
Reborn in MCU as Doctor Stephen Strange

Reincarnated in a world of full of superheros, Super villains and gods, watch how a transmigrated person affects the MCU universe. ____________________________________________ This universe timeline is a bit different form MUC. The MC starts learning magic after Iron man 1. And Iron man 1 takes place in 2010. ____________________________________________ You can support the story by giving power stones

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10 Chs

Chapter 8 Diving Deeper: Further Learning and Mastery

Me: "But how do I give myself to it?"

Ancient One: "You must let go of your preconceptions, your doubts, and your fears. Embrace the unknown, trust in the process, and allow the magic to guide you. Become one with it".


With a newfound understanding and a fresh determination burning within me, I rose from the floor and clutched the sling ring in my shaking fingers. The weight of the Ancient One's words lingered in my mind, urging me to let go of my doubts and fears, to embrace the unknown with unwavering trust.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, willing myself to surrender to the mystical energies swirling around me. I envisioned the formation of the teleportation circle, not as a task to be controlled, but as a dance with the magic itself.

As I focused my mind and channeled my intent, a sense of calm washed over me, dispelling the lingering doubts that had plagued my previous attempts. With each passing moment, I felt a profound connection to the magic, as if I were tapping into a vast reservoir of cosmic energy.

Then, as if by magic itself, a shimmering circle of light began to coalesce before me, its intricate patterns pulsating with otherworldly brilliance. I could feel the raw power surging through the air, responding to my every thought and command.

With a surge of exhilaration, I completed the formation of the teleportation circle, watching in awe as it stabilized and expanded before me. It was a testament to my newfound understanding, a tangible manifestation of my connection to the mystical arts.

As the circle glowed with an ethereal light, I knew that I had taken a crucial step forward on my journey. No longer bound by self-doubt or hesitation, I stood tall, ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a sense of pride and accomplishment, I turned towards the Ancient One. There she was, smiling as if seeing countless future possibilities within me.

The days continued to pass, each one filled with rigorous study and intense practice in the mystical arts. Weeks turned into months, and I intensified my efforts, eager to absorb every scrap of knowledge available to me. Yet, there was one elusive tome that remained out of reach: the book on astral projection, guarded by Wong.

Despite my growing expertise, Wong deemed me unready to access the secrets within that sacred text. Frustrated by this limitation, I knew that if I wanted to advance further, I would have to take matters into my own hands.

Under the cover of night, I summoned a teleportation circle within the library, slipping my hands through the ethereal gateway to seize the coveted book on astral projection. In my haste, I also grabbed a few additional volumes, intending to continue my studies in the astral plane where time flowed differently.

Throughout the night, I delved into the intricacies of astral projection, absorbing the knowledge contained within the stolen tome. The sensation of traversing the astral realm was exhilarating, and I reveled in the freedom it afforded me to explore the depths of mystical understanding.

As dawn broke, I returned to the waking world, my mind brimming with newfound insights. Yet, my thirst for knowledge remained unquenched, driving me to seek out further enlightenment within the library's vast collection.

However, my attempts to acquire a book on the mirror dimension were met with resistance from Wong. Despite my earnest pleas, he refused to grant me access, citing concerns about my readiness and the potential dangers inherent in such advanced studies.

Undeterred by his admonitions, I resolved to find another way to obtain the knowledge I sought. With each passing day, my determination only grew stronger, fueling my relentless pursuit of mastery in the mystical arts.

The next day, the Ancient One summoned me into her chamber.

Ancient One: "Once in this room, you begged me to teach you, and now you prefer to teach yourself."

Me: "At one time, you told me to open my eyes, and I am doing exactly that."

Ancient One: "And now I hear you stole some books from the library and are searching for a book on the mirror dimension."

Me: "Wong told on me."

Ancient One: "But I guess it's time now."

Me: "What do you mean?"

The Ancient One flicked her hand towards the side, and the air broke in front of me into countless mirror-like shards, still somehow attached to each other.

Ancient One: "For the advanced knowledge you are learning so fast, you need a safer place to practice it. Follow me."

I followed her into the mirror dimension, the transition from the real world to the mirrored realm seamless yet distinctly different. As I passed through the shimmering barrier, it fractured into countless tiny pieces of glass, each reflecting a distorted version of reality. Despite the ethereal nature of this dimension, I felt no resistance as I moved through it.

The mirror dimension appeared as an exact replication of the real world, but I knew better. I understood the vast possibilities that the mirror dimension held. As a sorcerer, I would have the power to manipulate this ethereal realm, bending it to my will with a mere thought. However, there was a problem: those who drew power from the dark dimension had more control over it than a normal sorcerer.

With the Ancient One's guidance, I began to explore this new realm, learning to harness its energies and manipulate its fabric. Each step I took in the mirror dimension brought me closer to unlocking its secrets and mastering its power.

My physical training was also underway, albeit with considerable challenges. I found myself getting beaten up nine times out of ten, which was undeniably frustrating. However, I knew that I had to grit my teeth and endure the pain if I wanted to progress.

My training partner was none other than Mordo himself, adding an extra layer of frustration to the mix. Every time I faced him, his smug smile seemed to mock my efforts, treating me like a child he could easily handle.

Despite the setbacks and the bruises that adorned my body, I refused to give up. With each defeat, I learned something new—whether it was a flaw in my technique or a weakness I needed to address. Slowly but surely, I began to improve, my movements becoming more fluid, my strikes more precise. I think my photographic memory was helping in many ways.

One night, as I entered the library, I beheld a magnificent sight: there, in its full glory, rested upon a stand crafted specifically for it, the Eye of Agamotto. Within it lay infinite power, concealed within the form of a small green stone, and the countless possibilities it held.

As I approached, a sense of reverence washed over me. I knew of the Eye's legendary abilities—its power to manipulate time itself, to peer into the very fabric of reality, and to harness the forces of the universe. It was a relic of immense significance, entrusted to the care of the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj and the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme herself. And seeing this, a thought came into my mind: the major events of Dr. Strange's movie are approaching. Dread filled within me.

As soon as I would pick up the Eye and try to manipulate time, Mordo and Wong would come running to stop me and lecture me.

Despite the apprehension creeping into my thoughts, I couldn't deny the allure of the Eye of Agamotto. Its presence beckoned to me, promising untold potential and the chance to master powers beyond my wildest dreams.

But as I reached out to touch it, a voice echoed in the depths of my mind, a warning against tampering with forces beyond my control. I hesitated, uncertainty gnawing at the edges of my resolve.

Yet, the temptation was too great to resist. With trembling fingers, I reached for the Eye, picking it up and wearing it upon myself.


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