
Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Revenge is the only thing she wants after knowing the truth. However, is revenge can satisfy her? Revenge for the man and woman that betrayed her in her past life is not worth it. "Wait, where am I? What's this place?" She asks. "This is your space and I'm your guardian." A little boy answered. With this space, she climbed higher in this life. At the same time, someone reached for her hand and said that he would help her. To protect what she needs to protect. ...... The Man: You don't want to have revenge on them? The woman: No. They are not worth it. But if they are looking for death, I don't mind giving them some lessons. The Man: Good. Then you can focus on me. The woman:... ***This story development is very slow. ***The cover image for this novel is not mine. I just edit it. All credit goes to the artist that draws it. *** English is my second language. Sorry, I am sorry if you have difficulty reading my novel. If that is so, this novel is not your cup of tea

ZerahNeko · Integral
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1971 Chs

Chapter 969: The News

Wendy and her manager, Wang Ju Bei went to a party organized by ZungBei Fashion. Wendy looked around. There were a lot of famous people and businessmen. 

Wendy associated with the people. Wang Ju Bei left her for a moment to go and see his friend. So, Wendy took a drink and went to a corner of the hall. She was tired and she still needed to come here.

Wendy sighed. However, she also heard someone sigh beside her. She turned around and saw a woman. The woman also looked at her. Then both of them laughed.

  "Hello." The woman said.

"Oh, hello," Wendy replied.

"Are you alone?" The woman asked.

"I have come with my partner. He has gone to see someone." Wendy said.

"I see. I have come alone." The women asked. "By the way, are you the famous actress, Wendy?" The woman asked.

"Yes, I am." Wendy felt there was no need to hide. 

"You look beautiful." The woman praised.

"Thank you. But you are beautiful too." Wendy asked.