

Born an orphan but blessed with great power Lucryn competes with his twin sister Lucy to see who becomes the strongest spirit master and reach the pinnacle of the spirit master world the level of spirit saint but the journey isn't as easy as he had hoped it to be.

EDIAL · Fantasy
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7 Chs


 In the Endra kingdom spirit masters are ranked from level 1 to 10 and each level has a title that is given to the spirit master and the highest is known as a spirit saint, those who reach this stage are said to be on the level of gods but no one has ever reached that level before so it's said to be a myth.

And also the Endra kingdom made sure that after the awakening ceremony the children were given the chance to study about spirit arts and the spirit master world giving them a chance to do great things with their life no matter their background and with this opportunity Lucy and Lucryn had a chance of becoming stronger and achieving their goal.

The duo left the tower and began their journey home; they walked for about an hour and half before reaching their village. The village was called blue moon village it was located within the its residents numbered up to a hundred and it was not in a good condition but they called it home, on top of a hill not far away from the village sat a shack at the far edge of the hill it was crumbling but it was able to house the duo. 

Lucryn and Lucy were abandoned at birth and grew up due to the help of the villagers they've been together for 15 years looking out for each .And due to the love shown by the villagers the two considered them as family and with that idea the two took an oath to grow strong and protect the villagers that they considered family, when they arrived a basket full of food was left at the door step Lucy took it in and started to prepare dinner .After a while everything was set the two sat at the table and began to eat, the sun had already began to set and the fire flies had begun to illuminate the dark with their lights .

Whiles eating Lucy stared at Lucryn with deadly eyes and said "We will begin our training at dawn and don't slack off or else you won't be able to enter spirit academy"

"I don't need to train, am going to be accepted into any spirit academy I join so don't worry about that"

Lucy immediately hit his head with the ladle in her hands whiles yelling at him for being an idiot but a few moments later the two began to laugh for no reason.

"You are right it's going to be difficult for me to learn light arts since light element is not suited for combat but rather support but am sure I can figure out something, but are you confident in using two elements my great and powerful elder sister. " 

Lucryn said with a smile on his face whiles looking at Lucy, when she heard what he said she also couldn't help but smile back. " You never miss even the slightest details, even the supervisor who was at level 6 didn't even notice but you my idiot brother who is not even at level 1 yet figured out that I had a second element, but don't think you are the only smart one here not only did you awakened the rare light element but you also got the rare dark element. It's true that I got two elements the water element and the rare lighting element and with my innate spirit energy at 85 people would call me a genius but you they would call a disaster." The two laughed whiles they ate their dinner and after a while they were done eating they both cleared the table and took care of the dishes and when everything was done the duo went their separate ways.

Lucryn walked towards the forest not far away from the village the place was so dark that one may get lost if care was not taken, but Lucryn walked through the forest like as if he knew it like the back of his palm, a few moments later he came to a stop in front of a hundred-meter-tall hill. He begun to climb to the top of the hill it wasn't an easy task but strangely when he got to the summit his face wasn't at least a bit tired, nor was he panting. His expression appeared pleased and content, he sat down and the hilltop with his eyes looking to the east slowly starting to inhale through his nose, gently exhaling through his mouth; he continued and it became a cycle. During this process spirit energy could be seen gathering around him and a faint trace of golden spirit energy seemed to flash in the spirit energy, the golden one was his own whiles the other the natural spirit energy.

Lucryn was learning how to control spirit energy more efficiently and try to learn ways he use them, as he continued his spirit became so focused that he no longer exhaled only the spirit energy was could be seen revolving around him till morning.

 On top the hill Lucryn was still seated in the lotus position still learning to control spirit energy his body was drenched in sweat and he was stinking he hadn't slept and was tired but he still kept his ground whiles in that position, after a while he opened and in an instant a wave of spirit energy came out of him. "Finally am now at level 1, who knew training to reach the first level would be this hard "he said with joyful expression whiles standing up.

