
Reborn into the Nasuverse with a System (18+)

(xOXXOX WARNING: currently editing, so some things may be out of place, I don’t recommend reading this.) You probably already know. Dude gets ran over by van. Meets God. Gets a sick ass system. Goes to other worlds. Pretty generic, nothing special here. I forgot the plots for some of these so don’t get triggered if I skip or miss some details. I will mess up the plot a lot cause I think it’s easier to write that way. Harem... Though I don’t really like them, gotta do it. I have many characters I like anyways. Note: I’m young and failing in English class, don’t expect much. I’ll be happy if you read it though :3 Purely wish fulfillment. I’m not good at plots. Will still work on this when I finish editing.

OreoNut · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 1: Dying & Rebirth

'Ah... I finally finished work and my boss asked me to do a delivery... Shitty ass boss.'

Shirou is a part-time worker. Ever since he was small, he had big dreams but was too lazy to work towards them *Totally not me or anything like that*

growing up, people made fun of him because he had the same name as a character of a anime series called Fate/Stay Night. They would tease him saying things like 'People die when they are killed' and laughing their ass off.

Shirou got fed up with the bullying and started watching the show and eventually came to like it. He thought the main character was definitely dumb, but was pretty cool. He became kind of a otaku since then. He wasn't completely a neet as he would go out and exercise or go to the strip club(doesn't mean he's a sex God.) His daily life was boring, but fulfilling for him.

Today was the day when the final episode of a anime called Naruto was going to come out, so he decided to go home and binge watch the anime. He started long ago, but stopped because he was pissed off at the fillers. Since all the episodes were coming out, he thought he could finally see if his favorite character, Neji finally got any screen time.

He was about to go home when his boss told him that a customer was asking to deliver a pack of water to them.

Shirou got on his bike with the water on the back. He started riding towards the address when behind him, he could hear a moving vehicle behind him. He looked back and saw a van. "Oh sh-" The van crashed into him and he died.

Shirou opened his eyes and saw darkness. 'Where am I? Hell? I haven't done anything bad other than master bate to my English teacher...' while he was thinking this he yelled "Hello! Anyone there!?" When he yelled this, he heard a loud *Thump* and the next second, the room lit up.

There was a man in his pajamas with a bump on his head looking at Shirou. "What the hell are you doing! Can't you see I was sleeping?" The man yelled, "No, it was too dark." "Oh yeah I turned the lights off. So why're you here? You don't look like someone who has done anything significant in life."

Shirou was confused, "What do you mean?" "I'm the god of reincarnation, I send people who have lots of good karma to other worlds as a reward." "Oh! Like those novels and fan fictions?" "Yes... now let me check what you did to come here because the last person that came here was a guy name Jackie Chan and he stopped a atomic bomb and died because he thought it was a movie prop."

There was white light surrounding God and then he opened his eyes. Surprisingly, Shirou wasn't freaked out at all during this conversation since he was a otaku and almost believed in anything other than the earth being flat. "It seems the van that killed you had a young boy that was kidnapped. In the future, he made many cures for diseases such as diabetes, cancer, aids, and so on.. his achievements was thanks to you dying since he would probably be sold into the dark society if you weren't there."

"Oh I see..." Shirou said plainly

"Well then, all I can give you is a system, one wish, and you can pick the world you want to go to."

"that's kinda cheap."(Shirou)

"Shut up, it's not like you actually saved them." (God)

"Okay then for my wish, I want saitama's-" "Rejected." God cut him off


"He's too powerful, plus his power requires it's user to be bald."(God)

"Then never mind.. give me the saber servant's abilities and noble phantasms."(Shirou)

"Will that be including the dress or.."(God)

"F@&$ no! Make it into a boy version!"(Shirou)

"Alright I know." Shirou has always liked the character Artoria and her abilities. Mainly because he thought being a king and wielding Excalibur was badass.

