
Reborn as Stiles Stilinski in the Orange County

What happens when you reincarnate as Stiles Stilinski in Orange County with a cheat, making you even more of a chad? A super Alpha among ordinary humans. Bikinis, buttocks, sports, parties, no sleep... —Newport Beach Stiles Stilinski! One of those tired mornings. Looking at the super hot transfer student, Stiles went completely OOC, chadly thoughts blooming in his head: 'Please don't look my way. Please don't fall for me...' //Tagged: Orange County, Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Cheat, Supernatural, ETC. ****************** My thoughts on this book: I don't remember the main show in minute detail; I have a terrible memory, so don't expect master intrigue. The emphasis is on character growth. If we must say so. You get the picture. Hopefully, it'll be a slow Romance fic, restful and wholesome. I'll write it for the sake of heartwarming and sticky romance. Shouts: Except for Stiles' supernatural abilities, the Supernatural does not exist. In this fic, only a few TW characters will be relevant! You don't need to ask why...

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25 Chs

Pilot [Edited]

"Stiles! Hahaha! You came?" When Stiles pulled up with Ryan, Trey laughed.

"As you can see, I'm here." Stiles frowned, replying.

"Woaah. Never thought I'd see the day. A cop's son helping us to steal cars. That's one for the books." Trey mentioned darkly.

"This insensitive fuck... Shut up, Trey." Hearing his brother's remarks, Ryan was exasperated immediately. Stiles hadn't even finished mourning his dad after the shooting.

"Huh? Are you talking back to me, midget?"

"What if I am?"

Feeling that the respect he deserved as the older brother was challenged, Trey said. He was getting in Ryan's face. The latter didn't back down.

"Guys... Come on... Are we doing this or not?" Annoyed, Stiles sighed and said, after walking between his cousins.

If he didn't, Trey would get sucker punched by Ryan... Probably.

That would be bad, since Trey always packed a gun in his jeans.

Though he wouldn't actually shoot Ryan, that wouldn't stop him from scaring the blonde kid.

'Why was I reborn with such half-witted relatives?' Stiles complained in his head.

The three didn't have time for a show of superiority, in other words, the Chino mobster bull crap.

Not today.

It has been years since Stiles was reborn in this world now. For a reason he ignored, he was sent here years before his parents died in a shooting. Weeks ago.

Both his parents were cops. Stiles had the same dad as Stiles had in Teen Wolf, but his mom was another woman. A cop.

Not that it was important. They died.

Speaking of which, the case was still unresolved.

Coming to this gig tonight, Stiles made his first terrible decision. He normally wouldn't listen to anything Trey said, much less follow him in his reprehensible activities... dullard activities.

Though Stiles wanted to control his life and make good decisions, his options presently were limited.

His alcoholic aunt didn't want to take him in after his parents passed away, and he even had to drop out of high school.

More importantly, the reason he had come to such a critical turn in life was due to one thing:

Stiles wasn't like your other transmigrators that were successful from an early age.

He wasn't thriving.

First of all, something which had to be said, was that he was reborn as Stiles, but he didn't have Stiles's brains.

So just imagine…

Having the body but not the intelligence of Stiles…

Furthermore, the tragedy was that he hadn't traveled to this parallel world with a cheat.

The only thing Stiles took comfort in was his control stick. His joystick.

Puberty gifted him with a big weapon down there. And that was the only true benefit of getting reborn with Stiles' body thus far.

He had realized that this world seemed different from Teen Wolf after years. It was apparently an urban crossover where he didn't live in Beacon Hill. But Stiles was still the same Stiles, with a cheat or not.

If he was taught, he could be a beast with the ladies.

He didn't have time for girls, though. He had more essential problems, as can be seen.

Calming down, Trey snorted, saying to Ryan, "The nerd isn't getting mad; why are you feeling so sore for him? Always the good guy vigilante, huh, Ryan? The favorite son getting the good grades and stuff..."

"Enough, guys." Ryan was about to retort something when Stiles told. "Are we breaking inside this car or not?"

He had other things to do besides this stupid shit at night with his preposterous Atwood cousins.

He was a Stilinski.

In some ways, he was glad that these two guys' mother refused to take him in... The family structure and environment weren't good. Mostly because of her and her dumb lifestyle and decisions.

She was a wreck of a woman who wasted her potential and beauty on alcohol and useless, jobless men who exploited her—at the expense of love for her children, even.

She was willing to do a lot for those useless men to feel empowered and respected by her children.

She has a new man these days, one much younger than her. Again.

If Stiles didn't have his memories and was raised by Dawn, which was the name of their mother, he could've turned out like Trey.

"Hmph." Trey gave a long glare to Ryan. Then he spat thick and syrupy saliva on the ground, stating with his finger, "I'll tidy you up after we're done, Ryan. You're getting cocky, and I don't like attitudes."

'Attitude? Look at this man. I don't think he likes yours either, dude.' Stiles shook his head inside, but he didn't voice his thoughts.

Trey liked to think that he was a respectable older sibling. Which was absurd.

The blame for the poor upbringing and family could be put on that shitty mom. But his life was a series of heartrending choices.

Actually, it was a secret only Stiles knew.

Trey was bad, but he had room to become even worse—room that couldn't be stopped with advice.

The reason Stiles came to participate in the car theft tonight organized by Trey wasn't the money... He came because of Sandy Cohen.

Since Stiles had watched the Show back in his old world, he knew the plot.



That night. Police horns blared as Trey tried to ditch his partners to flee by himself in the car.

Stiles acted as a diversion when things went south. He didn't try hard to escape... But that was his little secret.

