
Reborn into the Nasuverse with a System (18+)

(xOXXOX WARNING: currently editing, so some things may be out of place, I don’t recommend reading this.) You probably already know. Dude gets ran over by van. Meets God. Gets a sick ass system. Goes to other worlds. Pretty generic, nothing special here. I forgot the plots for some of these so don’t get triggered if I skip or miss some details. I will mess up the plot a lot cause I think it’s easier to write that way. Harem... Though I don’t really like them, gotta do it. I have many characters I like anyways. Note: I’m young and failing in English class, don’t expect much. I’ll be happy if you read it though :3 Purely wish fulfillment. I’m not good at plots. Will still work on this when I finish editing.

OreoNut · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 2:Time skip and Plot begins

(A bit rushed since I'm sleepy)

4 years passed. During this time, Shirou trained and did some missions. He earned 44,000 more SP in total, leaving him at 66,000 SP in total. Shirou wanted to save these points just in case he needed to buy something in case of an emergency.

Now, Shirou was 10 years old. He looked more like Raizel now, but he always had a smile on unlike the Noblesse so he looked even more charming. Shirou found out he could use all of the skills from the Rinnegan, but the skills weren't listed on his status list. He could also now hold a sword. Whenever he wanted to use his gears, he just thought of them or asked the system to bring it out. Yamato was easy for him to use since it was light. He practiced the Hiten Mitsurugi style and mastered most of it. He also practiced quick-drawing techniques. His status now was:

[Name: Shirou Ayano

Age: 10 years

Race: human

Abilities: Purification(S), Invisible air(F+),

Magic resistance(D+), Magic Core(A+), Magic Circuits(40)(A+), Cooking(S), Ayano Family magic(B-), Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu(A)

Gears: Excalibur(S+), Avalon(S), Yamato(S+)

Bloodline: Sharingan(SS)

Patk: 1332(A+)

Matk: 2022(S)

Def: 1487(A+)

Mdef: 1808(A+)

Mana(Basically Prana or Chakra): 62,000( SS+)]

After the fourth Holy Grail War, It was very boring for Shirou, he had nothing else to do other than train and check up on his characters. "Hey system!" "What do you want?" "Can you bring me 4 years in the future? I'm tired of waiting." "Sure, that'll be 12,000 SP and you won't get any stronger." "Alright. I think I'm plenty strong enough, at least stronger than most servants." After that, Shirou fell into a deep sleep inside a coffin. Seems like the system wasn't able to bring him forward in time in an instant.

After 5 years, Shirou finally woke up. "Oh! It felt like I was awake just yesterday, good thing my body also grew." Now, Shirou's height was 5'7. He is now 15 years old. "I should go register for school and become friends with the other Shirou." Shirou stood up and went to the school Shirou would be attending. He registered and went back home to get ready. Shirou has the system seal his powers except his defense so that no one would notice.

The next day was the first day of highschool for him, he transferred in as a first-year. He woke up and put on his uniform. It looked just like in the anime. Though it was pretty ugly, it wasn't that bad. Shirou made lunch and went to school. Today was also Emiya's first day so Shirou thought about becoming friends with him.

While walking to school, Shirou saw Emiya walking to school. "Hey, we're going to the same school." Shirou called out to him. "Oh! Uh... yeah we are." Emiya smiled. "What's your name? Mine's Shirou Ayano." "What!? Mine's Shirou Emiya!" Shirou has a shocked expression. "Huh? I guess we have similar names... you can call me Ayano, I'll call you Emiya." "Yeah that makes it a lot easier." The two Shirou's talked a bit and then went in to school.

Shirou(I'll call the MC this) also saw Shinji, but Shinji seemed to be less haughty and a bit more insecure. 'Maybe it's cause he's a eunuch?' Shirou started going to school and making friends. Soon, a year already passed and Shirou became a second year, then third year. Shirou and Emiya hanged out a lot with each other due to being so similar and cause it was fun. Another year passed and he became a third year. He joined archery club with Shirou was well, still with his powers sealed. He used his own skills to learn archery.

Sakura also came to school that year. About a year ago, Shirou and Emiya were walking home from clubs while it was raining and saw her out wet so they shared Shirou's umbrella. Sakura began to respect both Shirou and Emiya. She also loved their determination when they were training. Shirou didn't have to use that much effort, but since he wanted to try living a normal high school life, he tried as hard as Shirou when doing things.