"Oh how will my appearance be? I don't like my old body that much." "Wow what a greedy bastard. Fine then, how will your appearance be?" "Hmm I want to look like Raizel from noblesse, and give me a good body!" "Alright, that's all. I already know what world you want to go to do I'll send you off. Ask the system for more information. I'm going to sleep, I have to get up in 3000 years for the next god meeting." As he said that, he snapped his hands and Shirou vanished.

'Sh*t! That fucking God! He better actually send me to the world I want!' Shirou cursed as he disappeared.

"Yo host." "Huh? Who's there?" "I'm the system. I'm supposed to tell you stuff about the world you're gettin into."

"Why do you sound like Gilgamesh?" Shirou was surprised at first, he thought he already got transported and met Gilgamesh.

"Who the fuck is that prick? This is my natural voice since I was made five minutes ago."(System)

"I see.. then, tell me the information." "Alright host. I'll tell you what I can do first. There's a shop, status, and quest option. Naturally I'm going to be assigning you missions. There will be other functions, but these are the main ones. The author will probably think of something to add in the later chapters." "What was that last part!?"

"I said there will be more features available later."

'I'm sure that's not what he said... whatever no use in trying to figure it out.'

"There's also a gift and message from God for you."

"what does it say?" "Read it yourself." As the system said this, a holographic letter appeared in front of Shirou. It said [You were supposed to have two wishes, but I forgot so just take these gifts as compensation.]

"Fuck! That lazy ass God!"(Shirou)

"I have to admit, my creator is very lazy...after he made me, he was complaining about a lot of things."(System)

"Well whatever, let's check what he gave." The system said okay and another screen appeared in front of Shirou. [10,000 SP, Sharingan(Upgradeable), Yamato]

"Oh at least the gifts are good." Shirou thought that the gifts were very good, he knew that the Sharingan could get upgraded to the Rinnegan and the Yamato was very strong in Dmc. "What can I buy with the system points?"

A screen appeared in front of Shirou. "These are some of the things you can buy for now. More will be unlocked when I feel like it." Shirou took a look and scrolled down.

[Upgrade Sharingan Max: 5,000 SP]

[One For All: 10,000 SP]

[Gomu Gomu no mi: 3,000 SP]


[Purification: 5,000 SP]

"Damn there are lots of cool skills, but I only have a little, I'll upgrade the Sharingan and buy Purification." Shirou remembered something that he had to do when he gets to the next world. "Alright. Done! I'll fuse them to your body so when you wake up, you should know how to use them."

"how will my background be anyway?"

"Oh yeah, you will live somewhere near the city at some Japanese house. You're the inheritor of a magus family. Your parents are dead, leaving you alone at the age of 1, which is right now."

"Wow... that's a pretty messed up background, but i guess it gives me more freedom." Shirou thought about the things he wanted to do and was glad that he had no parents because then, he could do them without worries. "Alright host, you will wake up soon, the timeline is four years before the fourth holy grail war." After that, Shirou couldn't hear anything anymore.

After a while in a Japanese looking house, a young boy with black hair opened his eyes. He stood up and looked around. 'Hey system, why does this look like Shirou's house?' "What do you mean? It's just a random house."

'No.. never mind, do you have any information about the plot?'(Shirou)

"No, I'm just here to help you out while giving you missions as you go on."(System)

'How do you know what missions to give if you don't know the plot?'(Shirou)

"I can read some of your memories, so I will know the plot in time."(System)

'Oh. Well I'm like a baby right now, all I can do is stand and walk, I can't even talk much... I guess I'll check out my powers first.' Shirou looked through his mind and it seemed like the information on how to use his abilities were imprinted in him. He focused on his eyes and his already red eyes had 3 revolving tomoes. 'Wow I can see soo clearly!'

Shirou looked around and was amazed. 'I should learn to talk first.'

"Host, there's a new mission."

'Show me.'

A screen appeared in front of Shirou.

