
Reborn With the Power Recreation System

Wow, it seems like I died. Though, I got some wishes in the end, so I guess it wasn't that bad. Oh, yeah! My name is Zach, and I died via Truck-Kun whilst on my way back from the anime convention! (Please give any suggestions on how to improve my writing, due to my writing skills just now being developed due to a situation! Give any suggestions with how the story should go or develop, along with any bad parts I write, as well! Will try to update daily!)

Space_Time · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Prologue Part 2 : Overpowered Cheats Are a Great Starterpack!


'look' : Zach's thoughts

"look" dialogue

[look] system

{look} Author's note during story

"look" Zach speaking to system


Slowly, my consciousness returned. I gradually became aware of the sticky substance coating my body, the darkness enveloping my 'vision', and my inability to move or perform any function besides thinking. 'Where am I? Why is there a sticky substance coating my body? Why can't I breathe? How am I alive right now if I can't breathe? What am I? Let's start from the beginning ; I got run over by Truck-kun, but what happened after? I appeared in a sort of library and... reincarnated? Okay, so if I got reincarnated, then I should be in a baby's body right now. If that's the case, then how am I gonna train during those nine months? Maybe I can practice using my soul manipulation skill during these nine months?' I assess my situation, before something similar to a gui from a game appeared in the top right corner of my 'vision' , displaying a notification followed by a noise.


[System Initializing!]

[10% Complete...]

[30% Complete...]

[50% Complete...]

[80% Complete...]

[100% Complete!]

[System Initialized]

'Ah yes, there was a system as well. Might as well see what it offers!' I thought, before speaking to the system. "System, what features do you have?" I questioned the system.

[Understood. System currently has these features:]




[Which feature do you wish to use?]

"I would like to use the stats feature," I respond, resulting in the gui expanding to show me my stats.

[Stats :

Strength : 0.0001 (Adult=1)

Speed : 0.0001 (Adult=1)

Durability : 0.0001 (Adult=1)

Endurance : 1 (Adult=1)

Stamina : 0.01 (Adult=1)

Intelligence : 1 (Adult=1)

Senses : 0.01 (Adult=1)

Talent : 1,000 (Adult=0.1)

Luck : 100 (Adult=1)

Potential : 1,000 (Adult=0.1)

Skill : 0.5 (Adult=1)

Soul : 0.001 (Special Stat)

Stat Points (SP) : 0

Powers/Abilities :

Extraordinary Luck : User is extraordinarily lucky. Luck is increased by a factor of 1,000

Viewer of Phenomena : User is extraordinarily gifted in the detection, analysis, and usage of phenomena. The user's talent is increased by a factor of 1,000.

Astounding Potential : The user has an astounding amount of potential. The user's potential is increased by a factor of 1,000]

'Most of these stats seem familiar to me. However, the Soul and Endurance stats aren't that familiar. Aren't endurance and durability the same? Why two separate stats?' I contemplated, before deciding to ask the system. "System, can you explain to me what the Soul and Endurance stats do?" I question.


Soul : One's control over their own soul.

Endurance : One's mental fortitude, tenacity, and perseverance.]

'Ah I see. That makes sense now that I think about it. However, there's still one thing I've forgot to check,' I remembered about the typical starter package.

"System, do you have a starter package for me?" I ask, remembering the typical starter package protagonists with gamer systems get in web novels.

[Yes. Host has 1x Starter Package ready for them. Do you wish to open it? Y/N]

"Yes, open the starter package, System!" I ecstatically responded, hoping for an overpowered starter pack.

[Opening 1x Starter Package...

Recieved :

-10x Gacha Tickets

-10 SP

-100 Shop Coins]

'HUH? Wow. Ten whole stat points!? Though it's tempting to put them into talent or potential, I'd rather not. Considering the ten Gacha tickets, it'd be better for me to invest all ten stat points into my luck stat in order to get the most I can from the drawing!' I thought, ecstatic at the overpowered starter package. I decided to invest my stat points into my luck stat before doing anything else. 'I should probably check out the shop feature now,' I decided.

"System, show me the shop feature," I commanded the system, causing my consciousness to transition to a new location.

