throats slit. He didn't understand what was happening, was it red? no, he's just a kid he won't be able to do this.

Before he could finish his thought, immense pain came from his hands.

"AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH" he screamed. looking down, his hands were gone.

"WHAT THE FUUUCCCKKK" the other man screamed.

When he looked at him, a sword was protruding from his stomach, he was stabbed from his back. the one holding the sword, was none other than red, his eyes blank and full with killing intent.

Even with all the pain, the man turned around and tried to run, but he suddenly stumbled and fell.. his legs were gone.

"We're still not done here." a voice spoke, looking up it was red.

"Mom, take Liz and go upstairs," he commanded.

raya was terrified, it wasn't from just what was happening to her but from the scene taking place in front of her. without saying anything she took lizs' hand while she had her eyes closed from fear and they both went upstairs.

"Healing touch.." said red while touching the man.

"Don't regenerate his limbs, just heal him enough so he wouldn't die." red commanded again.

'First aid treatment commencing' a message popped up.

Red was used to the system, he understood that it was more like an AI, it would help him control his powers if needed, he understood this when he got hurt by the boss. the messages that appeared proved it to him.

"What the hell are you going to do to me?." the man asked weakly. This was supposed to be an easy job, we were told he's just an F rank and wouldn't be home. How the hell did he get here?. These thoughts were going through the man's head.

"Was it the Masin family?" Stan's last name was Masin, Red knew the answer but wanted to be sure.

"Yes, yes it was. I was just following orders, I swear." the man begged.

"Orders? was r**e one of the orders as well?" asked red, with a calm and expressionless face. This has only planted fear deeper into the man's heart.

"No, i'm sorry please." the man kept begging.

"What was the order?." asked red.

"We were told to beat them up, even cripple them if we had to." the man answered.

"Ok, that's all i needed to know." said red. The man was relieved, he wasn't concerned about his limbs, they can be easily healed and grow back to normal with the resources of the Masin family.

"I swear i'll break your bones one by one when i'm healed." the man though but didn't dare say it out loud.


The man's view blurred. blood was pouring out of his throat.

Red stood up and looked around, blood, limbs and bodies were everywhere. He looked at his sword and muttered. "I should probably give this back to justin.".

How he managed to get there so fast was all because of his lightning steps and his increased stats from his cultivation. He was so fast that he looked like a blur to other people.

Red sighed, picked up his phone and dialed the guild.

"Hello, I'm a registered ranker, there have been intruders at my home and I had no choice but to defend myself and my family, which have ended up with their deaths."

"Understood, sir. We'll send a clean up crew and the incident will be taken care of. have a nice day." the woman hung up after finishing her sentence. Red wasn't that surprised that she didn't ask any more questions, they probably already knew who he was and where he lived from his phone number.


A thought came to red while he was waiting for the cleanup crew. He didn't feel any remorse or even hesitate in killing them, but unlike before, he wasn't worried or scared, the steady mind skill was a blessing.

"I swear, i'm going to kill every last one of them." red muttered.

Even if he informed the guild about the involvement of the Masin family, they would just deny everything. he could only do this alone... and he needed to grow stronger.

Thank you for reading my novel, don't forget to vote <3

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