
Record Of the Weapon

A world once like ours but ruined by the appearance of a system and mulitple dimentional worlds. All the Continent of this world wear suddenly shifted and turned into one land mass. Multiples organization came into existence over the years. Hunters, Player, and Hitmen, these organizations became powerful due to the system that infested this world. Wars that were once held with firearms were now held with these three organization, however in the year 0017 a new law between countries was made. It was against this law to use individuals with the systems. Going against said law made you enemy number 1. While these rules were being made multiple race appeared in the world most from fairy tales others not so much. 4 main race came into this world. Elves, Dwarves, Demons, and Zinithurs. each race occupied the borders of the land mass, forcing humans in the middle. In year 0020 suddenly dimensional gates were opened to hundreds of other worlds. Cain Winters, once an office worker now drafted into a war he didn't want be apart of. Going through boot camp and instantly sent to the war. He had his hand forced many times and lead a dangerous life during this war. I might as put this here. My spelling is probably going to end up being bad at time and I will attempt to fix these mistakes as I go. Also, don't expect absolute proper gramar or proper place placement of punctuation. I apologize if you have any problem reading this due to my spelling or English. Oh and one last problem about my writing. I like to write thoughts down and not finish said thought or forget about writing specific words entirely.

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Recounting Start

"I need you to recount your story from the beginning. From when we first drafted you to operation plucking"

"Okay, then… I'll start from the beginning."

I woke up at five forty-eight in the morning and started getting ready for work. After taking a quick shower, I looked in the mirror and saw the white mask covering my face. I tried the same routine I always tried. I tried to remove this mask, but the same dreaded feeling came. The feeling of emptiness and longing for something. After this process end, i got dressed and headed to work. I never had a vehicle of any kind, so I walked to work everyday.

'I can't wait to see whether I closed on this deal or not!'

Making it to the office, I sat down and began to start my job. That day I was called in by my boss and told that I should go home and take a break.

"Listen Cain, I think you need to go home and prepare for what's to come."

"What? What do you mean by that? What's to come?"

"You'll find out immediately when you arrive home"

'Maybe, there's a package waiting for me!'

"Can I come back tomorrow?"

"No, not tomorrow I'm afraid. Just go home kid."

I left the office severely confused. Walking home I had hundreds of thoughts running through my head. But the big one were always the same.

'Why did he have sadness in his eyes? Wait, how the hell can I read his eyes? Eyes aren't books'

Making it to my apartment, I saw a letter in my mailbox. Grabbing it and heading inside, I started to unwrap it like a Christmas present.

'I bet this has something to do with the lottery I entered'

However, when I opened the letter I couldn't help but be baffled. It was a draft notice!

'How is this possible'

Tears started to well in my eyes as I saw My peaceful life that I loved so dearly start to leave. Falling to my knees, I started to wail like a kid. After I don't know how long, I picked up my phone and called my mom. Immediately she answered like she always does and I spoke.

"Mom, I-I've be-een dra- dra-" the words wouldn't come out of my mouth no matter how much I tried.

"Dear, take a deep breath and calm yourself"

After hearing my mother say that I took a deep breath and began again with a steady voice.

"Mom, I've been drafted."

Just saying those words made me Nauseous.

"check the letter again. makes sure it's a draft notice"

looking at the note again, I reread the contents and my heart sank even more

"Mom, I-it's most definitely a draft notice."

My mother went silent completely silent

"Cain" I could hear her sobbing as she spoke "please take a desk job or something at the millitary. Please son"

Barely controlling my unsteady I spoke to calm her down.

"Don't worr-y mom, I will de-definitely be a-way from the fighting.

My mother and I stay on the phone for around thirty minutes reassure each other before hanging up.

To calm my self down, I took out my small drawing note booking and began drawing beautiful scenery.

I drew for hours and Simultaneously filled up 3 pages of my notebook.

I was sitting in this leather chair for hours drawing. By the time I had it was around 12:30. I stood up looking at my pocket watch that I always forgot bring with me.

'I should go the government facility and turn in my draft notice to start the process'


The first probably 10 chapter will be short