
Reborn in the Claws of Justice: Trapped in the Body of Rob Lucci

In an unexpected twist of fate, our protagonist is reborn in the body of Rob Lucci. However, instead of exercising justice as an agent of the Government, he will now find his own path and forge his own notion of justice in this vast world. With his knowledge and skills, Lucci becomes the fearsome pirate Rob Lucci, leading his own crew in search of power and freedom.

King_Ryuma · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Pov Lucci

Of course it was my mistake to think that everything would remain the same as the manga, of course the world government would send someone to kill us now that we directly rebelled against them.

"The crown jewel of the world government, the one who would surely become a CP0 agent, turned into a dirty pirate." The guy from the long-armed tribe was the one who spoke, with a certain disdain directed towards me.

How should we face them? Those guys are far above us; they even have Haki skills.

"Lucci, what should we do? They are CP0" Kaku already had his swords ready in his hands, when I turned to look at them I could see how everyone was already in an attack position.

"You concentrate on the guy who holds the mask with his hands, he has a predilection for using only his feet, but still don't neglect your hands, I trust you can defeat him, I will buy time against the other guy while you do it, I will need your help in the end" They had a chance by all working as a team, if my memory serves me correctly, that guy died at the hands of an Izou who was very injured.

On the other hand, the guy with long arms… I don't know why, but I have a feeling he's the strongest.

"Okay Lucci, we will follow your plan" Kaku gave me an affirmation while the others nodded in agreement of the plan.

"Let's go" With Soru I ran towards the guy with the long arms.

Lucci VS Joseph

Lucci arrived in front of Joseph in just a second, but this did not surprise the CP0 agent, no doubt anticipating this move.

"Jushigan «madara»" Like a great bombardment of missiles, each of Lucci's fingers with Shigan repeatedly hit Joseph and was repeated over and over again, it was a rain of attacks.

But to Lucci's bad luck, Joseph moved so fast that each blow was stopped by his forearm, which seemed intact beyond a few damages to his suit.

Tired of defending himself, Joseph took Lucci by surprise when he easily grabbed his arms, completely stopping Lucci's attack.

"Shit, what surprising strength" Although Lucci struggled with all his might trying to get out of Joseph's grip, he seemed greatly overcome by him, soon Lucci felt Joseph increase the pressure on his arms, the pain was immediately present.

"AAAHHHH, Bastard!" Feeling that at that pace his bones would break and without the necessary space to perform Rankyaku, Lucci could only throw a headbutt with all his strength towards Joseph, but he only managed to make him retreat a little although he did not let go, looking at his bad situation, Lucci He continued headbutting him until the mask was full of cracks and blood fell from Lucci's forehead, at which point Joseph let go of him and backed away with Soru.

"Shit, I knew the difference in strength was big, but the gap is even bigger than I imagined, is this what desperation for being weak feels like?" Lucci touched his forehead and then looked at his fingers, which had his blood on them.

"Wow, the government killing machine doesn't seem like a big deal, it was requested of me," Joseph said calmly.

"Shut up! "I will kill you, whatever the cost."

"You have a lot of imagination, you know, the order is to kill the entire group except you, they want to lock you in Marijoa's smallest cage, leaving only to be tortured, later you will be a slave to the celestial dragons"

"I'd rather die than be locked up again! I WILL NOT LOSE THE FREEDOM THAT I HAVE FINALLY GOT "Just remembering the feeling of being locked up as he was previously in his body drove Lucci crazy, although it was not the same type of confinement, it was still a loss of freedom.

Joseph simply ignored Lucci's words and with a masterful use of Soru arrived in front of Lucci.

"Shut your mouth, Shigan!"

"Kami-e" Lucci dodged Joseph's attack by molding his body like a sheet of paper, then using Geppo Lucci took distance.

"Do you think I didn't see it coming? Rankyaku «hyobi»! Lucci created a large and powerful Rankyaku in the shape of a whirlpool, Joseph crossed his forearms in front of him in the form of a shield, when the Rankyaku hit Joseph, he retreated a few meters until the energy of the attack receded.

"Soru!" Joseph disappeared.