Suddenly being able to see once more, I viewed my surroundings. The place I was in appeared to be an expansive mall, with bright neon blue lights along the walls, illuminating the entire mall with neon blue.The ceiling couldn't be seen.

The material of the floor seemed to be made of a smooth white material, whilst the walls were contrasting, being made of a smooth black material. The mall was structured in floors, with each floor appearing to be circular.

Stairs covered in red carpet lead to each floor, with each floor having a balustrade acting as a boundary. The floors themselves seemed to spiral into infinity vertically, though I don't know if they also expanded infinitely horizontally as well.

Anyways, from what I can see from my floor, each floor has many stores located on it, each one harboring it's own goods and/or services.

[The shop contains many items, being ranked based on it's power, ability, and condition. The rankings are:








The item's price depends on it's ranking]

'Interesting.I wonder if the shop contains items such as a stand arrow or requiem arrow. If so, what ranking would they be? Probably gold or ruby, considering how powerful a stand induced by a requiem arrow can be, a prime example being Gold Experience Requiem. Anyways, I should probably check out the Gacha section now and use my Gacha Tickets!' I pondered, before deciding to check out the Gacha feature. "System, show me the Gacha feature now," I commanded the system, a roulette wheel appearing in front of me.

[The Gacha feature is used to obtain abilities from pieces of fiction. This is the main component of The Power Recreation System, as it allows for the recreation of powers from fiction. The Gacha feature currently has only 1 option for now, which is the anime roulette wheel. This allows you to obtain powers from characters in anime. Do you wish to use your 10x Gacha tickets? Y/N]

"Yes, system! I wish to use all my Gacha Tickets!" I respond enthusiastically, ecstatic for what I'll get with my luck.

[Used 10x Gacha Tickets]

Suddenly, nine more roulette wheels appeared in front of me, all spinning at astounding speeds. Then, as quickly as it started, they all abruptly stopped and landed on their options. Four stood out from the others, with two of them emitting a purplish aura and the other two a golden one.

[You have obtained-

Soul Training Manual (Rare)

Basic Ki Manual (DBZ Uncommon)

Valentine's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (JJBA Legendary)

Rimuru's Thought Acceleration (TENSURA Epic)

Fire Resistant Skin (MHA Rare)

One For All : Izuku Midoryia (MHA Epic)

Force Absorption (MHA Uncommon)

Minor Poison Resistance (DS Common)

Revolver (DC Common)

Tatsumaki's Psychokinesis (OPM Legendary)]

'Well... I got much more than what I asked for! Though, I should definitely ask what the rankings are, considering that I got 2 legendaries with my luck,' I was ecstatic yet confused at the result of me getting two legendaries, so I decided to question the system about it along with something else that was bugging me. "System, how exactly do the Gacha rates work? And how do they integrate into my body, soul, and mind?" I questioned the system.

[Understood. The Gacha rates are listed below :

Powers/Abilities -

Common : 90%

Uncommon : 5%

Rare : 3%

Unique : 1%

Epic : 0.5%

Legendary : 0.25%

Mythical : 0.05%

Divine : 0.01%

Godly : ???%

Nothing : ???%


Items -

N : 90%

UN : 5%

R : 3%

U : 1%

E : 0.5%

SR : 0.25%

SU : 0.05%

SE : 0.01%

Ω : ???%

∞ : ???%

Nothing : ???%


As for your other question, the integration of powers, items, especially abilities of which are natural to the character being integrated, shall be done through the user's skill and/or capability to merge with said power. This is due to some powers being too potent or powerful for the user to start using immediately after getting them. A percentage of capability, or ability with using the power/ability in question whenever it exceeds 100%, shall be displayed beside the power/ability. The power's abilities shall be multiplied by how much you have integrated with it, in order for it to keep up with your capabilities. This is due to my creator, Quinn, deciding to incorporate the "Progressive System" into my module.

You have unlocked the feature :


Do you wish to explore this feature? Y/N]

"Yes, System" I responded, causing a black GUI to replace the previously blue GUI.

