
Reborn With the Power Recreation System

Wow, it seems like I died. Though, I got some wishes in the end, so I guess it wasn't that bad. Oh, yeah! My name is Zach, and I died via Truck-Kun whilst on my way back from the anime convention! (Please give any suggestions on how to improve my writing, due to my writing skills just now being developed due to a situation! Give any suggestions with how the story should go or develop, along with any bad parts I write, as well! Will try to update daily!)

Space_Time · Cómic
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10 Chs

Prologue Part 1 : Reincarnation: Dying isn't so bad, after all!


'look' : Zach's thoughts

"look" dialogue

[look] system

{look} author speaking (me!)

"𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬" Zach speaking to system


'Wow, that anime conference sure was uneventful... They didn't even include my favorite anime, One Punch Man, in the conversation!' I thought to myself, whilst I walked down the street. "SCREEEECH!" Suddenly, the sound of screeching tires could be heard to my right. 'Huh? What's Tha-'I think, before I was promptly run over by Truck-kun.



Darkness. Darkness was all that encapsulated my vision. I felt stunned. 'Am I dead? Is this what the afterlife is? Just an eternity in darkness? Or is this simply a transition to the afterlife? Wait, am I in an isekai or something? Is a godly figure or something gonna show up and give me three wishes and whatnot? Or am I simply overthinking this? Man, if I really am in an isekai, I hope it isn't a hentai. I'm not that kind of person, after all, ' I pondered my situation.

Then, as if my eyes had been opened, the darkness suddenly left, revealing me to be in a fancy study. Lining the walls were rows of bookcases, each containing dozens of mysterious books. Then, in the middle, was me and... someone.

They looked to be about 21-30 year old male, and, despite their young appearance, seemed to hold a sort of wisdom that was only obtained through experience. His attire consisted of a smooth black leather jacket, a white t-shirt, and blue pants.

Currently though, they were in a relaxed position, leaning backwards into their chair. 'What? Where am I? I guess I really am in an isekai, after all? So, based on that assumption, the person in front of me should be Go-' I realized my situation whilst pondering of where I am, before my thoughts were interrupted by the person in front of my coughing into their hand loudly.

"I'm quite against being thought of as God, so I'd be grateful if you referred to me as Quinn. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you think you know the deal ; Three wishes and the world of your choosing, but that isn't the case this time!" The man eagerly announced, proceeding to snap his fingers very loudly.

Two wheels suddenly appeared on both sides of him. The one on his left had a golden rim, and had a seemingly endless amount of options on it. The one on his left, instead, had a platinum rim, and had an equally endless amount of options on it.

"This time, It's going to be different! Instead of getting to choose your world, you'll be reincarnated into the world that the wheel lands on! Same with the system you get, as well!" Quinn informed me with a grin on his face.Quinn then proceeded to snap, causing the wheel on his left to spin at unrivaled speeds, before suddenly and abruptly stopping on 𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝙋𝙐𝙉𝘾𝙃 𝙈𝘼𝙉.

'WHAT????? What is this luck?! How did I manage to land on One Punch Man? Well, no matter how that occurred, this is the best possible world I can be reincarnated in, considering my vast knowledge of its timeline. However, this doesn't mean it's not dangerous, especially since I can be reincarnated into city Z. Oh, sure, Saitama DID guard it during the entirety of the series, but what about 10 years before? The whole reason why it was abandoned was due to a high monster population. The cities that were rampaged by monsters, to my knowledge, were city J, city B, city A, city C, city S, city Y, and I think that's all. But city A, city Y, and city S were attacked very late into the story, so no worry if I reincarnate into them, so that just leaves city B, city J, city C, and city Z that have major monster attacks occur in them. Even if I do reincarnate in one of those cities, I can just leave eventually when those attacks are about to happen,' I was ecstatic at the world I was gonna be reincarnated into, before Quinn proceeded to cough into his hand yet again to get my attention.

"Anyways, the wheel on my right will determine your system!" He exclaimed, before snapping loudly once more. The wheel on his right then proceeded to spin at equally unrivaled speeds, before suddenly and abruptly stopping on 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙊𝙒𝙀𝙍 𝙍𝙀𝘾𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 𝙎𝙔𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙈.

'The Power Recreation System? So, recreation means "the act or process of creating something again", so to recreate powers is to create a power again. So, I assume that it has to have a source to recreate a power from. If so, then that means that it could recreate powers from comics, such as DC and Marvel comics, and manga, such as Naruto and Dragon Ball. Which means that I could potentially get super overpowered powers such as Superman's powers, or maybe even god's power from One Punch Man! Though, it will most likely be in the form of a gacha system. If so, then it will definitely have the more powerful powers locked behind rankings such as SR and SSR. If not, it'll probably then be a shopping system, where you earn currency from completing quests from the system, which you can then use to purchase powers that get increasingly higher in price as they get stronger. Anyways, It'll probably get explained to me in a moment, anyways," I pondered about what the system could potentially be, before having my attention redirected by Quinn promptly coughing into his hand.