Shirou and Emiya grew super close as friends. One day when Shirou was preparing to go to school, he thought, 'Maybe I should prepare lunch for the three of us. Sakura looked really cute when she blushed! Maybe I should take her for myself since she likes both of us and not only Emiya?' Shirou made them rice with curry and added their names on top of the rice with heart symbols. He then packed up and happily went to school.

When he got to school, Shirou said hi and Sakura happily went up and said "Good morning Senpai!" Shirou thought she was really cute, though she sometimes still had those lifeless eyes. Time passes and it was lunch time. Like usual, Shirou took Emiya to find Sakura for lunch. "Hey guys I made lunch for you!" Emiya and Sakura accepted them, then they went up to the roof. Emiya started talking "Tomorrow's my 17th birthday you guys want to come over?" Shirou was surprised because tomorrow was also his birthday from his past life, so he used that as his birthday in this life. "Huh? It's also my birthday..." Sakura was also surprised, "Hmm Senpais are very alike, other than your looks." She said, finding it funny. "Really how?" Emiya asked curiously. "Well, you're both hardworking and good at cooking." Emiya also agreed, though he never bragged about his cooking, everyone always liked it.

"Then why don't we celebrate it together?" Emiya suggested. Shirou agreed and Sakura also agreed. The next day, they celebrated their birthdays. Shirou baked the cake and they invited all of their friends. They had lots of fun and went home afterwards because the next day was a school day.

After a Friday at school, Shirou was exhausted. School life was as hard as it had always been for him. He came home and fell onto his bed as he began to think. Shirou wanted to enter the Holy Grail War. As he thought up of what to do, something came to his mind 'Didn't Caster kill his master? I could probably take her as my servant.' Then, Shirou tried to track down Caster's location. After a few days, he finally sensed her, she was headed towards the temple. Shirou quickly teleported near the temple and walked so that he wouldn't look suspicious.

From a bit away, Caster came walking slowly towards Shirou. "You there.. c-can you help me?" Caster asked weakly. Shirou looked at her. "Okay." Caster smiled, "Then, I'll make a contract..." Caster and Shirou ended up making a contract. Shirou told her "I'll take you home so you can get treated. It seems you're hurt." Caster collapsed after she heard Shirou.

Shirou brought Caster home. 'Well, now I have a servant. All that's left to do is wait for the war to begin.' Shirou laid Caster on his bed and took of her robe. Caster was a beautiful woman with bluish hair. She had a similar figure compared to Sakura, but was a bit taller. Shirou covered her body with a blanket and got some things from the system to heal her wounds. Shirou left the room to let her sleep.

While Caster was sleeping, she was remembering her past. How she was toyed with all the time and how no one accepted her. She was basically cursed to like someone she didn't and was used. After that, she began doing bad deeds. All she wanted was someone to accept her and understand her but everyone always chased her out. She had nightmares for a while but then stopped dreaming.

It was morning. Shirou woke up to make breakfast. Today was the weekend, so he decided to stay home and do some things with the system and get to know Caster. He made two omelette and placed them on the table. Soon, he heard a "Kyaa!" From his bedroom. 'Oh, she's still naked...'

In the room, Caster woke up. She was surprised and didn't know where she was. Even her whole body was healed. The last thing she remembered was making a contract with someone and then fainting. After she thought about it, she realized she was naked and there was no clothes around. Her face flushed red and she screamed.

Shirou went to the door and threw in some clothes that he bought from the system. They were regular cheap clothes and it costed him 100 SP for the design. After doing many missions, Shirou had 96,000 SP, so he could use them freely. Shirou then said "Ah! Sorry! Your robe was dirty so I took it off and cleaned it."

Medea was covering herself with the blanket when she heard him and then saw some clothes flying in. There was a T-Shirt with a heart and jeans and also underwear. Caster put them on and was surprised how they fit so well. Even the bras were a perfect fit. Caster thought about asking him. She had a flushed face while thinking.

She finally got changed and went out. She smelt something delicious coming from the front room. When she got there, she saw Shirou standing there near the doorway. "Oh looks like you're up." "Yes. Thank you for saving me." "No problem, I planned on joining the war anyways." Caster was surprised by his words. "So you know about the war?" "Yeah, I'm a magus family after all." Caster nodded as she understood. "My Name is Shirou Ayano, what's your's?" Caster thought about telling him or not but decided to do it because he was her master now and he also saved her. "Medea."