[Growing up: Learn how to talk and get 600 Patk. Time: 5 years. Rewards: 20,000 SP, Sword style: Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu]

'show me my status!'

[ Name: Shirou Ayano

Age: 1 years

Race: human

Abilities: Purification(S), Invisible air(F+), Magic resistance(D+), Magic Core(A+), Magic Circuits(40)(A+)

Gears: Excalibur(S+), Avalon(S), Yamato(S+)

Bloodline: Sharingan(SS)

Patk: 7(F)

Matk: 250(C)

Def: 2(F)

Mdef: 102(D)]

Mana(Basically Prana or Chakra): 50,000(SS+)

'Wow, I'm pretty weak. I guess Magic resistance increased my magic defense while being from a magus family gave me circuits. I have an insane amount of Prana Though! Time to start learning to talk and run first before I can train. At least points seem to be easy to earn.'

For the next 3 years, Shirou learned(relearned?) how to talk and walk, he could now train his body since he's older. He also found the magic his family used. They made swords and shot them... Shirou thought it was similar to Emiya Shirou's skill. He asked the system, but the system just said

"I'm still rea- waiting for your memories to come to me don't spoil it! I'm still on the fourth holy grail war." A few weeks later, a quest appeared.

[Fucked up dude: Make Shinji Matou a eunuch. Time: 2 weeks. Rewards: Yukihira Soma cooking skill(S). Description: I just went through some more of your memories and this dude is fucked up. Just break his dick and you'll get a skill to make people orgasm with your cooking.]

"Oh, I will definitely do that, Sakura is one of my favorite characters after all. I can't save her now cause she needs to develope. Plus I don't know if I should show myself yet." With this said, Shirou activated his Rinne-Sharingan and teleported to the Matou residence at night. He went in Shinji's room and made it so his manhood could never stand again.

He then went to Sakura's room and took a cross that was on his small ears. He put them on sakura's ears and added Purification magic on it, making anything evil that touched her purified. He also made it invisible so it doesn't get taken off.

At this time, she was still pure and was just adopted. He *Somehow* put the whole Matou family under genjutsu including Sakura so that when they use the worms, she will feel it, but in reality, the worms get eradicated by the cross. Zouken also won't realized this as well as the rest just so that they don't see anything wrong.

He then teleported back home.

[Mission Complete! Cooking skill(S) acquired]

The system then told Shirou,

"Since you did something that I didn't think of, I'll give you a bonus."(System)

"Wow thanks!"

*Ding* [Bonus: 2,000 SP] After returning home, he continued training. One year later, the fourth Holy Grail War began. Shirou didn't really like anyone in the original series, so he didn't participate.

Even though he was far away from most of the battles, somehow, two swords flew into his house and broke the roof and smashed his TV.

"What the Fuck!" Shirou yelled. 'This is probably Gilgamesh's doing, next time I see him, I'll fuck him up!'

Far away in a church, a golden haired man sneezed. And was confused since he shouldn't be able to get sick or anything like that.

The Holy Grail War ended soon and Shirou completed his mission.*Ding*

[Mission Complete. 20,000 SP, Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu(A) acquired]

"Show me my status."

"Sure thing."

[Name: Shirou Ayano

Age: 6 years

Race: human

Abilities: Purification(S), Invisible air(F+), Magic resistance(D+), Magic Core(A+), Magic Circuits(40)(A+), Cooking(S), Ayano Family magic(B-), Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu(A)

Gears: Excalibur(S+), Avalon(S), Yamato(S+)

Bloodline: Sharingan(SS)

Patk: 601(B-)

Matk: 1300(A+)

Def: 811(B+)

Mdef: 1203(A)

Mana(Basically Prana or Chakra): 56,000( SS+)

'Phew, I trained my magic power more than my body. I'll have to start using the Hiten Mitsurugi style to master it. I can almost use a sword. Right now, it's probably too big for me.I guess I'll just keep training'