
Redemption Hawks/Keigo x Reader

Y/n had never been the type to play hero she would flat out call herself the villain of the story's people told as her quirk made that quiet clear as well so what did she do she became the villain and the bait

JJ_Bops · Cómic
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7 Chs

“Such a pretty name for a pretty bird”

Y/n slowly started to open her eyes like the voice told her to."Come on no sleeping! I know that you're tired but stay awake!" The voice was calm but definitely afraid Y/n could hear it in the way they spoke. As Y/n opened her eyes the man look familiar his sharp amber eyes and the messy brow hair she felt as they had met before. "Good! Good keep those pretty eyes open." His voice was still soft but something was still scaring him Y/n was trying to pick it out but then the full extent of her injuries hit her. There was a large sharp piece of metal in her stomach and smaller pieces of glass in her arms and legs. Y/n let out a scream as all the pain hit her at once the man who was speaking to her got up revealing his crimson red wings. Through the pain Y/n began to doze off before she did she spoke quietly."You're such a pretty bird."The man quickly tried to find someone to help Y/n so he could return to the fight as he was most qualified before hearing her say that. The man ran back to her before screaming"Someone Help Please She's Losing Blood Fast!" He had would begin to apply pressure around the on the area around the metal piece. Y/n would let out small coughs blood coming out of her mouth and tears flowing down her face things were starting to get better then this."Don't let me die pretty bird." Y/n would speak quietly fighting the urge to fall asleep

The man would laugh."You're not dying today don't worry just don't close those pretty eyes."The man would pick Y/n up holding her tightly. Y/n's eyes would have started to close she was barely holding."Ok I'm gonna need you to brace yourself."Y/n would nod the best she could before she felt a violent jolt into the air but right then and there Y/n couldn't hold on anymore and she drifted off but before she did she heard "Come on don't fall asleep on me now we're almost there."Y/n would be awakened violently she saw people around her whispering and as they saw her wake up they quickly ran out. Y/n would smell The sterile environment and and already knew she was in the hospital. She felt pain in her lower abdomen and had a horrible headache she could feel The bandages on her arms and knew she was gonna have scars. She tried to move her right hand to her head but she then noticed that her hand was cuffed she scoffed as she knew a villain attack had happened and they thought she was in it. Y/n moved her left hand to her head to feel her left horn was broken she froze they may have made her look bad but it was still part of her. With this new discovery it pushed her over the edge tears slowly left her eyes before sobs escaped her mouth. Y/n would move her hand to her face to wipe the tears, before hearing a knock at the door."C-come in." Y/n would speak forcefully through the tears.

She would see the man who saved her life come in and sit down in the chair next to her bed Y/n would look at him as he looked up at the roof. "I tried to tell them you weren't involved they didn't believe me." Y/n would scoff. "Well that's nothing new I'm always the bad guy aren't I." Her voice would be shaky as tears still left her eyes she would quickly wipe them though."I thought you died in my arms." The man spoke softly he seemed stressed about that."It would have been better if I did."Y/n hadn't even met the man before she didn't know why he cared so much but her response seem to piss him off. He would sit up and look at Y/n he had anger in his eyes."We've meet before I saved you're life twice. Twice!" He paused after he said twice again."If I would have left you there to die I wouldn't be able to call myself a hero."Y/n would pick at the skin around the cuffs and before the man grabbed her arm."Listen you seem to have it rough ok. The first time I met you it was dark out and you were passes out drunk. Then less then a day later I find you half dead in a car crash. I was hoping you would have at least stay out of trouble for day." Y/n would piece it all together as she listened to him speak before say quietly. "So you're pretty bird. The one in the note."

Y/n would think for another second."I guess I owe you now since you bought me the room and saved my life."The man would let out a small laugh. He had obviously calmed down. "Learn my name before thinking about how you can repay me."Y/n would just lay back in the hospital bed and run her fingers through her hair."So then what's you're name." Before the man could answer he got a phone call he would quickly pick it up before cursing under his breath."I have to go I'll be back to check up on you." The man then sprinted out of there. Y/n would be semi pissed at the fact he didn't answer her. She would just try and get comfortable in the hospital bed before dozing off again. Y/n would wake up to a cop shoving her."Ok Miss we need to question you." Y/n would sit up and look at them confused. " I thought someone already told you I wasn't involved?" The cop just laughed. "Hawks he isn't believable you were obviously involved I mean look at you." Y/n would be on the verge of tears. "But I wasn't involved I was in a car crash. I had a giant fucking piece of metal in me!" Before the cop could reply the man so called named Hawks walked in."Are you bothering the lady I thought you heard me she wasn't involved. While you're here uncuff her."The cop quickly uncuffed Y/n before saying in a hushed tone."Sir look at her she-."Hawks glared at the cap while Y/n was laughing quietly."Get the fuck out." The cop quickly left before the man supposedly named Hawks sat at the edge of Y/n's bed."Now you asked my name before I left. It's Hawks." Y/n would giggle and say playful."A pretty name for a pretty bird." Hawks had now save her ass three times so a simple complement wouldn't do any harm on her end.

The man wouldn't laugh a little and run his hands through his hair."Why thank and what's your name pretty lady." Y/ n would smile at the returned complement."My name is L/n F/n but since you so kindly saved me three times you can call me F/n." After that Y/n and Hawks talked for hours it was nice having company that that she knew she wasn't going to fuck it was nice just having someone to talk to her after what happened. Hawks ended up leaving after Y/n feel asleep she hoped she would see him tomorrow but Y/n already knew that wasn't gonna happen. He was a hero she was a civilian he was probably doing it for fan service or for a good title on his name Y/n knew that he would probably never go for the girl who gets called a villain 24/7.