"What, is it even faster than before?" Lucci looked surprised.

"I never took you seriously" Joseph's voice sounded behind Lucci making him widen his eyes, Lucci tried to turn around as quickly as possible.


"Gahhhhg" Lucci could only complain as Joseph's finger penetrated his side.

Kaku, Jabra, Blueno, Kumadori, Kalifa and Jean vs Maha

"Come on!" Kaku was the first to run towards Maha.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Kaku, this guy is mine!" Jabra followed suit.

"Whoever kills him first wins!" They both said in unison as they transformed into their hybrid form.

"Those two look like children." Blueno opened a door in the air through which he entered and then disappeared.

"Let's support them," Kalifa said as he prepared his whip.

"I have waited a hundred years for this Yo-yoi battle."


"Shouldn't at least one of us help Captain Lucci?" Jean asked as he watched Lucci fight with Joseph, both of them were somewhat far away.

"It's Lucci, don't doubt his strength" Kalifa was the one who answered him.

"You're right, the least I can do is have confidence in my captain's strength."

"Come on!"

They ran to where Kaku and Jabra were fighting Maha.

Kaku used his two swords but they were dodged by Maha, at the same time Jabra launched strong kicks which were deflected by Maha.

"This guy is very strong, but that only makes him more fun" Kaku had a smile on his face, Kaku tried to cut Maha down but was dodged and counterattacked with a kick to the stomach that sent him flying a few meters.

Jabra appeared above Maha trying to dig his claws into his back, but predicting his attack with Haki, Maha took a few steps back causing Jabra to hit the ground, taking advantage of Jabra's lack of defense, Maha kicked him in the head which sent him rolling. a few meters.

At that moment Kalifa and the others arrived.

The tension was palpable as the group faced off against the formidable CP0 member, Maha. Although they were determined to surpass their limits and win, the reality of the situation hit them in every exchange of blows.

Kalifa, with his elegance and agility, rushed towards Maha with his whip extended. However, the CP0 member demonstrated impressive speed and anticipation, dodging each lash with ease and responding with a quick counterattack. A well-placed punch from Maha sent Kalifa into a wall, pinning her for a moment.

Kumadori, with his theatrical technique, tried to destabilize Maha with his exaggerated performance. Taking advantage of this distraction, Blueno went forward and created a door near Maha to try to surprise him from an unexpected angle. However, Maha managed to skillfully dodge Blueno's attack and counterattacked with a powerful blow that left him lying on the ground, struggling to catch his breath.

Seeing his companions in distress, Jean Bart, with his enormous size and strength, rushed towards Maha with a powerful blow. However, Maha was a cunning and agile opponent. She managed to evade Jean Bart's first blow and, with incredible speed, launched a series of precise and fast Shigans that left Jean Bart severely injured and struggling to stand.

With the atmosphere filled with tension and desperation, Kaku and Jabra gathered their last strength and launched an attack from different angles. Using their hybrid forms, they created a chaos of attacks and dangerous moves, attempting to outmatch Maha with her teamwork and techniques unique to her. But Maha was not intimidated by his offensive. Using her experience and advanced skills, she skillfully dodged his attacks and counterattacked with unmatched strength and precision.

As the minutes passed, the battle became increasingly desperate and exhausting for the group. Although they fought bravely, Maha proved too powerful and his adversaries were on the verge of defeat.

The entire group was bathed in wounds and some were closer to death than life.

"Damn!" Blueno, who was lying on the ground, with blood coming out of his wounds, felt helpless as he saw how everyone was being humiliated and could not do anything against that CP0 agent.

While Blueno clenched his fist in frustration he began to feel how his body felt different, the energy he had always had thanks to his Doa Doa fruit, the power he used when creating the doors, was changing and he felt stronger than ever.

He instantly knew what to do.

"Everyone listen to me!" With a shout I draw the attention of the others.

Even Maha, who had Kumadori under her foot, turned to look at him.

"Attack at the same time, I will be in charge of making sure you connect your attacks and prevent him from hitting you."

