
Reborn as the Villain

When a girl in 20th century falls from up the stairs she gets reborn as a character from a novel she had read long ago but the character she gets reborn as is not just any character but the main villainess, Alyssa who at the end of the novel meets her tragic end as death. She refuses it; her tragic fate. "I have already died once I am not gonna die again and that's for sure." With that thought on her mind and fate as her archenemy she continues but will she succeed? [Paused]

offical_alex · Fantasía
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14 Chs

First day

After breakfast, I had a hard time trying to find the etiquette's classroom but at last i found it, just in time before the class started. I sat down next to Gracie. I had met her several times before at social gatherings. We were on friendly terms.

"Good morning, Gracie. It's so nice to see you." I said politely.

"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine." She said smiling. I took my ink and quil out along with an empty notebook. I placed them all down on the table.

"Lady Alyssa." She spoke so softly it felt like a whisper.

"No need to call me that. We're the same age." I told her.

"If that's what you wish. Alyssa, I was concerned about your well being. I haven't seen you in the academy at all." She said.

"Oh, that.... I was sick." I said, brushing it off.

"I wish you great health in the future." She said.

An old lady entered the classroom. She had her hair tied up tightly. She was wearing s

a long deep purple dress with extremely long sleeves that reached the tip of her fingers. As she walked into the room, everyone felt silent. So this was Professor Lianne. By the end of the class, I had realized why she was called the strictest teacher. She was extremely narrow-minded.

By the time class ended I was extremely sleepy. I had a bit of time before the next class so I decided to grab a drink at the canteen. After reaching the canteen and getting a fruit drink. I sat down and started drinking.

"Skipping class? Are you?" I looked up at the source of the voice. It was none other than Henry. After seeing his face after what felt like a decade, I immediately hugged him.

"Henry..!" Now that I looked up at him, I noticed that he was startled by the sudden hug.

"So, you are skipping class?" I pulled away from him.

"No, I've got a lot of time before my next class." I explained.

"Me too. Let's take a walk then." He said and I stood up and we began to walk.

"So, it's barely been two weeks since school started and you already got yourself in trouble. Bringing boys to your dorm?" He spoke.

"I did not do that. It's just that I am so so attractive that boys just can't help themselves but come by themselves." I said.

"Ha, Haha. You wish." He said.

"Hey, I am attractive." I said hitting him jokingly on the back.

"You know Demetrius and how he gets. He's been really stressed because of you, you idiot. You should really apologize." He said.

"I don't understand him. He doesn't let me call him brother nor does he act like one but he is always so darn overprotective. I am not good with words. You know what I am talking about." I complained.

"Yeah, he is strange like that but his intentions are good." He said.

"Yeah, Yeah." I said sarcastically. He suddenly hit me on the head with the book he was holding. "Ow!"

"I have got to go. I've got classes. See you later." Henry said, walking away. I was alone again. I also decided to walk to my next class which was history. The rest of the day went by fast. It was an ordinary day just like a school in the modern world. There was no particular teacher that I disliked. In fact I really really liked the history professor. He was really funny.

It was almost evening, all the kids were going to their dorms or enjoying extra activities with their friends, unfortunately I had to go to Tower 5.0. Luckily this time I didn't get lost because I took a map with me. When I saw Kyle, my face instantly lit up. "Good evening, Mr. Loisel." I smiled at him.

"Mr. Loisel? Than should I call you Lady Rosewood or Miss Rosewood?" He laughed. I for the first time noticed he had dimples.

"You have dimples? You're so cute."

"Really? That's a first." He said.

"Yeah. Can I leave now?" I said puting both my hands behind my back and looking up at him.

"Nah. I have a lot for work for you. You can start off by either organizing bookshelves or cleaning out the warehouse." He said.

"Alright. I'll help clean out the warehouse." I said.

"Alright, follow me." He said and so I did as told.

In the warehouse there was already a silver haired boy cleaning it as I looked closer I realized it was none other than that moron.... Prince Nicottis. Kyle left after telling me what I needed to do.

When he looked at me and our eyes met, his eyes glowed in the sunlight and his lips curled into a smile. Oh, how i wish he hadn't seen me. He approached me and knelt down on his knees and gently kissed my hand.

"Is this fate, love?" He asked. His eyes were so mesmerizing.

"I am going, Your Highness." I said, turning around but before I had even taken a few steps, he grabbed my wrist, not tight enough to hurt me but still tightly.

"Where to, my love?" He asked.

"To Kyle." I replied.

"Kyle..." His smile turned into a frown. He suddenly pulled me close and hugged me from behind. His arm wrapped around my waist and his face on my shoulder.

Just as I opened my mouth to tell him to stop. "Please, don't go.. darling~"