
Reborn into Twilight.

I am reborn into twilight with powers.

matther12 · Película
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6 Chs

Road Trip

"WAKE UP!" Alex woke to the sound of Bella yelling through his bedroom door. "We need to get going!" she continued.

"Ten more minutes." he managed to groan. He was definitely not a morning person this time around.

"AAHH!" he screamed as his mattress suddenly raised up and dumped him on the floor none too gently. "Fine I'm up!''

He could hear Bella making her way back downstairs, a sound of satisfaction in her laugh.

Alex picked himself up off the floor and made his way to the bathroom for his morning routine. Looking into the bathroom he could see the changes in himself over the last few years. Puberty had caught up with them and they had shot up like weeds.

Alex stood at six foot tall and one hundred and seventy pounds, very little of it fat. His hair was the same shade as Bella had. He kept it in a short undercut despite the current trend for longer hairstyles.

His bright blue eyes were the thing that set him and Bella apart the most.


"Morning." Alex said as he came into the kitchen.

"Good morning Alex." Renee said from the table where she and Bella were currently sat.

Making his way over Alex took his seat. He filled his plate with bacon and eggs before he started buttering several pieces of toast.

"Are you all packed up?" Renee asked him.

"Yes. I finished yesterday. It's already in the car." Alex said before he started shoveling food into his mouth and ending any form of conversation from him for the moment.

"Good. If you don't hurry up and get going you are going to get stuck in rush hour traffic." Renee said.

"I'm not done eating." Alex complained.

"If you would learn to get up on time you would be." Renee shot back. Bella just smirked.


Alex quickly made a bacon and egg sandwich from off his plate and stood. He and Bella made their way out to the garage.


Opening the garage door Alex saw his baby sitting there, a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala.

Alex rubbed his hand across the hood lovingly.

"Really?" Bella asked

"You just don't understand our connection." he shot back.

"We're twins."

"It's not the same."

They both got into the car. Knowing ahead of time that they were going to Forks Alex had made plans. In an effort to avoid Charlie buying him a vehicle like he would for Bella Alex took matters into his own hands. At fourteen he had convinced Renee to let him buy a junker and fix it up. With him being in an automotive training class at school she had agreed.

He spent a few hours making his way through the junkyard looking for the right vehicle. Eventually he found it. He had really been into the show Supernatural at the time so it was a perfect find. The car was in really bad shape. The interior had been stripped and the engine looked like it had rusted into a single hunk of metal. That was okay though Alex had a plan. In the end it only cost him Two hundred dollars for the car. It cost more to tow it to his house.

Once it was safely hidden in the garage he used his creation ability to cheat spectacularly. He bought a set of blueprints for the car and went about creating all new parts for the car. He could have probably finished the whole project in a couple of weeks but he had to keep it to a reasonable pace for Renee. He also had to actually order some parts to make it believable. Two years of slowly replacing parts and it was done. Not a single piece of the original car remained, including the frame. He had a brand new Impala. Her name was Mildred.

With a bit of convincing Alex had gotten Renee and Charlie to let him and Bella to drive the 1,400 miles to Forks.


I was a long drive. Alex and Bella traded off driving. Just before they reached Los Angeles Alex glanced over to see Bella practicing with her shields. "What are you doing?" he asked. He had never seen her doing that particular exercise before.

"My shields normally use up too much energy to use in a fight to use for very long so I'm trying to come up with something else. Instead of big walls of force I'm trying to make a smaller more focused construct. Right now I'm trying to make a force field shaped like a blade. Eventually I plan to be able to make other weapons but they are more complex than my regular shields and require more focus if less energy. I will figure it out I just need practice." she said.

That got Alex thinking about his own powers and fighting style. Against a normal person they were pretty much unbeatable. Against a vampire he could hold his own for a short time but he would tire eventually. He also realized he did not really have a way to do direct damage to a vampire directly. He could use telekinesis to pull them off the ground but then what? Fire? No, vampires were not flammable until they were injured and their venom was exposed. He did not want to go tacking on powers every time he had a problem anyways. He was trying to avoid developing a God complex.

With another glance at Bellas' energy blades he got an idea. He needed something that could cut a vampires skin. He knew from previous attempts at trying to make himself Longclaw from Game of Thrones that he couldn't make anything with a supernatural nature so a magical sword was out.

Alex was still pondering his problem as they were driving through L.A. when he felt the mind of several vampires and it came to him. These particular vampires were in the process of feeding on a group of homeless people they had drug into an abandoned warehouse.

'Better sooner than later' Alex thought as he exited the highway.

"Where are we going?" Bella asked from the passenger seat."

"There are vampires attacking people nearby." Alex said.

After a moment Bella just nodded remembering the only other violent encounter with a vampire that they had.


Alex knew pulling up to the warehouse was a risk but he hoped that with the normal sounds of traffic the sound of the engine being shut off would be overlooked. Getting out they proceeded to a side door with a broken lock, probably done by the vampires, and as quietly as they could they made their way inside.

Using ASL Alex told Bella "There are three vampires and five humans left alive."

Bella started to respond when Alex whipped his head around. Alex could see from their thoughts that a quiet as they had tried to be they were still noticed when they entered the building. They were waiting in ambush a bit deeper in the building. Relaying this to Bella they continued on, ready for an attack at any moment. Coming into a large storage room they could see the captives being held in a makeshift cage.

Beside him he saw Bella duck out of the way of the arm that shot out at her, having sensed it coming. He reached up and grabbed the wrist as she placed her back into a rather large man and did a perfect judo throw. The vampire surprised at his miss as well as Her speed and strength was sent flying.

He was not hurt by the landing but Bella kept her hold on his wrist and twisted it locking his arm straight. She then proceeded to curb stomp him in the back of the head.

