
Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

Dave died and surprisingly reincarnated with all his memories. Unfortunately, it seems to be earth. Japan to be specific. Naruki City. Hmm sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe it was on the news or something. Oh well. Worse yet he has to learn Japanese from scratch, he has no special powers or system. What kind of lame reincarnation is this? No isekai, no powers, no system? Why even reincarnate. Also it seems to be the past, no smartphone and computers are backwards as all hell. Things just can't be worse. That is until he unfortunately dies again. However as he lay there bleeding out and slowly dying he finally realised he wasn't reincarnated on the real Earth. This was the world of Bleach and he was attacked by White and infected by his hollowfication poison. Can't he catch a break? He doesn't even get a chance to become a regular spirit and maybe a Shinigami. Just a mindless hollow. [...Initialising] [Status: Dying/Hollowfication] [Action: Preserving consciousness] [Success] [Action: Prevent Hollowfication] [...Error...Failure...] [Second Attempt] [Failure] [Third Attempt] [Failure] [Action abandoned] [Hollow System Initialised] ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- The general idea for this fanfic is to explore the hollow side of the story more than the original story does through the perspective of an protagonist that has Isekai'd into the world of Bleach with knowledge of the events. He just doesn't know he has been Isekai'd into Bleach at first. p a t r e o n/prognastat s u b s c r i b e s t a r/prognastat https://discord.gg/JKKPatT2ue

Prognastat · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
131 Chs


[Mission Completed]

[Skill Hachigyō Sōgai granted]

[Hachigyō Sōgai]

[A Twofold Dislocation Barrier that erases whatever is within it from existence and removes the space it takes up from an outsider's inner consciousness, making it so one cannot even perceive its presence. The very thought of getting close to it does not even occur to those outside it.]

'Well that should be helpful, although I can almost perfectly conceal myself I'm not able to do that for anything else outside my range.' he thinks seeing the power he got.

It might not directly increase his strength, but it should still be useful both for hiding any place he was staying and also other people from potential enemies.

Masaki started training her powers with Reina now that she was comfortable sharing this with Hisashi. With both their growth Hisashi was feeling much more comfortable about travelling to Hueco Mundo since both both of them should be able to defend themselves and Masaki should be able to return to her family shortly after.

Masaki had managed to adjust to her new powers. Hisashi had ended up naming the Quincy Hollow hybrid Nichtig, German for Empty/Void, based on the Quincy habit for using German themes and language for just about everything. She had also gotten back to manufacturing Gintō for spells now that her powers were back to prepare for the battles she knew were coming from Hisashi. No matter what she was going to be ready to defend her family herself when the time came instead of having to rely on others.

Reina's company had really taken off and she had finally promoted a CEO to take over for her and only needed to regularly attend board meetings to keep track of the company's progress and roadmaps without needing to be present on a daily basis anymore. They had established themselves firmly and there wasn't even a competitor that was coming close to competing with their product yet.

Meanwhile Hisashi had told Reina about the concept of the smartphone with touch screen displays knowing that this was going to be the next big thing after the cellphones that were currently all the rage and he knew the pc market would shrink due to the growth of the mobile market once smartphones took off. He also already knew exactly what a successful smartphone looked and functioned like meaning all her team had to do was figure out the execution and integration with their existing PC platforms.

Though Hisashi was confident in pulling off travelling to Hueco Mundo and surviving there he was still extremely satisfied that he had managed to get Reina into a position both financially and safety wise where she should be able to take care of herself and the family regardless of what ended up happening to him after leaving.

His father had loosened up and was now firmly enjoying his retirement with their mom even planning to visit some places internationally that they had never had a chance to before due to his work responsibilities. Places like London, Paris and New York. The time and attention was really re-kindling the lost romance for their parents.

At the end he was also paying attention to Ichigo who had just unlocked his Shinigami powers and was running around with Rukia hunting Hollow not even knowing the machinations going on in the background.

[+2 Years]

[+1105600 XP from Hollow]

[+92300 XP from Animal Spirits]

[+4450 XP from Pluses/Humans]

[+30290 Spirit Power from Hollow]

[+70 Spirit Power from Pluses/Humans]

[+669 Spirit Power from passive absorption]

[+9 Levels]

[+9 Stat points]

=Status Panel=

[Name: Saito Hisashi]

[Soul Age: 56 -> 58]

[Race: Hollow]

[Rank: Hollow]

[Level: 108 -> 117]

[XP: 12730/78080]


[Strength: 40 -> 42]

[Dexterity: 55 -> 60]

[Constitution: 18 -> 20]

[Intelligence: 30]

[Spirit Power: 87710 -> 118739]

[Available Stat Points: 0]

=Passive Skills:=

[Spiritual Energy Absorption]

[High-Speed Regeneration]

[Acidic Touch]

=Active Skills:=

[Soul-Body Separation]

[Spirit Power Concealment]

[Illusory Aura]


[Energy Blade]


[Hachigyō Sōgai]

His growth speed had gotten to near a standstill from his experience as he was only growing a level once ever few months now so most of his growth ended coming from his increasing combat senses through non-stop hunting Hollow and combat training with Reina and Masaki. His proficiency is his skill also managed to grow as he kept practicing them even using [Hachigyō Sōgai] to hide Reina and Masaki's training as it grew more and more intense.

He had now gotten to the level where he should be able fight toe to toe with your average lieutenant and although he didn't know exactly what would happen when he transformed, but he guessed he would have surpassed the lieutenants and either be at or close to some of the weaker captains once he transformed into a Gillian in combat strength. He felt comfortable having gotten to the point he was and ready for what was coming over the next few months.

At least as ready as he could hope to be with the risk of getting caught up with people who had been training and planning for centuries with his decade of training. Ichigo might have had the power of plot armour, but he had the system on his side.

"Reina, I'll have to leave again for a while. I can't say for sure how long it will be, but it will at least be a few months unless some kind of emergency happens. Make sure to take care of mom and dad." he tells her during his farewell.

She nods though sad she puts on a strong expression and huge him tightly.

"Be careful brother and make sure to come back soon." she responds.

"Can you give me a moment with Masaki?" he asks her.

"Ok, bye brother." she tells him before heading back inside.

Masaki seems a little nervous standing there and waiting for what he wanted to say to her.

"Masaki, I'll be keeping an eye on your family for the next 1-2 months after which I'll be heading straight to Hueco Mundo. I just wanted to say thanks and after the two months passes you should be able to go back to your family. Aizen's plan should already be in motion at that point and both his focus should be elsewhere and he shouldn't be able to just switch up his plans anymore." he explained.

"Once this is the case you can tell Isshin, Kisuke and the others what we talked about. Once Aizen betrays Soul Society he is going to be building an army in Hueco Mundo to attack them and the more they prepare the better." he ends with.

"And lastly, stay safe."

Masaki felt bad as she hadn't trusted him for the longest time, she didn't really start trusting him until he helped her when her Hollow side took over and brought her back despite the risk it brought him. She nodded.

"You too and thanks for everything." she said holding back her emotions to send him off confidently.


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And we're finally at the start of canon!

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