Everyone showed some disbelief, after all it was a difficult if not impossible task that he was taking on, but giving a vote of confidence to Blueno everyone gave a nod and with their last strength they decided to attack at the same time.

Kaku was the first to arrive, with his two swords falling on Maha's head, not trying to cut him but trying to stab his swords in his face, Maha easily took a few steps to retreat.

But something happened that surprised everyone, a portal appeared right in front of Kaku's swords, making half of them disappear as if they entered through a door.

"Aghh!" It was the first time that the group heard a complaint of pain coming from Maha, paying attention everyone could notice how just behind Maha a portal appeared just like the previous one where Kaku's swords had entered and from this portal half of said swords came out. which were passing through Maha's back.

"THAT'S HOW IT IS! THIS IS MY AWAKENING! NOW ATTACK!" Blueno, who showed an expression of maximum concentration, was the one who shouted, causing everyone to react and attack Maha as a group.

Soon a barrage of attacks fell on Maha, mainly being attacked by Rankyaku, Shigan and the variants of these techniques, Maha tried to dodge them but it was extremely difficult, multiple portals opened in his blind spots, or even sometimes they just changed the direction of the attack. a few centimeters and when Maha tried to counterattack, her own attacks were transported causing her to inflict damage on herself.

Soon the seconds became minutes.

Maha's former white clothes transformed into a red, blood-red suit.

"Die once and for all!" At the end and with the last of his strength, everyone used Shigan, of course, except Jean who could only throw a punch with all his concentrated strength.

Maha had long since dropped his mask, frustration and disbelief was on his face at the last moment as he was gunned down, in the end he could only resign himself.

His body fell limp to the ground, with blood still pouring out of him.

The team was completely exhausted, some like Jean, Fukurou and Kumadori fell unconscious due to their injuries, Blueno and Kalifa were lying down trying to regain some strength, on the other hand Kaku and Jabra were equally or more injured than the others as they were the main fighters. but their indomitable spirit kept them going. Although Maha's defeat cost them a heavy price, they knew that they had faced an incredibly formidable opponent and emerged victorious. As they recovered from their injuries, they looked at each other and smiled, knowing that, together, they had overcome a seemingly impossible test.

"We need you to take them to the ship, Blueno, Kalifa, we will go help Lucci" Kaku said as he prepared to leave along with Jabra.

"Wait Kaku, with my awakening I can help you, plus now I can open a door directly to places I have been to" Blueno explained a little about his awakening, at that moment he opened a door, similar to the Air Door, a door opened in the space in front of them, but to the surprise of the others, the green dimension that everyone knew was not visible, no, now they could see the deck of their ship.

"Hey, where did this door come from?" A voice was heard from the other side, soon they could see Devil Dias appearing.

"Blueno, your ability has become even more useful than before," Kaku said with a smile.

Seeing them wounded, Dias quickly passed through said door and helped them transport the wounded to the ship.

Then they also left Kalifa with them, although Dias wanted to go to help Lucci, the others asked her to stay to support Kalifa in case of any problem, she was also very hurt.

In this way, Kaku, Jabra and Blueno headed to help Lucci.

Lucci vs Joseph

The pain was overwhelming, and Lucci staggered back, holding his wound as he tried to catch his breath. Joseph, with an impassive expression on his face, took the opportunity to launch a series of quick and powerful punches at Lucci, sending him flying across the ground.

Lucci crashed into a nearby wall, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. The intensity of Joseph's attacks left Lucci desperately struggling to stay on his feet. He stood up slowly, blood dripping down his wounded side and his face full of determination.

"I won't let you defeat me so easily!" Lucci exclaimed, his voice filled with rage and determination. Concentrating every ounce of energy into his final attack.

"Rokushiki ogi: Rankyaku «Shinigami»!" Lucci launched an enhanced version of the Rankyaku at her, creating a powerful blast of energy that spread towards Joseph at high speed.

This Rankyaku easily contained the power of a Rokuogan, but the cutting power of this Rankyaku was added, the idea of energy concentration was the same as that of the Rokuogan, in addition a Soru had to be performed only with that leg, increasing speed and strength of Rankyaku.

