
Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

A new graduate dies, but has a chance to be born back. (very poorly written, I use the help of a translator, I'm still studying English and I'm trying to write better)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Película
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29 Chs

Killing for the first time and first girlfriend

It's been 3 months since I recruited Blob, we fight almost every day as training, even though he hates training I convince him by promising beautiful girlfriends, honestly I still don't know where I'll get a girl who likes him but I'm a good liar.

In these 3 months I "taught" the main skill of the blob in comics and animations that he didn't know yet, which is to stand in a place and no one or nothing can get him out of there, basically using basic principles to strengthen the legs and balance the body, instead of running like a fool after the enemy it is better to let the enemy go to him.

I also did some tests to see his stamina, as I thought he is in fact almost immune to firearms, unless it's a rocket launcher or large caliber machine gun he doesn't take damage.

Now our east iron gang is ready to expand, my target will be the corpse gang, it's a human trafficking gang, I deeply hate that kind of people, so I don't intend to accept their members after taking down the bosses, I will also steal this gang's money and use it to buy vibranium on the black market to make a baseball bat, of course it turns metal into a weapon I have no idea I don't know if a normal blacksmith can do it I don't think so, I need some crazy scientist.

To fight the cadaver gang, only me and blob will go, after we take down the gang our members will arrive to dominate the cadaver gang's territories, this will be our biggest gang war so far, my only fear is to get shield's attention , but I don't care at all I would call anyway, if I can create a powerful and influential force I can protect myself, as for hiding identity I can only do the basics like using masks and cars without plates, I'm not a spy nor I know how to hack security cameras.

I bought a big van where Blob can go in the back, my action plan is simple, blob and I enter the enemy barracks, defeat them all and then steal everything of value, my gang will start knocking out any members who are outside the barracks after all without the leaders they are not a danger, the operation will take place at dawn and Orion has already bribed the local police to ignore everything for 24 hours.


"young master we are at the back of their main barracks" Alfred, "thank you alfred just get down and wait for us to come back let's be quick", me and blob are wearing face masks but no uniform, honestly it's not hard to identify blob, i don't think there are people like him on the planet but he still wears masks to look cool.

There's no secret to get in there, we'll use the German battle technique Blitzkrieg, Blob will be the tank that will go ahead breaking the walls and taking the shots, I'll stay behind him and then I'll run breaking enemies' heads with my baseball bat.

POV ; Generic ruthless gang leader

Today I have a bad feeling, the kingpin has increased to over 5 million dollars a year, I have to increase the number of kidnappings and the gang members seem to be dissatisfied with the salary, as if that wasn't enough I still have this feeling in my chest , as if I were a piece of meat waiting to be devoured, nowadays it's hard to be a leader of a gang, I just wanted to go back to the times where I only needed to kidnap young people and women to sell and make a lot of money, but now I need pathetical professionalism.


I freaked out at this damn loud sound, we're being attacked and the enemy is using a rocket launcher or a fucking tank but what the fuck I knew I shouldn't have come to work today.....


Blob knocked down the wall and we went in, right away they started shooting at us, strong weapons like machine guns and rifles, in fact this is a rich gang, I'm going to steal all these weapons...

I get out from behind the Blob and start using my agility to smash the enemies' heads, I've never killed anyone but I know that if I don't kill them I'll be shot and die, unfortunately I'm not immune to shots although I can dodge the most jealous of blob...

Blob is not left behind, although I tell him to stay still this only applies to other mutants, against these weak humans he can crush everyone easily, so the whole first floor is destroyed and at least 20 dead bodies on the floor, with my speed I killed 12 of them smashing the head with the club, despite a brief discomfort from killing I don't regret it, I think my mental strength is helping me.

