
Reborn with Hancocks Superpowers in MHA

Guy dies, gets reincarnation into the MHA world. Nothing new.

The_Auth0r · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Reincarnation

I woke up inside of an elevator. It was about four people wide, and had metal plated walls all around.

Confused, I tried recalling the events of what just happened to me. So I was watching a movie…. and suddenly I woke up here.

I felt like my heart was about to rip out of my chest before coming here. Not anymore though. But still, those damn gas station hot wings.


I Knew that eating that stuff would catch up to me one day. Luckily I only left dad a few slices of pizza with no wings.

I looked around and saw that there was a camera in the top right corner. It had a red dot blinking, so atleast I knew it was working. That means there was someone else on the other side watching probably.

"How did I end up in a elevator inside a hospital all by myself?"

I couldn't help but think to myself. Did I sleep walk here or something? Surely someone would've saw me and helped me out. Guess not.

I then looked up at which floor I was on. It said floor R. Floor R? What kind of floor is that? R as in… retarded?!

I'm not retarded….

Anyways, floor R. Located between floor H and H. Now those could mean anything. Hmm. I guess ill just..


The elevator made such a noise and the door slowly began opening. A white bright light blinded me, causing me to cover my face a little. As the door began opening, I could feel my body become weak and frail.

I began losing my footing and tripped forward into the light. Before hitting the ground, I could see a persons legs. They were thick and hairy, most likely from an adult male with two children and a nagging wife.

Most likely.

I face planted on the ground and heard the person walk nearer me. I could hear them laugh which sounded very, very jolly for someone whos most likely on the brink of a divorce.

"So you've chosen reincarnation. Well, at least your soul did. It makes better decisions than your brain would."

What is he saying?

Who is he?


No, no, wait. Where am I exactly. This isnt a hospital, is it. Whenever I tried looking around, the man would step in the way of my vision.

Whenever I'd look at his face, it would censor. Literally. A little text box or whatever would appear and say, 'Censored.'

"You are dead. That's right, dead. Cause of death: Food Poisoning. You've been dead for four earth hours. Though you've only been here for four minutes."

Dead?! Im dead?! No, that can't be….can it? It did indeed feel like I had a heart attack, but surely…

"Stand up."

I was able to move again, just not of my own free will. I stood up and was face to face with the man. He looked taller from the floor, but seeing him like this….

"God is shorter than I thought."

I said aloud and without thought. God laughed and wiped a tear out of his eye.

"Well, I didn't want to intimidate you, so I chose a form more comforting. My creations really like tease short people."

"Are you really God?"

"You're asking me that now?"


"Well, yes, I am God. And you are really dead. But because you died young and sort of out of your control, I've decided to give you a second chance at life."

"So, I'm actually dead. Wow. Okay, uhm. Okay. A second chance you said? Thank you, I-I guess."

"You are welcome."


"A second chance. Reincarnation. I will reincarnate you into any world you want with any power you want. Is that fair?"

Is that…fair? That's beyond fair, God. He's really giving me a second chance at life and asking me if its fair.


He snickered while nodding. He then proceeded to place his right hand on my head. They were rigid, yet somehow soft. It makes no sense, but then again, none of this does.

"Tell me, child, where would you like to go. And what sort of power would you like to have? Ah, I forgot to tell you the rules and regulations. There's only one really and that's that you can't become a being that somehow has a higher power and complexity than me."

A higher power than you? Can I even think of a character that strong? Stronger than God himself? I can't. Not in a million years.


I then started recalling all the stories and characters I've read about. Maybe Ill go to Marvel or D.C. Both those universes have characters with powers, so I wouldn't stand out at all.


I don't want to go to a world like that. Comics are usually based on the real world and with the real world, there come real world problems. Nah, I'm good. I wanna go somewhere…

"Have you decided?"

God then placed his left hand over my heart and closed his eyes. I pondered for a little while longer before sighing then nodding.

"Yes, I am. God, I would like too…"
