

Born an orphan but blessed with great power Lucryn competes with his twin sister Lucy to see who becomes the strongest spirit master and reach the pinnacle of the spirit master world the level of spirit saint but the journey isn't as easy as he had hoped it to be.

EDIAL · Fantasía
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7 Chs


A year had pass since the awakening ceremony and Lucryn and Lucy were now ready to go to the capital to take the spirit academy examination, Early in the morning when the sun was still making its way to the sky to shower its light the duo woke up and prepared to set off but just as they were about to leave they met a huge crowd outside, it was the villagers who had gathered to send them off in a grand style. A man walked out from the crowd and moved towards them he had a well-built body he seemed to be in his middle ages and from his aura alone one could tell he was a warrior.

"Did you plan on leaving without saying goodbye you idiots" the man said with mild voice.

The duo looked at him and turned their heads away from him and watched the woman who stood behind him a couple of steps away and walked towards her, she opened her arms and the two. Tears began to fall from their eyes as if they had lost someone, when the man saw this he shouted and said to the duo. "HEY why are you not also giving me a hug?"

"Shut up old man why the hell would we give you a hug" the two said.

"Come on Ray dear don't worry am, sure you would get one" the lady said

"Hera you know these brats won't do it you I know them better done any one" Ray said.

When he said that the whole village began to laugh this lightened the mood. Ray and Hera were the ones who took care of Lucryn and Lucy and could be said to be their adoptive parents they treated the two like their own and they treated them like their parents and villagers also treated them nicely, Ray was the village chief and was once spirit knight he trained the two since childhood and knew them better than anyone.

After saying their goodbyes, the two left the village and began their journey to the capital city of the Endra kingdom. The two walked for days sleeping and training as the journeyed to the capital as they travelled they had been born again they learnt about things they never knew met people and had more motivation and began to appreciate life. Journeying for a week the two came to a stop they had encountered a carriage being attacked by bandits and the guards protecting it had been outnumbered, when the two was this they decided to take their time and think of a plan to help but suddenly the leader of the bandits had taken down the guards and broken the carriage when Lucryn saw this he couldn't remain calm he dashed towards the bandit leader and landed a punch on his face.

The bandit leader flew into a tree not far away when the other bandits noticed what had just happened they were shocked whiles being shocked Lucy had taken this chance to also take out the lackeys. Lucryn turned to look at the person in the carriage to see if his help was needed but the moment he turned all he saw were two figures one female one male, the girl seemed to be fine but the person in her arms was not he was worry a military uniform and seemed to have been injured badly the man looked someone in his forties but the girl was so far back that her face couldn't be only the pure white garment she wore.

Whilst lost in thought the bandit leader stood up and also launched an attack at he dashed at him and threw his leg when the girl in the carriage saw this she quickly screamed at him to watch out this drew his attention but it was too late the kick had already landed he was thrown into the ground like an egg.

"Think you can beat me you little rat do you know who I am? Am the leader of the most wanted bandit group the black tigers am known as black horn and am a level 5 spirit master" the bandit leader said.

"Just a level 5 spirit master and you are making a fuss out of it; you should do better because that kick was nothing let me show you what a real kick looks like.

Lucryn stood up unscathed as if nothing had happened the soldiers and bandits were shocked by what they saw, Black horn's kick had caused the ground to shatter when his kick landed on Lucryn and knowing that it was impossible for him to come out unscathed but from they were seeing he was fine .Whiles the bystanders were shocked Lucryn disappeared from where he stood and before Black horn could react he was kicked from behind he instantly felt his whole body being crushed to the ground by Lucryn's leg the scene unveiling before their eyes was unbelievable .The black tigers were truly the most wanted bandit group because of Black horn he was truly a strong spirit master and many powerful spirit knights had died by his hands when they tried to capture him but now a kid out of nowhere is fighting him on an equal footing.

 Lucy was not surprised by what was happening knowing how hard her brother had trained it was obvious he would be this strong, but something else caught her attention the duo in the carriage didn't look like ordinary people especially the girl. The way she dressed was different and her spirit energy was off the chart and with the level and number of guards around her it was obvious she wasn't a simple figure.

The battle was unbelievable the bandits and the soldiers who were at odds with each other now stood together to watch the battle unveiling before them, Black horn was at his end when he noticed that he couldn't beat Lucryn at hand combat so decided to end it with his strongest skill he took a few steps back and began his attack. Air could be seen gathering around him it formed a huge tornado as it gathered the whole forest turned dark as Black horn used his skill, the soldiers had lost all hope of surviving this but at the same time the injured soldier in the carriage with girl had also recovered and was ready to fight but his injury was to serious that after being healed by the girl with him just as he was struggling to get up and protect his soldiers someone held him back.

Lucy who after taking down the other bandits went to check up on her brother but she got the she noticed the situation had gone wrong and wanted to finish off Black horn before him released his attack but stopped when she noticed the scene happening in the carriage.

"You why are you stopping me your friend is going to die including us all if I don't stop that attack now" the soldier said in a worried tone.

"Keep quiet and watch that idiot brother of mine wont loose to the likes of him" Lucy said with a confident look on her face.

This made the duo confused they couldn't believe what Lucy had just said, the thought of a level 1 spirit master defeating a level 5 spirit master was unheard of but now they were being told that it was possible by a girl they didn't even know. Lucryn who was the target of the attack stood there calmly without any fear in him quietly looking at black horn as he ready his attack, he took a glimpse at the carriage and when he saw Lucy standing beside it he got startled but when his eyes fell on the girl his whole demeanour changed he was brimming with confidence and in that moment his spirit energy shot up it could be seen flowing out him like a water fall the amount of spirit energy he was releasing was impossible for a level 1 spirit master to have that what was going through everyone's mind .

When Black horn saw this he was unfazed and immediately launched his attack at Lucryn "Wind arts [Serpent tornado]" the huge tornado transformed into a serpent and moved towards Lucryn at a terrifying speed destroyed anything as it approached him, When the soldiers thought all was lost they saw Lucryn laughing this confused them some even thought he was crazy whiles others saw it as his last moment of joy but Lucy also started laughing and this made the duo beside her more confused.

Just as the attack was about to hit him Lucryn raised his hands towards the tornado serpent and in that moment it had stopped moving forward this scene shocked the people around but just as he stopped the attack something more mind blowing happened the dark and cloudy sky lit up as if the sun was descending "Light arts[Doom break]"Suddenly a small ball of light fell from the sky and when it hit the ground the ball exploded releasing tiny light particles it was as if time slowed down as the tiny light particles hovered in the air.

And true everything had slowed down Lucryn's [Doom break] was a seal art that stops the flow of time when his spiritual energy comes into contact with nature and allows him to do anything within 10 seconds. As the time slowed down Lucryn sent a sword strike towards the tornado serpent and one towards Black horn just as the time was up the tornado serpent had exploded turning back into the winds and Black horn could be seen laying on the ground bleeding profusely.

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