When he stood up he could hear the cracking sound of his bones so he stretched his body a little but when his eyes fell on the rising sun he couldn't help but be mesmerized by its beauty, after a resting for a while he started his training again. Now that he had reached level 1 he had the spirit energy to use spirit arts and but since he didn't know of any light arts he had to create his own. In the spirit continent spirit arts are the skills which one possess and it differs based on their spirit element and the way they are created depends on the wielder but creating one without knowing anything about the element is something people like Lucryn found difficult, he sat under a tree nearby thinking of what his first spirit art should be but suddenly he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Wake up you lazy idiot why are you sleeping at this time of the day" it was Lucy who came to check up on him since he hadn't been home since last night.

"Am not sleeping you tigress am thinking of an art" Lucy was about to knock him out when he called her a tigress but stop after hearing what he said later on, when Lucryn saw that he wasn't hit he looked at Lucy only to see her smiling at him with a weird face. Lucryn was confused at first but when he saw Lucy moving away from him and began to use her lighting spirit seal he knew that she had already gotten her first spirit art.

As Lucy began to use her spirit arts multiple lightning bolts appeared in the sky and began to merge into each other whiles moving towards Lucy at a terrifying speed ,Lucryn who was witnessing this couldn't help but be marvel by the scene before him .Just as the lightning bolts were about to reach Lucy they all merged into one and become a spear made of lightning ,the power of the lightning bolts where so powerful that as they merged a huge wave of spirit energy was emanating from the lightning spear which gave Lucryn shivers but Lucy didn't stop there she used her water spirit element and began to absorb the water from everything around her and allowed the absorbed water to take the form of a trident .In her left hand was the lightning spear and in her right hand was he trident

"See that you Lucryn that's what it takes to be a prodigy so show me what you can do weakling"

"Wow you really know how to put on a good show Lucy and I never had a doubt that you wouldn't be able to use lightning magic but don't you think that you are going to leave me in the dust"

Lucryn raised his right hand to the sky and suddenly nine rays of light could be seen in a circular form with the ninth one in the middle and the remaining eight around it, Lucryn closed his hands and in that moment the eight beams merged together with the ninth one when Lucy saw this she couldn't believe it, the rays of light that merged together had formed a sword made of light and it burned as hot as the sun it hovered in the air above Lucryn and when he brought down his hand the sword descended slowly towards him and grabbed it he then pointed it at Lucy and said .

"Now what do you think about that great prodigy"

"Shut up you thief "

Lucy said feeling excited the twins were excited by what the other was capable of doing and couldn't keep it hidden, Lucy also raised her lightning spear and pointed it at Lucryn just as the two were about to fight Lucy held back and said let's put a hold this we will fight each other when the time is right but before that show me your other spirit art.

Lucryn nodded to her idea and stretch forth his hand suddenly the dark element began to merge together but this time it was hard the dark element was the opposite of the light element so the method of control was different. He thought of ways to merge the dark element but couldn't until suddenly he noticed something, the light element had the property of illuminating everything whiles the dark element swallowed everything, immediately he thought of that the dark element began to devour each other and after a while another sword appeared in his hands this one was pitch black and released huge amounts of dark energy.

When Lucy saw this she couldn't help but be shocked her brother had managed create an art on his first try after watching her use hers though it took her a single night to create her first one she trained really hard but her brother got it on his first try. The two drew back their power and fell to the ground feeling exhausted they had used too much spirit energy that they couldn't even move. 

"So what are you going to name your light and dark art" Lucy asked breathing heavily

"Don't know yet but you can give it a name since I stole the idea from you and what about you what's the name of yours" Lucryn said 

"Alright I will give you a name and you will also give mine one since I also don't have a name yet, ok let's see for your light art call it [sword of light] and your dark arts call it [dark moon] so what do think"

Lucryn stared at her for a while before speaking up "The dark moon sounds pretty cool but don't you think that sword of light sounds lame and plain come on the sword is literally made of light" 

Lucy punched him in the face so hard that he almost passed out she then told him to give a name to her arts. He was silent for a while as he thought of a name for her two arts and after brainstorming said "[Lightning hasta] and [lance of Neptune]" Lucy looked at him and started laughing at him but after a while thanked him.

From that day the duo trained and prepared for the spirit academy examinations which would be held a year later.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

EDIALcreators' thoughts