
Redemption Hawks/Keigo x Reader

Y/n had never been the type to play hero she would flat out call herself the villain of the story's people told as her quirk made that quiet clear as well so what did she do she became the villain and the bait

JJ_Bops · Cómic
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7 Chs

“What the hell”

Y/n had been released form the hospital after a week. She hadn't seen Hawks in a while ,and she didn't really care about it she already knew he wasn't coming back. So she prepared her self for the lonely hospital days ,those days passed pretty quickly and she got out. Y/n would think for a moment before heading to the bar that offered her a job. Y/n would have gotten some energy for her quirk from the hospital had absorbed it from on of the older patient. He said he didn't have much to live for anyway and let her do what she had to. Y/n thought back to that as she walked to the bar it was closer then she thought it was. She only had to walk for 3 hours which wasn't a lot on her end. When she got there and walked in the bartender ran up to her giving her a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek. He was around 5'11 so he easily lifted her up and his long grey hair got in Y/n's face. Y/n didn't think he would react to her coming back. "Missy omg I'm glad you're ok! I saw the attack on the news." He would leave the hug and put Y/n down before looking her up and down his jaw would drop when he saw her horn. "Oh no! What happened who did this." Y/n would rub the back of her neck. "Sir it happened in the attack ,but clam down please I don't even know your name." The bar tender would laugh a little as he calmed down he was just so overjoyed to see that Y/n was ok he felt as if it was his fault she was hurt. "Oh my yes I'm sorry missy! My name is Haru. What about yours missy?" Y/n would admire his name and it's beautiful meaning. "My name L/n F/n."

Haru would clap his hands in joy."Well Miss.L/n I'm betting your here for the offering." Y/n would nod her head and Haru grabbed her hand leading her to the back room of the bar and sitting her down." Well L/n I have a better offering it's at a different bar ,but it pays better and you can build a name for yourself." Y/n would be intrigued by this offer."Really I can! Maybe I can turn my life around too!" Haru would freeze as Y/n said that it looked like he had just saw a ghost." Yes here take this note...it has the address of the bar be safe." Y/n would grab the note from his hand." Thank you so much this means a lot!" Y/n would run out of the bar and read the note

Kamino, Yokohama City.

From, Haru

Please don't go

Y/n would be to blindsided by the fact it was close to read the please don't go she would immediately head in the direction. Y/n would have been walking for a few hours when she saw the bar it was dimly lit and didn't look welcoming. It was dark outside and she really didn't wanna walk anymore so with out thinking of it she walked in. Y/n would hear a little dinging noise and she opened the door she always loved stuff like that it would make her feel more welcomed. Y/n would look around the area the inside looked nothing like the outside it would be tidy and there would be a lot of liquor behind the bar. Y/n would notice no one would be there and would say hello a few times to no avail. She would get ready to leave before she'd hear a man cough.

"I'm so sorry for my absence Haru didn't tell me you were coming today." Y/n would turn around to see a purple haze in clothing she would laugh a little as she saw him it visible pissed him off. As Y/n had no room to laugh with her broken and full grown horn. "Well I'm betting I was supposed to come sooner is the bartending spot still open." The purple haze would nod and gesture for Y/n to sit down at the bar she would walk over there and sit before speak to the man for awhile about the job position. They would have been talking for a while when he abruptly stopped. "Now Miss. Y/n this is we're it gets tricky. You have to be willing to do things that aren't just well bartending." Y/n would think for a second before swiftly replying. "Im not gonna be a stripper that's to much physical work for me."