[Integrations :

Valentine's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap : 0%

Rimuru's Thought Acceleration : 0%

Izuku Midoryia's One For All : 0%

Tatsumaki's Psychokinesis : 0%]

{Side Note : The system ONLY needs to integrate specific characters' powers. Automatically masters non-descriptive powers such as Force Absorption or anything alike, and cannot master them any further besides methods of which I will not inform you of :). }

'The only power I'll be able to practice whilst in the womb is Rimuru's thought acceleration, it seems. Though, it'll prove very useful later on whenever I'm fighting, giving me the ability to think of plans during critical moments in battle. Wow, now that I think about it, Great Sage was probably the strongest skill he had back when he reincarnated, considering how useful it was. His Predator skill, whilst overpowered, didn't simplify the information it digested. What could've potentially taken weeks for his brain to decode took seconds with Great Sage's help. Plus, I already got another component of Great Sage besides Thought Acceleration, Viewer of Phenomena, which seems extremely overpowered. Whilst it does boost my talent by a factor of 1,000, it will most likely be a huge help with understanding phenomena that I don't understand. Though, how exactly did I obtain that skill? Didn't I wish for Garou's talent and potential? How did that... wait a second! Don't tell me he actually gave me a downgraded version of Cosmic Garou's ability. Cosmic Garou was able to do exactly that, but to a greater degree, being able to understand and use Blast's dimensional technique with just a mere glance. Whilst I most likely won't be able to perform such an absurd feat with this skill in its current stages, it has potential to become brokenly overpowered! Along with that, I have two other overpowered abilities! Power-wise, however, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, or D4C, is much more brokenly overpowered than Tatsumaki's psychokinesis. With its dimension-hopping ability, along with its added side effect of near-immortality, it's leagues above Tatsumaki's psychokinesis. I'll most likely be able to master them both in roughly the same amount of time. With my Thought Acceleration and Viewer of Phenomena , I'll be able to analyze and understand the process and usages of psychokinesis very quickly. But, at that same rate, I'll be able to understand D4C due to my special connection with my soul. D4C, being a manifestation of my soul, will be easier to use and understand. Anyways, I should probably-' I thought over my skills and powers before being interrupted by a notification in my 'vision'. {Should I continue him thoroughly thinking about things? Or is it getting annoying? Let me know!}

[New title obtained! 'Apprentice Thinker' achieved! 'Titles' feature obtained!

Stats -

Name : Zach Link (Former) ??? (Present)

Title(s) : Apprentice Thinker

Strength : 0.0001 (Adult=1)

Speed : 0.0001 (Adult=1)

Durability : 0.0001 (Adult=1)

Endurance : 1 (Adult=1)

Stamina : 0.01 (Adult=1)

Intelligence : 1 (Adult=1)

Senses : 0.01 (Adult=1)

Talent : 1,000 (Adult=0.1)

Luck : 1,000 (Adult=1)

Potential : 1,000 (Adult=0.1)

Skill : 0.5 (Adult=1)

Soul : 0.001 (Special Stat)

Stat Points (SP) : 0

Powers/Abilities :

Extraordinary Luck : User is extraordinarily lucky. Luck is increased by a factor of 1,000

Viewer of Phenomena : User is extraordinarily gifted in the detection, analysis, and usage of phenomena. The user's talent is increased by a factor of 1,000.

Astounding Potential : The user has an astounding amount of potential. The user's potential is increased by a factor of 1,000.

Fire Resistant Skin : The user's skin has a mild resistance to fire.

Force Absorption : The user has the ability to absorb the impact of a physical attack.

Minor Poison Resistance : The user has a mild resistance to poison.

{A second GUI appeared over the blue GUI, this time purple in color, with 60 slots and 3 filled}

Inventory :

Revolver : An ordinary Smith & Wesson 460V revolver. Comes with 20 rounds and can be restocked in shop for currency.

Soul Training Manual : A manual that instructs on the beginner steps of training your soul. Must be able to manipulate your soul.

Basic Ki Manual : A manual that instructs you how to control and use your inner lie energy in the form of ki.

Do you wish to view the Titles feature? Y/N]

"Yes, I would, System," I responded, resulting in a golden GUI appearing.

