
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Cómic
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89 Chs

Reunited with the old man

(AN: at this time in the story hiruzen would be dealing not only with the aftermath of the hyuga affair but also iwa spies and constant border disputes with kumo who are poking and prodding konoha's defenses so he doesn't have time to visit Naruto in the orphanage. He doesn't know about narutos treatment in the orphanage nor does he know that Naruto has left the orphanage.)


It's been a month since mikoto and I met and we've gotten closer. 'It's nice to have someone to care for me again.' I thought as I waited for mikoto to arrive to cook me some dinner I never learned how to cook in my past life but I'm learning. I've been sneaking around the village at night to break in and steal food and clothes. Also due to this I've leveled up my stealth skill to level 5. Mikoto said when she wasbtailing me that first night that the shadows melded with my body to hide me even better. I also feel a connection with them the same way I do with the system.

Anyways on my little mission last night to steal some juicy steak from a butcher I was almost caught by an anbu. If it wasn't for me being a sensor I wouldn't of even noticed them hell I didn't really even see them they blew right past me and were in the cover of darkness with barely any chakra signatures. But what I did notice was a flash of silver hair and a flash of purple hair. 'A silver haired anbu that has to be kakashi' I though, 'also more importantly I was almost caught I need to work more on my awareness' lost in my thoughts of training I didn't notice mikoto walk up next to me nor did I notice the small teasing smile on her face as she bent down next to my ear and whispered,

"So what you thinking about." Leaping out of my spot and sticking to the overhead above the porch with chakra I looked back at the spot I was in to see mikoto laughing at my expense, but she wasn't the only one laughing at me because I could hear giggling from within my mind scape. Mikoto started to look around until she saw me sticking to the roof and opend her eyes wide and pointing at me as she exclaimed,

"You can walk climb already how did you learn that. Also doesn't the kyuubi mess with your chakra control I remember Kushina ranting about how annoying it was to constantly have to leave a shit ton of shadow clones to keep her chakra control at the level of a chunin." She yelled out with confusion but her tone turned reminiscent as she spoke about Kushina.

Smiling ruefully I said the lie I was planning to tell her when she starts my training,

"I saw some shinobi walking up the walls from the basement window it was at an angle so I could only see the top floors and roofs of other buildings and I would see a shinobi walk up them every now and then."

Blinking with astonishment she spoke after a few moments of silence,

"So your telling me that you learned chakra control from just watching people do it? Also you didn't answer my question about why the kyuubi isn't messing with your chakra control." She asked with a incredulous tone at first but turned questionable at the end.

"Yes I figured out the wall climbing chakra control exercise after about 3 months of failure. Also about the kyuubi I guess it's the seal preventing it from messing with my chakra control." I answered her with confidence.

"Hmm ok whatever anyways I convinced itachi to come and help you with genjutsu, shurikanjutsu, and kunaijutsu, but he is on a anbu mission right now so he won't be back for a little. Keep in mind I didn't tell him who you are yet so he may be a little surprised to figure out who you are after all he's smart enough to figure out who your parents are and he already knows about the kyuubi." She told me not completely believing my story about the seal.

Nodding my head I spoke "Thanks mikoto also it's good you haven't told him who he'll be teaching yet he's a loyal anbu to the hokage and the old man doesn't know what happened in the orphanage or that I've escaped yet so I'll have to talk with him tonight at the saratobi clan compound there's no way I'm risking getting caught by danzou I'd rather not be turned into a mindless weapon, oh and thanks for telling me about the 2 factions within the anbu and what danzou wanted to do to me after he found out about my status as jinchuuriki."

She smiled as she opens the front door I gave her an extra key that was in my parents room since I didn't need it.

"No problem little ruto also when you go to meet with hokage-sama make sure to use your senses to the max the hokages residence should be guarded heavily…." She paused as if to think of something before looking at me from the stove and speaking "Your not good enough to get into the hokages residence with your current abilities so I'll help you in a former S-ranked anbu after all I specialized in stealth." She said as she puffed up her chest with a smug smile and looking at me as of saying *i'm perfect praise me*

Sighing with a slight blush at the sight of this woman's obliviousness at her own beauty I said "That works for me I'll be counting on your experience and abilities. Also can you stop puffing out your chest it's distracting." I said with an eye twitch as I looked away.

Gaining a confused look she regained her normal posture and went back to cooking and said "why it's not like I'm that big your mom was always the one men would look at."

Sighing at the airhead my mom decided was a good influence on me I just answered with a "Nevermind." All while a curtain red haired fox laughed at my plight.

*A few hours later*

Me and mikoto were on my porch sitting in the deck chair's waiting for midnight when mikoto spoke

"You know me and your mother used to sit in these chairs and wait for your father to come back from the front at night he would leave a shadow clone with a hiraishin kunai with it and come back home to your mom because he promised to always come back." She smiled at the end.

"Hmm yes one of the most powerful Justus to ever be created was used by my dad to tuck my mother into bed at night what a amazing use of the hiraishin." I said dryly.

Giggling she answered "yup lucky woman your mom was." Than looking at the moon she said "welp it's time let's go break into the hokages house." She said like it was an everyday affair.

'Damm airhead' I thought as we left towards his house'

Sticking to the shadows and keeping completely silent I noticed that mikoto seemed like a completely different person with laser focus and eyes of steal all of her airheadness and clumsiness completely disappeared every moment and step was perfectly timed and calculated. Doing my best to follow her lead I got a my stealth skill to level 6. Suddenly she stopped and put her hand out in front of my moth to stop me from talking as she looked towards a walled off portion with the saratobi clan emblem. Her eyes turned red with three black tomoe's 'the sharIngan' I thought as her eyes roamed over the walls stopping at curtain points than continuing. Looking at me she whispered quiet enough that only I could hear her.

"There are 4 anbu on the wall and 3 in the trees." She stated

I nodded than whispered back "ok how do we do this."

She smirked back at me letting some smugness enter her emotionless face.

"Like this." She whispered as she grabbed my shoulder and made some hand seals before we started sinking into the ground. After being completely submerged we swam through the ground and into the compound reappearing next to the front door in a shadowed spot.

Looking at mikoto in amazement I thought 'With her as my teacher I'll be without any competition in stealth and assassination.' I grinned at the thought. I shook my head and focused back on mikoto as we climbed the walls to a window where mikoto put a seal on the window and opend it completely silently. Motioning towards the window she ushered me in. Inside the room was book shelves and a desk with 2 chairs on my side with 1 on the other. Sitting in the chair on the other side was the old man with a surprised look on his face and a pipe in his mouth. Just as fast as the surprise appeared it disappeared and he looked at mikoto with a raised eyebrow but shivered at the murderous look on her face. Deciding to shut up and listen to what she says.

Nodding still with that creepy smile on her face mikoto spoke

"We need to speak about the treatment of my GODSON old man."