
Reborn In Boku No Hero With Dual Devil Fruit

A boy who lived a miserable life, and even his death wasn't dignified, but he gets a second chance, now in the world of Boku No Hero, watch as Ganrai rises to the top of this world

ReformedBoy · Cómic
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6 Chs

The name really matters

"ARGH!! Where am I?" thought Ren as he looked around and found himself lying in a kind of picnic basket. The first thing he noticed was that his hands were much smaller than they were in his previous life. The obvious conclusion was that the God had sent him to the world of Boku no Hero, but he would have to go through the process of being a baby, which irritated him a bit. Not as much as the fact that he was in front of a large door inside the basket, which clearly meant he had been abandoned.


"Damn it, in my past life I was poor all the time, and now in this one, I'm abandoned by my supposed parents... if I even have parents in this world. Maybe the Gods didn't want to give me parental figures and just threw me into this world as I had asked... should I do a blood test to see what happens? Haha," thought Ren, as his body involuntarily felt an overwhelming urge to cry.


"Man, what an idiot body, it just won't obey me," thought Ren, as he noticed the door in front of him slowly opening, revealing a young woman dressed as a nun. Her eyes fell on the crying child in front of her.


"What do we have here? Such a beautiful child, abandoned... don't worry little one, we at the Kosei orphanage and I will take good care of you," said the woman as she picked up the basket he was in and carried him inside.


After entering, the woman placed him on a sort of bench, allowing him to observe a bit of the place. Although he could only see the ceiling and part of the walls, the architecture reminded him of a church, and given the woman's clothes, it made sense they were in some kind of church. After a few seconds, she returned with a bottle and put it in his mouth.


As time passed, some children appeared, following another nun who wasn't as young. There were a few babies and some older kids, but none seemed to be in their teens, making him think either the older ones were adopted or the orphanage hadn't been around for long.


"Hey Mary, who's this new baby? Does he have a name?" asked a boy who looked about seven.


"I just found him at our orphanage door, and there was nothing to indicate a name, so he doesn't have one yet, Yu-Kun."


"Hey, let me name him, please, Onee-san," said a little girl, younger than the previous boy, tugging at the woman's skirt.


"That's not fair, we want to name him too, right guys?" said the boy, pointing to a group of children.


"Yes!" they responded in unison.


"It's alright, kids, we'll choose a name for him together, and the one he seems to like the most will be chosen, okay?"


"I'll start... how about Onigiri?" said the boy.


"Please, no, I wouldn't like my name to be Rice Ball," thought Ren, making a funny disapproving face to the crowd in front of him.


"What a shame, Yu-kun, it seems he didn't like the name you gave him," said Mary.


"Darn, I was sure he'd like it," said Yu, sounding sad.


"My turn, my turn!" said the little girl, really excited.


"Alright, what's the name, Hana-Chan?"


"The name will be Haruto!" said Hana enthusiastically.


"It's not a bad name, but I'll always think of Naruto when someone calls me that, so I think there could be better names..." thought Ren, immediately forcing a disapproving face.

"Apparently, he didn't like it much either," Mary said to Hana.


"Oh, that's sad," said the girl.


"Let's call him Ganrai!" shouted a little boy of about four from the back of the crowd.


"Hmm... Ganrai, I like it! That can be it," and Ren started laughing out of happiness at receiving a new name.


"Look at him, he's smiling, which means he liked this name. So it's decided, he'll be Ganrai!" said Mary, looking into my blue eyes.


"Yoshi!" said the little boy, slightly celebrating with his fists for winning the name-choosing contest.


Ren, now Ganrai, was contemplating the crowd's interaction regarding his new name when suddenly a message appeared in a kind of interface menu in front of his eyes.


Mission: Choose a name for the host – Completed


Reward: System Revelation


Next Mission: Observe the activity at Kosei Orphanage for the next six months


Reward: Photographic Memory


"Oh, I didn't think the system would be unlocked so soon. However, this mission will be much longer than the previous one. At least the reward will be extremely useful; the ability to remember details precisely will be a great help in the future when I'm making any plans,"

thought Ganrai, not realizing he was moving his hand, trying to reach the menu in front of him, which caught the attention of those around him.


"Hey Mary-Senpai, look at Ganrai, he's waving his arms. Do you think he wants to be picked up?" asked Yu.


"Let's play with him," said Hana.


"Oh no," thought Ganrai before being picked up by Mary and then having his cheeks pulled by the other children.


Six months passed, and Ganrai observed the entire routine of the orphanage because Mary would take him to these activities. The children had lessons with the nuns in the back of the church, which had a classroom, a cafeteria, and a playground for the children to play. They were also required to attend mass. By observing, he realized this orphanage had about 30 to 35 children, ranging from 1 to 10 years old.


Mission Completed: Observe the activity at Kosei Orphanage for the next six months


Reward Received: Photographic Memory


Upon receiving the reward, Ganrai noticed that the difficulty in thinking he had due to being just a baby had drastically diminished, and now it was a bit more pleasant to think and hear his thoughts.


Next Mission: Reach four years of age


Reward: Magu Magu no Mi and Goro Goro no Mi


"Finally! Now it's not long before I get my much-desired quirk. I just have to survive in this place, which won't be difficult, though it's a bit monotonous living with kids whose mental age is far below mine," thought Ganrai before his body fell asleep involuntarily.