The man who you were speaking to who's name was learned to be Kurogiri looked at Y/n with annoyance."No that's not what I me-" Y/n would cut him off before saying happily. "Thank god I don't wanna have to learn something new." Kurogiri would be super annoyed at this point not even wanting to finish but it was his duty he had to. "Please just be quiet for a second. You have to run errands for us. Like stealing and or maybe possible attack people." Y/n's face would lose all of its color she knew why Haru looked so sad as he spoke but he mentioned money all. Y/n needed was a around one million yen to turn her life around. "How much would I be making." Y/n would say flatly her voice would be void of all emotions to avoid showing weakness. She knew who she was working with and she was going to have to keep up a front. "A couple thousand yen a week maybe more depending on what you do." Those words swayed Y/n's decision she was going to have to say yes but she remembered what she said to Yuki how she didn't wanna be a villain. Her working with villains would make her one. Y/n didn't know what to say so she blurted out one simple word. " Yes!" Kurogiri would be surprised the look of deep thought on Y/n's face but the quick thought answer threw him off. "You barely thought what do you mean yes." Y/n would speak swiftly to avoid revealing the buildup of emotions inside her. "I need the money so I can finally make a proper living for myself." Y/n would be think about how let dow Yuki would be. She could feel how hurt Yuki would be to find this out. "Ok the Miss.Y/n you start tomorrow. Go get yourself a hotel room and some proper clothes." Kurogiri would hand Y/n around fifty thousand yen and without a thought she took it

Y/n would book a hotel in the area close to the bar so she would be able to get up in the morning and just walk there but before she did she bought her self a few dresses that would fit the style of the bar. Y/n would feel so much regret she was becoming the thing she didn't want to a villain but the money was blind sidings her she needed the cash not morals. Then again she wanted to become a person Yuki would be proud of and this person wasn't one. Y/n blocked out the thought as she got into bed her mind was fuzzy and she felt sick. She felt as if she was being watched Y/n would quickly get out of bed and turn on the lights no one would be in the hotel room it was small and easy to navigate. Y/n would open the door to the balcony and see him. Hawks they would lock a

eyes he was standing on the railing to her balcony and all Y/n could say would be. "What the hell!" Hawks would break the moment jump of the railing onto the balcony and grab Y/n pulling her into the hotel room and closing the blinds. He would be looking at her up and down pulling at her sweater still not saying anything just signaling her to take it off. Y/n wouldn't have anything under her sweater but she would take it off exposing herself handing it to hawks. Y/n would quickly cover her bare chest with her arms watch hawks as he ran to the balcony door and threw the sweater out there. "You were wired." Hawks would say calmly looking at you as he walked over you taking off his sweater sweater he was wearing and putting it on Y/n. "How did you know and how long have you been watching me."

Y/n would quickly cover herself up buttoning up the sweater. Hawks would be sure to look away as she but his sweater on he would have a slight blush across his face." Haven't been watching you long. I picked up on the signal when I saw you walking on the street. I just came to warn you."Y/n would smile. " Well thank you pretty bird but I can take care of myself." Hawks would scoff and looks at the small hotel room. "This doesn't look like taking care of yourself it looks like cheap hotel hopping." Y/n would be frozen as he said that it hurt her to hear someone she kinda looked up to say that." I'm sorry Mister rich bird I don't think you know how it is to be homeless." Hawks would just look at Y/n after she said that they were both angry with each other and neither one was gonna break the silence first before Hawks gets bold and say's." Well then give me my sweater back." Y/n would reply hastily."What!" Hawks would have a smug look on his face walking closer to her Y/n would slow back away from him before her legs would touch the bed."You heard me princess give me my sweater back." Hawks would be face to face with her in his white undershirt looking Y/n in the eyes causing a slight tension between them. Y/n would begin unbuttoning the sweater before Hawks would stop her and walk away running his had through his hair, and turning around. Y/n would obviously be confused."What you don't want it back now pretty bird." Y/n wouldn't be able to clearly see Hawks face but she could hear him breathing slowly and slightly heaver then before. "I have to go Y/n just keep the sweater." Hawks would just back away completely and leave the hotel room through the balcony Y/n would run after him to no avail." Hawks!" Y/n would fail he obviously heard her cause he looked back his face would serious. It pierced Y/n it was clearly telling her to stay away, but for what reason.

A/n this is longer because I didn't know how to finish it