
Reborn with Hancocks Superpowers in MHA

Guy dies, gets reincarnation into the MHA world. Nothing new.

The_Auth0r · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: The World of Power


A [Quirk] is a superhuman ability that a person can possess. Whether its breathing fire or having dimond skin, [Quirks] are unique to each and every single organism.

"John, are you reading those books again?" Mom said as she came over and picked me up from the ground. I was in Dads study reading up on the history of quirks.

Something about a baby being able to radiate light as soon as he came out the womb and that a random lady came up with the term, [Quirk]. People would then start calling her the mother of quirks and uhh, yeah.

I dropped the book on the floor as she lifted me up and turned me towards her. She had pale white skin with long brunette hair and brown eyes. She was exceptionally beautiful with a lean stature and above all else, a joyous smile.

I smiled and said, "Sorry, mommy.."

She shook her head then said, "There's no need to be sorry, John. I was just wondering if you actually were. Hey, what did you learn about?"

I nodded and she gestured me to go on. I then told her everything that was written in the book. Mostly everything. Some of it was really boring so I kept it out. Anyways, after I finished telling her, she sighed and said,

"How are you so smart when you're just four years old? Are you an alien baby?"

She teased and pinched my cheeks. I let out a giggle uncontrollably, and squirmed around. This little body was something else. Not only do I have full control over it, doctors described it as the most healthy body they've ever seen in their careers.

"You must get it from me. Your father was more strenght than brains, little John. You're definitely going to be the perfect mixture of us both!"

She then brought me around my late fathers desk and sat in his chair. "This was your fathers study room. Before and after every mission he went on, he would come in here. Documenting, researching, reading, calculating the cost of damage he's made during his missions, he would do it all."

My Dad, John Hancock, was considered The Most Mighty Superhero in American History. Stronger than his predecessor and their predecessor. Stronger than his successor and so on.

Being gifted with a quirk that allowed him flight, super strength, speed, invulnerability, and a few more powers along those lines, he quickly rose up to the top, becoming Americas' number one superhero at just the age of 18.

Dad…was strong and versatile. Being able to breathe in space, and in water was an easy feat for him. When he unfortunately passed, villain activity stopped for a week inside of America, showing just how influential he was.

The week of his death become known as The Week Of John Hancock, which everyone would be on paid leave from work for a week, school would be out for a week and more.

"Why did dad die?" I asked with innocence. I really didn't know how he died, just that it was in battle.

"Why? Well, who knows, John. Some say your father was setup by other heroes, some say your father was too strong for natural order and had to be killed, others…."

Yeah, she knew how he died. Its fine. Guess she didn't want to trumatize me is all. For some reason in my heart though, I feel like my birth was the cause of his death. I don't know why I have that feeling, but…

Wait. Was mom there that day? If she was pregnant with me at the time and had been spending time around him on the daily, then….

I shrugged off the idea of me being created being the cause of my fathers death.

"Your father was an amazing man, John. He has done so much for the world and even more for us. Never forget that, okay?"

I shook my head which made her smile and kiss me on the forehead. She stroked my head as well, which must've put me under a sleep spell of some sorts.

My vision faded away and the next thing I knew, I was asleep.


3:09pm on a Saturday.

It was a normal Saturday evening. The sun was out, children were playing in the park, couples were having picnics, the birds were chirping.

Everything seemed perfectly normal on this beautiful day…that was, until a black figure crashed down in the middle of lake residing in the park. The water splashed all over the civillians in the park who stood there before realizing…


Like roaches, the people started scattering in every direction. Grabbing their children and pets, the people slowly began clearing out of the park.

In the water, a bald, skinny, african american man slowly arose. He flexed his back muscles as he slowly began making his way out of the lake. Landing on a sidewalk just outside the lake was a gorilla-shaped being made up of rocks.

'He killed countless people then came here, knowing I'd follow even if it mean risking the safety of the serum.'

The Gorilla thought to itself as it huffed and puffed.

"So you're this citys great superhero….. A jacked up Gorilla made of stones…Pathetic."


"You have, such a beautiful city, y'know? Filled with abundance of life." The bald man licked his lips as he made his way up to the rock gorilla, standing just a few feet away.


The two slowly started walking in a circle. The naked man was a villain known as [Thin Air]. His quirk, [*Air Mimicry*] allows him to become as thin as air at will. Though you could still an outline of him with good perception, physical attacks have absolutely zero effect on him.

"Our leader grows hungry in power. Grock, won't you give me the quirk injector and make this easy for the both of us?"

Quirk, [*Rock Armor*] This quirk allowed its user to develop an armor of rocks and pebbles thats impervious to almost any physical attack.

"Us heros would rather die than give up the serum to the likes of you villains!"

"Us…heroes? You're a gorilla from a zoo in some third world country that happened to be born with a quirk. They have…an ankle monitor on you, Grock. Don't you think…"

"That doesn't matter. A gorilla or not, I'm a Hero! Sworn to protect the people from the likes of you! I will NOT allow you to leave this park today! That's a promise!"

"Is that so. Well then, I guess I'll grant a wish of yours for you. DIE, like those fellow heroes before you!!"

Grock then proceeded to pound on his chest and let out a howl. Grock jumped up in the air and came down with the force of two cars on Thin Air. Smashing its fits into the ground caused a mini crater as Thin Air dissipated. Grock quickly turned around and attacked at the figure charging right at him from behind.

Thin air became thin air and leaped through the punch then through Grocks body. Grock froze in place for second before falling down to the ground, dying in a instant.

Thin air appeared behind the now corspe with syringe in hand. He injected the fluid inside the syringe into the veins on his right forearm, feeling a boost of power like never before.

"Time Bomb can always extract it from me anyways. For now, lets cause some Carnage!"

He let out a whicked laugh as he vanished from the park, leaving behind the body of the former Rock Hero, Grock.