[Titles -

Apprentice Thinker : Gives the user 10% increased processing speed and mental capacity]

'Wow. Even though it may seem unimpressive, a whole 10% increase in processing speed and mental capacity is extremely useful, and will be especially useful whilst I'm training my Psychokinesis and Thought Acceleration! Along with that, it'll further increase my battle prowess!' I concluded, ecstatic at the results.

'Now that all the power-dumping is over, however, I should get on with training my soul,' I decided. I attempted to, as my first attempt, form a room in my soul. Pouring my full concentration into the task, I started slowly forming a chamber in my soul.




After an unknown amount of time, I was finally able to form a sort of 'chamber' within my soul! Although it was only 3 meters by 3 meters by 3 meters, it was great progress in my opinion. Though, I don't know how much time has passed, so it could be either bad or good progress. "System, how much time has passed since I've started manipulating my soul?" I asked the system, curious as to how much time had passed whilst I was concentrated.

[Understood. Approximately 17 hours, 34 minutes, 50 seconds, and 84 milliseconds had passed]

'HUH??? I was concentrated for THAT long? Wow, I guess that really was bad progress. But, it is my first time doing this, so I'm sure it isn't that bad. Though, other than trying to expand this chamber, I should probably start on trying to strengthen my soul. Wait, why was I even trying to make a chamber in the first place? Oh yeah! It was so that I could practice with my fighting skills! Well, I should probably try strengthening my soul, as that will most likely increase the integration of my powers overall!' I concluded, assembling a body in my 'chamber' before sitting down in a meditative pose.

Of course, the meditative pose was only for extra effect. Making a plan in my head, I decided that the best course of action would be to make a routine for me to go by.

It would be split up into three eight-hour segments; one for strengthening my soul; one for expanding and improving my 'chamber'; one for improving my fighting skills. Obviously, the System would be the timer for each eight hour segment. "System, what time is it now in the real world?" I inquire.

{The System has the ability to tell basic things such as time, direction the user is facing, etc, based on forces of attraction}

[Understood. It is currently 19:57] {Using military time}

'Okay, so from 0:00-8:00, I will be working on my 'chamber', from 8:00-16:00, I will be working on my skills with fighting and such. From 16:00-23:59, I will be working on strengthening my soul,' I decided my plan of action, proceeding to deeply concentrate on my soul. 'So, to start off, what composes the soul? The soul is composed of our life energy, then what? It's also composed of our character, memories, and personality. If I'm not wrong, souls should be the manifestation of both our consciousness and subconscious, combined into one identity. Through my soul, I was able to pass on from my original world and into this world.' I continued this thought process, analyzing my soul for the rest of the 8 hours. At the end of those 8 hours, however, a notification appeared in my vision.

[Comprehension of |Workings of The Soul| has increased by 0.01%. 'Comprehension' feature unlocked! Do you wish to explore this feature? Y/N]

'The 'Comprehension' feature? Why does this system have such specific features? Well, I guess it isn't bad to be organized. I guess I'll check it out,' I decided. "Yes, System," I responded. A orange GUI quickly replaced the blue GUI after I responded.

[Comprehension :

Workings of The Soul - 0.0025%]

'I... The amount I've comprehended about the soul is so incredibly small. To put it into perspective, 0.01% is 100x less than 1%, and 1% is 100x less than 1%. Yet, I've comprehended 1/4 of 1/10,000 of how the soul works, in a span of 8 HOURS! To put that further into perspective, if I were to devote all my time, every day, with absolutely NO roadblocks, for all of my nine months in the womb, I'd STILL not even reach an increase of 3% comprehension! At most, I would have an increase of 2% comprehension in the soul!' I rambled on in my mind about how insignificant of a percentage it was, before I was reassured by the system.

[Host, achieving a whole 0.0025% comprehension of the soul, one of the most complicated designs in this universe, is an astounding feat all by itself. But, without anything besides your own soul to observe, along with it being your first time, it is spectacular progress!]

'The System has emotions? That is definitely rare for sure. Well, I guess that I've made good progress, considering what the System said. Anyways, I should go ahead and start focusing on improving my 'chamber',' I decided, doing exactly that.