However, Joseph showed no signs of worry. He simply raised his Haki-imbued leg and unleashed a fierce kick at the incoming Rankyaku. The collision created a massive explosion that sent shockwaves around them, causing the tree line to shake.

When the cloud of dust and smoke cleared, Lucci stood before Joseph, his attack effortlessly repelled. Looking at Joseph with a mix of shock and frustration, Lucci prepared for another assault.

"Looks like I'm going to have to push my limits," Lucci muttered to himself as an intense glow formed in his eyes. He dashed towards Joseph with superhuman speed, trying to catch up with him with the Shigan.

But at the last second, an unexpected distraction caught Joseph's attention.

They were Kaku, Jabra and Blueno.

That they were there meant Maha's death, which surprised Joseph, he never thought that a CP0 agent would die at the hands of CP9 agents.

Lucci took advantage of this moment of carelessness and managed to stab his Shigan into Joseph's eye. A cry of pain echoed through the place as Joseph stepped back, holding his mask which was filling with blood as it spurted from his eye.

However, the fury in Joseph's remaining eye was evident. With a single rage-filled kick, he sent Lucci flying through the air, landing a great distance away from him. Lucci crashed to the ground hard, trying to get back on his feet but could only fall to his knees, remaining motionless as the intensity of the battle took its toll on him.

Joseph slowly approached Lucci, his gaze filled with contempt.

"You have been a nuisance, but now your time has come to an end, although technically I was not supposed to kill you, I think it will be the only time that I will not complete a mission one hundred percent," he said coldly before launching a kick imbued with Haki as a blow. final.

Barely conscious, Lucci braced himself for impact, knowing he was outmatched in every way. Despite his resistance and bravery, he could not avoid defeat against Joseph of CP0.

Amid the darkness of defeat, Lucci found solace in the fact that he had fought until the end, no matter how overwhelming the situation.

He was free in this battle and even if it was only for a few days, he was also free at sea.

Just before Joseph's kick connected with Lucci, a portal appeared above him, Blueno's hands came out of said portal and tried to take him by the shoulders to introduce him to the portal, although he managed to lift him up a little, it didn't count that Joseph's speed was even greater than what Maha had shown.

Joseph managed to hit Lucci, only not on his head as he had planned but on his arm, causing Lucci to fly away from the impact, not even Blueno could hold him and could only remove his empty hands from the portal.

Lucci flew from the edge of grove 11 to grove 12.

Where something historic was happening.

"We will never see each other again… goodbye" A calm voice was heard.

Just at that moment a body collided with Luffy but immediately afterward Kuma's hand passed over both of them and they disappeared from the place.

And then the sound of a bubble bursting was the only thing that could be heard.

"Hey, did you just disappear another guy along with Mugiwara?" Sentomaru asked Kuma.

"That seems to be the case, it seems that I let my guard down and I didn't see it coming" Kuma said.

Joseph, who had just arrived, heard Sentomaru's words and the only thing he could do was show his frustration by breaking the ground with his foot.

Kaku, Jabra and Blueno who also worried.

Kaku quickly took out a piece of paper from his cap, it was small but although it looked somewhat burned, you could see that the owner of that Vivre Card would live.

"Let's go, he's safe" Kaku quickly gave the order to retreat without attracting the attention of those who were there, Silvers Rayleigh and Kizaru were monsters that could not be provoked.

Thanks to Blueno they soon disappeared.

End of chapter.

I guess it was pretty good, there's the awakening of the Blueno fruit.

Yes, Lucci goes to Amazon Lily.

But I already warn that he will not be a partner of Hancock, although I really like Hancock, I do not want him to be a partner of Lucci, maybe I already have a general idea of what I will do with these bows.

I also want to say that about the weapons I will ignore their sizes just like Oda does, you know, for example Oden's swords should be impossible for Zoro to use and yet he uses them and the size seems to have been reduced.

I will do the same with other weapons, for example someone using Kaido's kanabo will not be smaller than the Kanabo, the size of the weapon will simply adjust.

I won't mention it, I'll just ignore those sizes, because there is a weapon I want Lucci to use.