
Reborn as the Villain

When a girl in 20th century falls from up the stairs she gets reborn as a character from a novel she had read long ago but the character she gets reborn as is not just any character but the main villainess, Alyssa who at the end of the novel meets her tragic end as death. She refuses it; her tragic fate. "I have already died once I am not gonna die again and that's for sure." With that thought on her mind and fate as her archenemy she continues but will she succeed? [Paused]

offical_alex · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Reunited ^ ^

When I reached the great dining hall, the feast was about to end. All eyes were on me but I couldn't care less. I quickly seated myself between two strangers. The feast was about to end so I didn't have time to try and find Kate and Scarlet. I started eating as fast as I could.

After the feast ended, I went outside a little while later than other students. Outside I saw that both Kate and Scarlet were waiting for me. Kate rushed over to hug me as soon as she saw me. "Lyssa.....! How are you?" She asked, almost suffocating me with her hug.

"I am fine." I replied.

"We were both so worried about you..." She said letting go. The clouds cleared the sky, revealing the beautiful full moon. In the moonlight, I looked at her face and saw that tears were rolling down her face and her nose and cheeks were red. Her long blonde hair which she often tied in a braid was open. She looked like such a cute mess.

"I'm sorry, I made you worry." I said comforting her. Kate was an extremely sweet person, I don't know what Alyssa did to deserve such a sweet and kind best friend.

"Let's go to the dormitory. It's quite cold here." Scarlet spoke up. I looked at her. She looked as beautiful as ever. She gave a breathtaking smile when our eyes accidentally met.

"Alright." I said


After having reached the dormitory, we all went to Katie's dormitory because it was on the first floor. Kate's dormitory looked more homely than the last time I was there.

"I am sorry, Lyss. I should've gone after you that day." Kate apologized.

"No, it's alright. You tried to stop me." I said but Katie started crying again. Tears pouring down her eyes like rain. What did I do to deserve such a sweetheart?

"Don't cry now. See it all turned out fine, I am fine."

"Really...?" She asked like an innocent child.

"Really!" I said.

"I'm sorry too." Scarlet said.

"It's all fine." I repeated.

"Katie, I think it's time me and Alyssa go to our dormitories." Scarlet said.

"Why? We haven't told Alyssa about everything." Katie asked.

"The curfew. We can talk to her tomorrow." Scarlet answered. What were they talking about? I didn't understand it at all.

"The curfew..?" I asked.

"There is a curfew. Nobody's allowed to be outside their dormitories half past 8." Katie explained.

"How will they know we're outside the dormitory?" I asked.

"Prefects. Speaking of prefects. Shouldn't you be on duty, Scarlet?" Kate answered.

"Don't remind me." Scarlet said.

"You're a prefect...?" I tried my best to not laugh.

"It was not my choice! My brother put my name on the list without even asking for my permission." Scarlet rolled her eyes.

"Pfftt... What are you going to do if I don't go?" I asked, laughing at her.

"Trust me when I say I can put you in some real trouble." She said.

"Alright, Miss Losiel. I am leaving. Good night, Kate." I said, standing up to leave.

"Night, Lyssa." She said, waving her hand.

After leaving Katie's dormitory, I climbed the stairs to my own. I entered the dormitory to see a mess I had left before. I tied my hair up and started cleaning. I organized all my belongings and put everything in its place. I then changed into my night dress and after washing my face, I laid down on the bed. I laid there for a long while unable to fall asleep.

I had a lot of thoughts in my mind. A lot of things I needed to do. First was to wash my dirty clothes that had been piling up. Second was to return Demetrius's jacket after washing it properly. Third was to make it up to Demetrius since he was angry at me the last time we talked. Fourth was to catch up on my academics. Since I didn't attend the first week of school I would probably have a lot to catch up to. I had a lot on my list of things to do.

Life as Alyssa was pleasant, I didn't know what could have made Alyssa, evil. In most of the other novels I read, there is always something that pushes the character to become a villain. It's often childhood trauma that pushes them to be a villain but how could that be for Alyssa? Both her parents were absolutely loving and doting.

The next morning, I woke up early to pleasant sunlight caressing my face. I had forgotten to close the curtains last night it seemed. I had so much on my mind. I quickly hurried to the bathroom to prepare a bath then picked out a suitable outfit for the day.

After taking a warm bath and getting dressed. I tied half my hair up with a beautiful navy blue ribbon. I checked my schedule. The first period was proper etiquette. Why did such a subject exist? I wondered. I packed my bag for the day.

I went downstairs and met with Scarlet on the way.

"Good morning!" She tried to seem cheerful but it was clear she was very sleepy.

"Good morning. You didn't get enough sleep last night. Did you?" I asked.

"No, prefect duties. I was supposed to check if anyone was outside the dorm till late night. Anyways, what's your first period?"

"'Proper etiquette'. You?" I asked.

"History. You got unlucky." She said as we both walked together to the dining hall.


"Because Professor Lianne teaches it. She is strict. Probably the strictest teacher I'd say." Scarlet explained.

"Is that so?" I asked. We both had reached the dining hall and sat down together.

"Yeah, she's extremely strict."

"Where is Kate?" I asked. I had not seen her at all.

"She has extra classes in the morning." Scarlet answered.

"Extra Classes? Why did she take them?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"I don't really know. You can ask when we see her." She said.

"I guess I will." I said. I started eating.

I am back to posting. I posted this chapter yesterday but the app glitched and it wasn't uploaded. I apologize for the long wait. I don't think I can produce a chapter everyday or every two days but I will try my best. Love to all my readers.

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