"Oh, Medea huh. By the way those clothes look great on you." Medea blushed "how did you know my sizes though?" Shirou realized he messed up so he decided to be cheap. "Secret..." Medea had a tick on her head but it's not like she could do anything about it.

"Anyways, I made breakfast. We should eat before it gets too hot. Then, we can talk about the other things." Medea agreed and they went to have breakfast. Medea ate the omelette and had a silly look on her face while savoring the taste. When she realized this, she blushed and Shirou laughed. Medea felt like beating him up, but she also felt warm because his was the first time someone did these things for her.

After they finished eating, they started to talk about what to do. Shirou told Medea that he was going to participate in the war to destroy the grail since it's corrupted. Medea was surprised, there was basically no reason to fight in the grail war anymore. Medea told Shirou about herself. Shirou was sad for her and gave her a hug, but that made her embarrassed and she pushed him away. Shirou asked the system to show him Medea's stats

[Name: Medea


Race: Servant

Abilities: Rule breaker(A+)



Patk: 46(E)

Matk: 1698(A+)

Def: 180(D)

Mdef: 230(D+)

Mana: 15,608(S)]

Shirou thought that she was a strong mage. Shirou then showed Medea some of his powers. She was amazed at the amount of mana he had. As they talked and spent time together, Medea slowly began to fall in love with Shirou's company. She stopped thinking about the trial war and started acting girly.

After a few weeks, the plot finally began. From far away, Shirou watched Emiya get killed and revived. He woke up and summoned Saber. Shirou unsealed his powers and only observed. The next day, Shirou thought it was time to confront Sakura about her troubles. That night, he slept thinking about how to reveal himself to her and made up a plan.

Shirou woke up and got ready. He went out and headed to school. 'Now, Emiya and Rin should've made the alliance and the church visits should already happen. Today is the day Shinji attack's the school.' Shirou kept walking and on the way, he saw Rin and Emiya. "Hey Emiya!" Emiya looked back and saw that it was Shirou. "Hey Ayano." I looked towards Rin. "Who's this?" Emiya introduced Rin, "She's Rin Tohsaka, a classmate." Rin nodded "Nice to meet you Ayano."

They chatted and walked to school. Shirou tried to tease Emiya a few times, but he was too dense and Rin got flushed instead. Then, they finally got to school. Rin realized that there was a barrier around the school. He whispered it to Emiya so that Shirou won't hear. When Emiya heard that someone was using the students for magic supply, he got mad.

Rin told Emiya to try to get Shirou away. "Ayano, can you go buy me snacks?" Rin was dumbfounded by Shirou's attempt to lure Shirou away, her mouth was twitching. "No worries, I brought snacks if you want them." Shirou said with a straight face. Rin then said "There's something dangerous in the school. You shouldn't get involved." Shirou realized that they were trying to drive him away. 'Hmm. I have to get involved with this battle, but I don't want them to be suspicious of me. I guess I'll reveal some secrets.' "Oh, I'll be alright. I'm a magus y'know!" Shirou said and smiled. Rin and Shirou were both shocked. "Ehh!? Why didn't you tell me?" Emiya asked. "You never asked.." Rin asked "How come I've never heard of your family?" "Well, they were always hidden." Rin understood.

"Then, let's head in. We should stop this before it gets out of hand." They ran inside. Once they got into the school, skeletons appeared in the hallways. "What are those?" Emiya asked, "Golems, a type of familiar." Rin replied. Rin shot her magic at them and they got destroyed.

"Let's go look for Sakura. I'm worried about her." Shirou suggested. Emiya agreed and Rin followed. Along the way, there ere many collapsed students. Inside the classroom, Sakura was at the corner on the floor. Shirou worriedly checked her pulse. "Looks like she's still alive, let's go stop this." Rin said "Yes, I've located the place with the seal." They followed Rin around the school why destroying golems.

As they kept moving, 9 golems appeared blocking them and behind them. Rin didn't know what to do while Emiya was about to summon saber. "It's alright I got this." Shirou told them. They were surprised by him, but tried to believe in him.