To be faster we decided to split up, Blob went to the 2nd floor to kill everyone and I went straight up to the top floor, on the top floor there was a line of soldiers armed with rifles and right behind there was a middle aged man, probably the leader of the corpse gang, "Surrender boy, you shouldn't have attacked us, if you surrender I can just kill you, but if you keep going I'll kill all the men in your family and the women in your family I'll turn them into whores, every member of our gang they're going to fuck them and after that they're going to sell them to a brothel and then I'm going....", I didn't let him finish talking, the bastard really threatened my family, my beloved family, I used all my power on my feet to take down the entire middle of the soldiers' line before they reacted I was already in front of the leader, I used my club to break my head of him, this time I used all my strength and his head exploded with nothing left.

The rest of the soldiers didn't know what had happened, they just saw blood and brains everywhere, they were shaking and even forgot to shoot, they wanted to surrender but I didn't give it a chance, I still don't know if I can kill people who beg for life so I ran to them killing everyone quickly, this time I controlled the force and didn't blow heads after all it's too disgusting.

Blob also finished cleaning the 2nd floor, in all we must have killed 160 or 170 high ranking members, now only the base members are poorly armed, they can be swept away by my gang, after that it's finally time for loot, on the top floor there was a safe, I didn't need a password I just broke the safe, it had almost 2 million dollars, too bad I can't hack bank account the boss should have more there but whatever, besides we got a small arsenal of weapons with 200 machine guns, 70 rifles and at least 600 pistols. The only thing missing was the basement now, I could guess what was in it after all the cadaver gang was a human trafficking gang, I went to the basement to release the victims.

In the basement there were 50 young women all trapped in cages and dirty, seeing this really makes me happy for having killed everyone in the building, when I looked closely at one of the girls I thought it was strange, she must have been about 12 years old and her skin was pink and had 1 small horn on the right side of her head and some bones sticking out of her back, no doubt it's an Epsilon-type mutant, she was scared, my gang arrived to clean the place, the 49 young girls were taken away and would be dropped off at the police station the next day , the mutant girl I brought with me because I wanted to know about her.

We finally returned home, after taking care of some things I went to talk to the pink girl, being a mutant I confess that I have better feelings for other mutants and seeing the little girl trapped in a cage made me very angry, I asked about her, "my name is annie i don't have a last name, i lived in an orphanage until recently, i was stuck in my room when the manager of the orphanage sold me to those evil men, thank you for helping me" annie, after hearing this it was not difficult to guess the whole story of her life, as a mutant of the Epsilon type she must have already been born pink with a horn and some bones in her back, her parents must have been afraid and abandoned her, washed to some orphanage of child trafficking living in isolation waiting for someone to buy her.

"My name is kinzoku batto, I'm the leader of the iron east gang, you went to save for me so you must be loyal to me, as there's nowhere else to go you can stay at my house, you'll be my secretary", for her not to create any sense of debt with me deciding to pretend to be tough giving her a job and a place to live, as for letting her go to school I find it difficult, there is a lot of prejudice against epsilon mutants, so much so that most poor people live in the sewer, I will hire some teacher to teach annie, as she is my race I will protect her, I can't help everyone but I won't turn away when it's easy to help.

We were talking for a while and I didn't notice my mother arriving in the room, "son, why are you so late, you are still young and you must be responsible and..." before she finished speaking, she opened the door and saw me and Annie sitting in the room, "I knew my son wouldn't lie to me, he really got me a daughter-in-law hehehe, but only have kids after 15 ok", I was amazed that my mother didn't even question the fact that annie is purple and has a horn but she just said she would be her daughter-in-law, I would explain but annie lowered her head getting red in the face, she is pink as she was blushing with shame I thought this only happened in anime.

"Now that cute, come here with her mother-in-law and let's talk, leave your boyfriend alone there for him to be punished for not telling Mom he had a girlfriend" Ino, my mother took annie by the hand and took her to the living room to talk, my mother knew I was strong and also a mutant had already told my parents, both my father and my mother accepted everything very easily, my parents really have a little common sense but I love them, the only problem now is that I lost my secretary and gained a girlfriend.