
Reborn as the Fox God's Son

His son nodded. "Yep!" "You just need to level up much time to achieve your human form so you better not get lazy" The Fox God waved his hand and a white portal appeared beside him. "Good luck son, this portal will lead to the other world so be careful too okay?" "Awe...Dad is already getting worried" Raiden teased his father while his dad blushed in embarrassment. "Shut up..anyway just be careful, like I said that world is different from yours" Raiden goes towards the portal and stops. "Just watch me dad cause this son of yours will make you proud" His dad smirk. "Alright! Make me proud son!" "I will" After he said that he entered the portal excited about what's going to happen next and what adventure awaits him on the other side of the portal. "I suddenly have a son huh?..." The fox god said while smiling to himself.

NicoleFaithDV · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1 Chs

Chapter 1

[3rd Person's POV]

In a dark space floats a tiny ball of purple fire floating around and inside that ball is a soul peacefully sleeping inside, suddenly the soul inside woke up in confusion and rubbed its eyes.














ok, I didn't expect that...Aaaanyyywayy back to the story.

Suddenly a silver-haired little boy dressed in white Japanese kimono appeared in front of the confused soul and bowed with his eyes closed tight.

"I'M SORRY!!!"

The soul looks at him strangely.

"....*sigh* okay stand up kid and just tell me where am I? and how the hell are you floating?!"

He stands up but still looks down with guilt on his face.

"T-to tell you the truth while I was experimenting a new thunderbolt I accidentallyyyyy well you know... drop the new experimented lightning bolt...but I swear! I didn't know that there will be a person where it fell so I am so soooo sorrryyy!!!!"

He bowed again but now his kneeling with his head touching the floor while the soul look at him in shock but only sighed again.

"Stand up, what's done is already done so we should just learn to accept it. By the way, my name is....wait....i..don't know my name.....why can't I remember my name??"

The soul said in a panic.

"As I thought, it really has side effects"

The boy stand up and wave his hand and a chair suddenly appeared, he sat down and look at the soul.

"Let me introduce myself first, I don't have a name but I am the person you people call the Fox god"

The little boy said proudly.






The soul look at him with a strange look and was suddenly trying not to laugh.

"Pffffft haha*snort* ahaha pffft-ahahahaha *cough* ahem! and your saying?"

The soul smile while holding its laugh and the 'God' looks at him with a pout.

"I may look like this right now but it's not really my form and I already lived for so many years you know! Well anyway about your condition like I said earlier I was experimenting with a new type of lightning bolt and when that lightning hits a living being it can reborn its soul into a powerful one and you can already pair it with gods. Your soul right now is at demi-gods level but it seems that you lost some of your memories as a side effect, so what are the things you can remember?"

"I...I those games I played, a dark room, and a white...dog? No, wait...a fox"

"Hmm let me check your memory for a bit"

He touch the ball of fire and after a few moments, he smirked making the soul look at him confused.

"What is it?"

The boy smiled.

"It seems that your memories are not gone"

"What do you mean?"

"Your memories are blocked by powerful walls and you need to find out how to destroy them one by one"

"Your a god right? Why can't you just remove them?"

"I may be a god but even if I remove that wall it will only regenerate again, only you can destroy it and bring your memories back. As an apology I can reincarnate you again but not in the world you came from but a new world with magic and creatures you have never seen before"

"Why did you say I can't go back to the world I came from?"

"Well it can destroy the balance of the world and even if you go back, your mortal body has already turned into ashes"

"Oh...then if I reincarnate do the people who know me still remember me?"

"Well in that world it will be like you never existed so don't worry"

"Then about this world, you are saying, do you think I can develop there?"

"Well when i took a glimpse of some of your memories i think you can and before you go there I'll give you the system as a gift"

He touched the ball of fire again a light came out from his hand and into the soul.

"What is that?"

"I gave you the system so try saying [Status]"


Suddenly a screen with one word written on it saying Soul appeared in front of the soul and his eyes widen in curiosity.

"That screen in front is called [Status] it's a system that can help you control your power and level up every time you gain experience"

"So it's like an RPG game system or something?"

"Yep! Something like that and I also gave you my blessing so your powers will be kinda doubled"

"Thanks a lot! Oh! And also what about my body?"

"By the time of your rebirth, your body will be customized by me be honored because you the first soul to be reincarnated by me"

"Yeah yeah but anyway thank you very much and also can I have one request?"


"Can you give me a name?"

"....a name? Can't you just make one for yourself?"

"Well, you said you're going to customize my body right? Then that makes you my father! That's why you need to give me the name"

"What are you? A kid?"

The soul's fire color turned into a dark purple until it turn darker and darker showing his disappointment. The god just sighed and smiled heartedly.

"Alright! I'll name you a name and you better treasure it! Hmm....."

The soul waited patiently but was still excited about its new name.

"...As my son...your name shall be...Raiden...from now on this will be your name and you will be my son"


Raiden suddenly grew bright making him look like a star shining brightly through the darkness while flying around repeating his name happily and his father chuckled covering his eyes from too much brightness when Raiden calmed down his light turned a little dim but there is still a tint of happiness.

"That's one of a kind joy you got there, why are you so happy about it?"

"I don't know either but even though my memories are blocked I felt like I wanted it for a long time...can I call you dad now? but it's kinda weird calling you that in your form"

His father smirked and white smoke suddenly covered him, when the smoke cleared a man with long silver hair and purple eyes and the same kimono but now has fox ears and tails in his 20s appeared in the place of the kid god before. Raiden look at his father in awe.

"Woahh!! Dad, you look so cool and awesome!! And that fox ears and tail looks cool on you!!"

"Well I am the Fox God but this is just my human form if see my real form you will be shocked but not today because our time is limited I need to reborn you again before your soul fade but the body ill make you will start as a child and since your my son I will give you my fox blood making you a fox-like me too so you will be reborn as a fox cub is that okay with you son?"

His son nodded.


"You just need to level up much time to achieve your human form so you better not get lazy"

The Fox God waved his hand and a white portal appeared beside him.

"Good luck son, this portal will lead to the other world so be careful too okay?"

"Awe...Dad is already getting worried"

Raiden teased his father while his dad blushed in embarrassment.

"Shut up..anyway just be careful, like I said that world is different from yours"

Raiden goes towards the portal and stops.

"Just watch me dad cause this son of yours will make you proud"

His dad smirk.

"Alright! Make me proud son!"

"I will"

After he said that he entered the portal excited about what's going to happen next and what adventure awaits him on the other side of the portal.

"I suddenly have a son huh?..."

The fox god said while smiling to himself.

to be continued...