Shirou took out Excalibur with invisible air on. He charged in and swung the sword, destroying all of the golems instantly. Rin and Emiya were shocked. "Let's go! We're almost there." Rin snapped out of her shock.

They finally reached the room. Emiya opened the door. He saw Shinji sitting on a table and Rider standing next to him. "Shinji? And the servant from before... did you guys do this?" Shinji was surprised that they came so quick. "Yes, so what? This is how masters do things." Emiya and Rin got mad, Emiya rushes at Shinji, but Rider got in his way.

"I'll take Rider. You guys can take down the field." Shirou said while running towards Rider. Shirou checked her status and found out she was kind of weak. "Well pretty lady, let's fight." "Oh? Then let's fight." Rider was amused by Shirou's compliment.

When they clashed, Shirou pushed her back a bit. Since they were inside, Rider couldn't move much. Shirou hit her hard enough to kick her out of the classroom. After finishing with that, Shirou went over to Emiya and Rin, they made Shinji stop the field already.

Shirou told Shinji to give him his command seals. Rin allowed Shirou to do this because she and Emiya are in a truce so she shouldn't attack his friends. Shirou knocked Shinji out after taking his command seals. Now, he had two servants. "Let's go to my house, I'll bring Sakura as well." Shirou said.

Shirou picked up Sakura and went with them, Rider also followed. They went to Emiya's house first to pick up Saber. They got to Emiya's house and opened it. Saber was sitting at the table drinking with tea, she sensed us at the door so she looked at the door. "Master, back from school?" She spoke.

Emiya replied "yes Saber, we ran into a problem at school so we came back." Saber was startled hearing him "You should bring me next time." She didn't want Emiya to die because of his carelessness and lose the war. "Who else came?" She poked her head to look behind Emiya. "Oh this is Ayano, Rider, and the unconscious one is Sakura." Saber nodded "Is he joining the alliance too?" Rin didn't think that far ahead, "Hmm that would be for the best."

Shirou saw Saber drinking tea and nibbling on bread very fast. "Woah what's this cute creature?" He ran over and inspected all around Saber. Saber got uncomfortable and flushed slightly when he checked out her boobs. She hit him and made him hit the wall. "W-what are you doing." Shirou replied "Agh, I was just checking you out. No need to break my back." Everyone thought 'Checking her out huh.. he didn't even try to hide it.'

Saber coughed and Emiya remembered what they came here for. "Oh yeah, Saber we're going to Ayano's house to discuss some stuff." Saber nodded and went to them. Rider became invisible and they kept walking to Ayano's house while talking. "Hey Ayano, how did you beat all of those golems?" Rin asked, "Yeah, they were really tough." Emiya added. "Hmm I guess I'll fill you in. That was one of my strongest weapons but you can't see it because of the skill 'Invisable Air'.

Saber, who was quiet, had her ears perked up. Emiya said "oh just like saber!" "Ehh? She does it too?" Shirou faked his surprised face. "Can you show us your sword?" Saber asked with a hopeful look. "Uhh sure, I'll show you once we get to my house." Saber nodded. They kept walking till they got to Shirou's house. Saber said "This looks just like Master's" Ayano said "oh yeah we have a lot of things in common."

They went in and saw a Medea with an apron on. "Medea, we have guests can you make snacks?" Medea was surprised with how many guests came, especially when Shirou was giving Sakura a piggyback. She decided to ask later and went to the kitchen.

Rin felt that Medea had a lot of magic power so she asked "who's that Ayano? Don't you live alone?" "She's my servant, Caster." Rin was shocked, Ayano didn't have one servant, but two! "Since you have two servants, how will you sustain them?" Shirou replied "I have a magic core, so I have many times more Prana than you guys." Saber was shocked after hearing him 'Why is his abilities so much like mines?'

Shirou then walked into his room and put Sakura down. She was still unconscious during the whole time, so she must be in a bad shape. He decided he would take care of her at later. He went back out into the living room.

"I've put her in my room to recover. Now, let's talk." Shirou said. Saber spoke after "Can you show us your sword now?" "Oh yeah I almost forgot. Sorry Saber." Shirou summoned his sword in invisible air mode. Everyone looked towards him, Medea also looked from the kitchen when she heard them since she hasn't seen his sword because he always train with invisible air on and used a katana most of the time.

Shirou thought 'Well, they're going to find out later anyways.' Shirou then released his invisible air skill.