Alex lost sight of Bella at that point as he was assaulted by the remaining two vampires. Alex hit the one with a telekinetic blast sending him flying back. He tried to pick the other one up using telekinesis but to his surprise found it very difficult to do. It was like he was covered in oil and his struggling was about to let him break free.

Changing plans Alex let his hold go and covered his hands in telekinesis so it released a blast with every hit. Rushing forwards he engaged in a fistfight with the vampire. He held his own. His precognitive ability allowing him to dodge and weave around his opponents attacks. During one dodge he was tackled from behind as the vampire he had initially blasted had circled around and came up behind him.

Alex was able to twist enough to sort of be facing the vampire but it was still a bad angle. Then the arms around him tightened and he felt a rib crack. He used his outside arm to reach across and keep the mans teeth away from his neck while the other tried to break the hold the vampire had on him.

The vampire still on his feet came at Alex But he coated his foot in telekinesis and stomped him in the kneecap breaking it and sending him falling forwards and Alex kicked him again, this time in the face. His head snapped back and it was clear that he was in pain but he was still in the fight. He tried to wrap up Alex's legs. And the Bella was suddenly there. She grabbed the vampire by his injured leg and drug him backwards leaving Alex only one to deal with.

Alex felt his already cracked rib along with another give way completely as he struggled to break free. In a desperate attempt Alex mentally screamed"AAAAHHHHH!" as loudly as he could and directed it all into the mind of the vampire holding him.

The man released him and clutched his head. It wasn't so much from pain but more surprise that made him do it. If he had been ready for it it would never have worked.

Alex quickly straddled him and recoated his hands and proceeded to pummel him in the face and head sending spiderwebs of cracks across the marble like skin. Finally with one last punch he felt the skull give way, killing the vampire.

Turning to help Bella it was clear that she didn't need it. Having been free to deal with her opponent alone he was lying where Alex had last seen him with a decidedly flatter head. The one she had pulled off of Alex she had placed a knee on his back, grabbed him by the hair, pull his head back, and materialized her barrier blade for a few seconds. Just long enough to remove his head with almost no effort.

"Alex! Are you okay?" Bella asked rushing over to him.

Clutching his side Alex climbed to his feet. He could feel his ribs healing already. " I'm good. A few broken ribs. They will be healed in a few minutes."

"Good. I thought they had you for a second there." Bella said relieved.

"They almost did. Fist fighting vampires isn't the best idea." Alex said with a chuckle.

"Why did you? You had one in the air, what happened?" Bella asked.

"That's a really good question." he said

Reaching out with telekinesis Alex picked up the same vampire as before. There was no sign of resistance or an oily feeling like before. Turning to Bella he reached out to her. There it was. They never used telekinesis on each other during their spars so he had never noticed it before. It was very faint compared to the man. He tried lifting her.

"Wha!" she exclaimed in surprise.

The oily feeling increasing making his hold on her more difficult before receding.

"Bella, I need you to want me to hold you up." Alex told her.

The oily feeling disappeared completely.

"Now think you don't want me to hold you at all."

The feeling returned stronger than ever and she really did slip out of his hold falling the foot or so back to the floor.

"What was that?" Bella asked annoyed.

"Apparently people subconsciously release a kind of protective energy around themselves. If you see me as a threat the energy works to protect you if not it lets our power through. It's not all that strong. It just means we can't hold opponents directly with telekinesis. I don't think it would matter for normal humans though. Speaking of which, can you deal with them please?" Alex said turning to face them.

They were gathered at the bars of their prison staring at them with awe, fear and a bit of hope. They had been sure they were going to die. The pile of drained bodies in one corner was proof of that. Then out of nowhere these two had appeared and killed their captors. The whole fight had lasted less than a minute and had been so fast most of it was just a blur for them. In the end however their captors were dead and they had a chance at freedom.

Bella walked to the cage. "Hello, I'm sure you are all wanting out of there. Don't worry You will all be free and on your way shortly. Just a few quick things first. It's best if no one ever knows you were here. Those guys have friends and if you talk they will find you. If you do decide to talk leave myself and my companion out of it. If you don't I will find you. Clear?" She asked with a smile. She waited for a nod of conformation from all of them. "Good."

She formed a barrier blade and cut through the lock. "Excuse my manners but please see yourselves out."

During that exchange Alex was doing what he had came here for. He was pulling all the teeth from the vampires mouths. He figured if they used their bites as one of their main weapons in combat then so could he with a bit of work.

He piled up the vampire bodies when he was done and pulled out his trusty lighter. He set them on fire.


Making their way back to the car they got in. Bella drove. Alex had things to do. During puberty when their abilities were really coming in full Alex had shown his creation and biological abilities to Bella. He had this whole elaborate explanation for it but he didn't need it. For Bella, growing up with powers was her normal life. Her brother developing a new one was just an extra interesting Tuesday.

Alex was in the passenger seat making a sword. He decided on Anduril from LOTR. What made it special was that instead of a cutting edge there was a groove and the whole sword was full of tiny ant like tunnels. Taking the teeth Alex melted them into the blade filling in those tunnels and strengthening the sword. Lastly he filled in the channel along the edges and point of the blade. He sharpened and hardened the teeth until he could shave with it. The edge was strong enough to cut steel with no risk of damage. He had enough teeth left over to make a matching dagger.

"Those are pretty." Bella said from the drivers seat.

"Yes, they are. Hopefully they will save me from another vampire wrestling match. Then they would be beautiful."

They stopped for the night in Sacramento. They washed off all the evidence of their fight and burned their venom covered clothes.

Alex made scabbards for his blades. He stored the sword in the secret compartment in the trunk. The dagger went inside his jacket. He had no plans of it ever being out of arms reach.