{9 months later, because I don't want this to drag on any longer}

'Over the months, I've heard very little from the outside, due to most, if not all, of my concentration being honed on getting better before getting born. This is due to how dangerous this world is. One second, you could be with your family for a lovely dinner, and the next, you and your family could be eradicated by a monster's punch. You have to learn how to survive in this world, as it was 'survival of the fittest' taken literally. Of course, whilst there wouldn't be that many monsters in my early years, there will eventually be many monsters later on as they get stronger and the monster association forms. Unfortunately, however, ONE hadn't finished One Punch Man whenever I died. In fact, there were many mysteries present in the webcomic. There are many gaps in my knowledge, and I'll just have to deal with it. In fact, I don't even know what monster events happened before Saitama's birth! I could be born BEFORE Saitama! Anyways, I'm about to be born anyways. How do I know this? Because I can feel myself contracting and vibrating,' I thought.

Suddenly, a ray of light hit my eyes, followed by a wave of pain {Honestly, I have no idea how to describe this scene}. 'Um... how do I open my eyes? AH yes! I just... um,' I try to figure out how to open my eyes, leaving me unsure of what exactly is occurring in the room besides me getting picked up and cradled. Then, after a few attempts, I was finally able to open my eyes. S̶u̶d̶d̶e̶n̶l̶y̶,̶ ̶I̶ ̶f̶e̶l̶t̶ ̶e̶x̶t̶r̶e̶m̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶c̶o̶l̶d̶ ̶'̶c̶h̶i̶l̶l̶'̶,̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶a̶ ̶h̶i̶g̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶i̶n̶g̶. Ignoring that obvious sign that something was wrong, I looked around to see where I was.

Holding me was who I assumed to be my mother, appearing to be 5 feet, 9 inches tall. She had lovely golden hair that stretched down to her waist, being beautifully brushed. She had fair skin, and was currently wearing a medical gown that, I assume, stretched down to her knees. With freckles dotting her face, she had lovely golden eyes. Currently, she was staring at me in what seemed to be joy.

To my right, a foot or so away, was a man who was currently standing up in front of one of the three chairs aligned by the wall. Having fairly well-combed black hair, he stood at a good 6 feet, 2 inches tall.

He had a good-looking face and wore the usual formal attire; a black business suit with a purple tie, along with black pants and smooth black tie. He seemed to have just been in a meeting, judging by his current attire. Unlike her, he had no freckles, with purple eyes. Same as her, however, he was also staring at me in what also seemed to be joy. He seemed to have... stars in his eyes? Is this an anime?

Then, standing beside my mom was who I assume to be the doctor. He had neatly combed light brown hair, and stood at a moderate height of 5 feet, 11 inches tall. He had an average looking face with no freckles on it, and wore a white coat, brown pants, and blue shoes.

He seemed to be talking to my dad, judging by the way his mouth was moving and how he was sharing the information of the paper on the clipboard, containing what I assumed to be medical information, with him. Unfortunately, I couldn't understand what he was saying along with what the paper said. Fortunately, however, I was able to quickly learn the language via the use of my |Viewer of Phenomena|, which made me able to understand them.

"-ut don't worry, sir, as this won't have any long term effects! In fact, it will most likely lead to your child developing extremely good memory and processing speed in the future! It will be especially helpful whenever your child inherits your company in the future!" I could hear the doctor explain to my father. 'Wait, what does he mean by me being able to develop extremely good memory and processing speed in the future? Maybe I potentially have a bigger brain? I don't really know anything about genetics or biology, so I'm just taking wild guesses,' I pondered, before I was handed to my dad, who was staring adoringly at me, by my mother. After she did so, my dad carried me out of the room. On our way out, however, I could feel something watching me, something extremely powerful...

Hello, readers! As I said the previous chapter, please leave any suggestions on how to improve my writing and/or story if you have any! Anyways, I am currently conflicted. Should I continue doing the bold/italics words, or transition to normal words?

1 = Keep bold/italics

2 = Get rid of it

{Already decided}

New chapter coming out tomorrow! {Nevermind. Reworks first}

Have a great day, everyone! =)

(Also, don't worry. Next chapter won't be such an info-dump, and will instead focus on his childhood and his training. Basically, next chapter is gonna be more story)

[Also also, will be doing editing tomorrow due to me not wanting to be sleep deprived]


Space_Timecreators' thoughts