
Record Of the Weapon

A world once like ours but ruined by the appearance of a system and mulitple dimentional worlds. All the Continent of this world wear suddenly shifted and turned into one land mass. Multiples organization came into existence over the years. Hunters, Player, and Hitmen, these organizations became powerful due to the system that infested this world. Wars that were once held with firearms were now held with these three organization, however in the year 0017 a new law between countries was made. It was against this law to use individuals with the systems. Going against said law made you enemy number 1. While these rules were being made multiple race appeared in the world most from fairy tales others not so much. 4 main race came into this world. Elves, Dwarves, Demons, and Zinithurs. each race occupied the borders of the land mass, forcing humans in the middle. In year 0020 suddenly dimensional gates were opened to hundreds of other worlds. Cain Winters, once an office worker now drafted into a war he didn't want be apart of. Going through boot camp and instantly sent to the war. He had his hand forced many times and lead a dangerous life during this war. I might as put this here. My spelling is probably going to end up being bad at time and I will attempt to fix these mistakes as I go. Also, don't expect absolute proper gramar or proper place placement of punctuation. I apologize if you have any problem reading this due to my spelling or English. Oh and one last problem about my writing. I like to write thoughts down and not finish said thought or forget about writing specific words entirely.

xFMJ_UNLEASHEDx · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Aliases and Skills (Spoilers)

Name: Cain Eldritch Winters

Gender: Male