Eventually, they all got caught by the police after a short pursuit for him and Ryan, and in Trey's case, a car chase worthy of late-night flash news.

Trey even got shot in the arm when he fired his gun.

It was okay. The bastard would survive.

Too bad for him; he wasn't underage and would face serious charges...

Stiles didn't know if his presence changed the scenario of that night. He didn't recall how that night exactly went.


The next morning in the underage jail structure.

As expected, Sandy, a lawyer who liked to take on social welfare lawsuits, came for Ryan. To be precise, he came not just for Ryan, but also for Stiles.

Stile's case was more serious than Ryan's since he didn't have his parents any longer.

Heading back to Chino, Sandy had already decided to take Stiles in. For some time until his case with the justice was settled and social workers from the system came for him.

Ryan was another case...

Thirty minutes after Stiles and Sandy left, driving towards Newport Beach, the cell phone rang.

His hands holding the stirring wheel, eyes between him and Stiles, Sandy was considering picking up the call. From the number he didn't know and had never registered when Stiles remarked, "I think you should take that call."

"You think? Could you please pick it up for me, then?" Sandy said, turning his head back toward the road.

Mobile cellphone driving laws weren't a thing yet, but Stiles was here.

Sandy wasn't your typical Orange County representative. His life, like his morals, was structured.

"Sure thing." Stiles nodded and took the call, knowing who it'd probably be.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hello? Stiles?" At the other end, recognizing his cousin's voice immediately, Ryan spoke. His voice was a bit agitated.

Most likely aggravated and scared if the mess from the Pilot happened again...

Ryan's mom was truly something else. Pleasing dumb men who liked to feel essential and upright wasn't easy…

She would come back crying soon for Ryan, so Stiles didn't care.

"Yes, that's me, bro. What's up?" When Stiles spoke, Sandy looked at him curiously.

That was his phone. Unless the caller was an individual Stiles was familiar with, he wouldn't speak so casually.

"Huh... Something came up. I need to speak to Sandy. Are you with him?" Ryan asked hesitatingly.

"Yes. It's for you." Stiles told Ryan and handed the phone to Sandy.

He could put the thing on speaker, but Ryan was slightly embarrassed. After explaining that to Sandy, the latter talked with Ryan.

Minutes later, with no surprise, Sandy made a U-turn somewhere on the highway.

After picking up the newly homeless Ryan, the three arrived at Newport Beach. It was night.

"Wow, look at this crib, man."

"Are you rich, sir?"

Awed, Ryan asked Sandy after seeing the superb house.

Even the villa lights were beautiful.

"Don't call me, sir. Just call me Sandy." Sandy said, getting out of the car. "Also, I'm not rich. Everything you see isn't mine; it's my wife's." He added, his eyes on the million-dollar crib.

"Your wife's?" Surprised, Ryan asked.

"Yes. Speaking of her, I need to have a talk with. You guys wait for me here, alright?" Sandy smiled. Not displaying his complex openly.

He never liked talking about his wife's background.

Thinking of Kirsten, what Stiles cared about wasn't the money...

Ahem. But that was a problem for another day.

He needed to think about how to avoid getting kicked out in the first few days. Before Dawn showed up here.

Though he didn't have parents, he was blood-related to Ryan.

"I think we got picked up by rich folks." Ryan suddenly whispered to Stiles.

"You think?" Stiles smirked.


Ryan was cute. But Stiles would never tell him that was exactly why he followed him on that confused criminal mess last night...

Transmigrators had to be opportunistic. More so when they had no cheat.

Click, Click*

Lighter's noise*

Moments later. Ryan was grabbing a smoke when the first epic scene from the Show took place.

A young and beautifully lean woman walked up the curb. She was holding a purse.

Seemingly waiting for a ride to arrive.

Her gaze met with Ryan when she inquired, "I've never seen you around. Who are you?"

Stiles was happy and cringing at the same time when Ryan inevitably stared for a second, then replied like a hormonal teen, "Whoever you want me to be."

Marissa's eyes widened.

Seemingly affected or even charmed by the outlandish confidence, she stared Stile's cousin down up. Starting from his shoes to his handsome face.

'Here we go...' Watching this epic scene live from the front row, Stiles thought.

He was feeling a subtle mix of secondhand embarrassment and warmth. His heart was very warmed. Especially remembering what happened to Marissa at the end.

Stiles sighed. Not jealous.

Marissa and Summer were never his types.

Actually, that's not true regarding Summer.

He liked Summer both physically and mentally, but not enough to be with her if the relationship was going to be painful. In fact, she wasn't the problem.

The girl was great and so pretty, but she was someone's childhood crush...

Stiles wouldn't say no if she liked him enough to break Seth's heart.

Some things couldn't be forced, no matter how much he wanted to be Seth's best friend.

Seth wouldn't hate him if Summer fell in love with him, would he? From what he remembered, the guy's friendship wasn't this cheap.

"And who's this guy?" Marissa chuckled, turning to the other guy, him, asking.

"Me?" Stiles pointed to his chin, considering introducing himself.

At that moment, he heard a sound in his head, though. A mesmerizing sound.

"Yes, who else? Wait... Are you two related?" Marissa frowned with interest, her hair and looks coquettish.

Most people would think she was flirting when she was just easygoing.

That and her naivety... But that was Ryan's problem...

"We are, actually. How did you figure? That's my cousin Stiles." Ryan deviated from the Original and started chatting with her.

On the other hand, Stiles didn't have time for any chat.

'What the....' He thought.

His cheat, which he had stopped waiting for, had finally decided to show itself.