
Redemption Hawks/Keigo x Reader

Y/n had never been the type to play hero she would flat out call herself the villain of the story's people told as her quirk made that quiet clear as well so what did she do she became the villain and the bait

JJ_Bops · Cómic
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7 Chs

“You do something to me”

Y/n had been working with the villains for a few weeks now the moment in the hotel would be stuck in her mind. Plus the fact she hadn't seen hawks again after that. She thought he was avoiding her after the sweater incident. Y/n would hear snapping in front of her and look up to see Dabi they had come to an agreement were he wasn't aloud to speak about that night ,or even make hints to hit."Doll are you even listening." Y/n would look at him confused. "You where talking, I guess I got to good at tuning you out." Dabi would glare at Y/n but she would just blow him a kiss as she didn't wanna have bad blood ,cause Y/n had finally made enough money to buy a decent apartment and him being mad at her would mess up her pay."I hate you." Dabi would speak quietly. "But didn't you almost fuck me." Y/n would reply quickly Y/n and Dabi would be alone so she would happily say that she would be putting her chin on her hand. He would just stare more daggers into Y/n though. "I swear girl when I get the chance I wil-" Dabi was cut off my Kurogiri entering the room. "Oh no Dabi don't stop continue threatening the girl." Dabi would move away from the bar as Kurogiri sat down. "Now Y/n I have an assignment for but I don't know it's in your comfort zone." Y/n would laugh she was mainly going off pay so that didn't offend her. "Tell me the pay. Then we'll see." Kurogiri would think for a second. "A couple million yen due to the fact the assignment might take a while." With out a thought Y/n blurted out. "I'll do it! What do I need to do!" Kurogiri would be visibly happy with that answer, and Dabi would laugh at how broke you would cause Kurogiri to glare at him.

"Y/n I need you get information out of a pro hero that's all I can say about that part of the assignment. We'll set up an fake incident later." Y/n would be thinking about who it was and just blow it off. A few hours would have passed and Y/n would be walking home she had completely forgot about the fake villain attack. She had missed it which knocked out a lot of her pay. She would be too pissed about that to notice a giant rock heading her way. Y/n would be shoved to the ground a body covering her making sure nothing hurt her as commotion around her happened. Y/n would be breathing heavily holding onto the unknown person tightly as she was afraid. When the commotion ended the person got off of Y/n causing her to sit up and see who saved her before hearing a snarky voice. "Now make that four." Y/n would notice that voice from anywhere smiling when their eyes locked on each other. Throwing herself into a hug with him. Hawks would be hesitant to hug Y/n back like something was stopping but not even seconds later he melted into the hug. Y/n would speak softly and happily as she hugged him. "Pretty bird I've missed you!" Hawks would be surprised they hadn't known each other to long and Y/n would already be attached he was happy for this but something stopped him from saying it back before breaking out of the hug and standing up."Good to know. Now Miss do you need a way home." Y/n would stand up and look at Hawks confused his blank voice threw her off. She just gave back the same energy though. "Uh yeah I do. I live a few more miles away." Hawks would just quickly pick Y/n up not giving her a heads up she obviously knew something was wrong."Now Miss brace yourself and tell me your address." Y/n would do that just that as he took off gripping his hoodie tightly digging her face into his chest.

This made Hawks breathing heavier causing Y/n to think she was doing something wrong but she was to afraid to let go or look down. Y/n would have a fear of heights so her even moving a little bit made her think she was gonna fall. As her grip tightened on Hawks he would speak. "Y/n please calm down your almost home ok." His voice was reassuring it made her feel safe."Ok." That was all Y/n could get out of her mouth as she loosened her grip her breathing was shaky she was definitely more afraid then she should have been. Hawks would begin to land at a tiny apartment on its balcony placing Y/n on the ground but she would immediately fall her legs would be jelly. "Y/n!" Hawks would catch her but Y/n would have grabbed on to his wing as support Hawks would let out a shaky breath red slightly covering his face as he felt her hand on his wing."Thank you Hawks I think I can stand now." Hawks wouldn't say anything to Y/n he would just look at the ground before looking up at Y/n. Her hair would be messy and she her grey tight shirt and shorts would be tempting him. "What was with you today." Y/n would put her hand on Hawk's face making him look at her. She would see his red face and just think he was annoyed. Hawks would just stare into Y/n eyes making his tension known."Y/n I'm sorry there was people there." He wouldn't be able to focus as he talked and Y/n would pick up on this and try slowly caressing his wings hoping to calm him nerves or what ever was getting to him. This would cause Hawks would just break and pick Y/n up setting her on the balcony rail. Y/n would impulsively place her legs around his waist not want to fall she would look as Hawks face trying to read him.

She would see hawks messy hair before locking eyes with him."God Y/n you do something to me." Hawks would put his hand on her waist making sure Y/n wouldn't fall."W-what! Hawks are you ok!" Y/n wouldn't know how to feel. Her stomach would be in a knot had feeling hawks breath on her lips made her breath shaky."Y/n you tempt me so much." Y/n would listen to him say this before Hawks kissed her and Y/n would kiss him back before they would pull away from each other. Hawks would pick her up off the railing and put her down on the ground. Y/n would steady her self trying to figure out what had just happened. "Fuck Y/n!" Hawks would say in a hushed voice. Y/n would just open her balcony door. Trying to play it off as smooth as possible. Hawks would just be looking at her confused before grabbing Y/n and pulling her roughly into her house and closing the sliding door. Y/n would let him pull her not fight back as Hawks continued to pull her. Hawks would let go off her arm as he found Y/n's couch and sat down. Patting the couch for her to sit down and Y/n would. "Hawks are we not gonna talk about how yo-" Hawks would kiss Y/n again causing her to quickly melt into the kiss he heart skipping a beat as he moved her into his lap. Y/n would pull away from the kiss looking into Hawks eyes she expected them to be covered with lust but they weren't they were covered in admiration. "Y/n I admire you and your normal life." Hawks would caress Y/n cheek as he spoke  Y/n would know that the normal life part wouldn't be true. "I admire how you get to pick who you wanna be." Y/n would melt to his touch becoming putty in his hand. "And how you get to pick who you wanna be with." Y/n wouldn't break eye contact as he said this but hawks would before moving closer to Y/n's ear before whispering in it. "Do you wanna be with me."

Y/n couldn't tell what he ment by that her head would be fuzzy she was overwhelmed by this moment. "I don't know." Hawks would look at Y/n moving his hands onto her hips before locking eyes with Y/n again."It doesn't have to be forever it can just be tonight. Please this week has been so stressful." Y/n would just nod giving him the ok to do what he wanted.