"Okay, now that that's done, it's about time for the fun part!" Quinn exclaimed, clasping his hands together whilst leaning closer to the table. "Basically, you get three non-overpowered wishes, which I will dictate whether they are overpowered or not!" Quinn exclaimed, grinning in anticipation of what I assume is what my wishes will be. Three green vials then appeared above him. "Oh yeah, if you're interested why his wishes are limited, dear viewers," Quinn suddenly says, confusing me while he turns his head to an empty space. "It's so that he can provide a higher level of enjoyment, and not breeze through his obstacles!" He says, before turning his head back to me.

'Who is he talking to? Don't tell me that there are beings like The Presence that are watching... or am I in a fanfiction? Am I breaking the fourth wall? Wait, what exactly does that tell of Quinn's power, if he is able to see through the veil of reality? If so, then am I actually real? Is this all just the ideas of a random person in the actual real world? Okay, no need to start doubting my existence over a simple piece of dialogue with a seemingly non-existent figure, I just need to think about what my wishes are gonna be. Honestly, there are many things that I could wish for as my first wish. But, if I'm thinking about things that would actually benefit me, then a sort of growth enhancing ability would help me far more than any other ability. This is due to not many anime or comic characters having a growth enhancing ability that isn't way too overpowered, so they would be way rarer than a typical ability. Even then, growth enhancers won't benefit me much later on, as I'll have likely already gotten a better substitute that can do the same thing. Still, I'll make sure to include a growth enhancing ability into my wishes. I'll use Garou as the derivative. However, a much more useful ability would be a luck enhancing ability, as it would be a massive help even much later on, as not many characters have luck-enhancing or luck-based abilities. The only character I can think of that has some sort of luck-enhancing ability is King, and even that is heavily debated. But, I'll instead wish for the ultimate plot device, PLOT ARMOR! Though, he'll very likely reject that wish, so I'll wish for an extreme luck skill or something instead if he rejects it," I pondered my wishes before stating them.

"Then, if I can, I'd like to wish for Plot Armor as my first wish," I stated my wish in anticipation.

"That counts as a Divine ability, so no. As a replacement, the skill Extreme Luck shall be it's substitute," Quinn responded, much to my disappointment. He proceeded to snap, causing the first green vial to shatter.

"Okay, that's fine. I'd like to obtain Cosmic Garou's talent and potential for my second wish," I asked with anticipation, testing to see if I could get a massive growth boost.

"Unfortunately, that'd be way too powerful as well. Would you like to use that second wish to obtain base Garou's talent and potential, instead?" He responded, much to my disappointment once more. "That's fine with me," I responded. Quinn then snapped, causing the second green vial to shatter.

'What should my final wish be? What is an ability that would help me a lot, whilst also not being too overpowered for him to reject it? Time manipulation? No, he would reject that for sure. Space manipulation? No, that's also way too powerful. What would be able to help me with developing things other than my body and mind? What even is there besides the mind and body? Mind, body, and... SOUL! Soul manipulation!' I pondered and came to the conclusion of what my final wish would be.

"My final wish is to have the ability to manipulate my soul," I stated my wish, causing Quinn to raise his eyebrow. "That's an interesting wish! I didn't think I'd get such a roundabout wish on my 1st person. Though, I'll have to downgrade it a bit, to where you can only manipulate your soul in tiny amounts, if that's fine with you!" He responded enthusiastically, straightening his posture whilst grinning. "I accept!" I exclaim dramatically whilst grinning.

"Great!" He exclaimed whilst snapping, causing the third and final green vial to shatter. "Just so you know, this won't be our last meeting. You'll appear in this room whenever a main quest triggers or is completed, so that you can obtain details surrounding it or to obtain the rewards. Any and all other quests, with few exceptions, will be automatically done by the system," He informed me, whilst standing up from his chair. "Oh and also, make sure not to make deals with any god, they're most likely gonna take something vital from you," He once more informed, offering a handshake. "Make sure to train hard, this isn't the normal One Punch Man you have grown used to, by the way!" He told me after I accepted his handshake, confusing me. Unfortunately, I couldn't continue with that thought before I blacked out.

Hi everyone! Finally got this chapter out! Please leave comments and suggestions on how to improve my writing, story, and overall skill with storymaking! Publishing next chapter within the next day, or even today at the earliest! Thank you for taking a look at my books, readers, and have a great rest of your day! =)


Space_Timecreators' thoughts