
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

A tiring day

(AN: this is a chapter about a day in the lads of hiruzen saratobi and what he has to deal with. I thought it would be interesting to read about all the bullshit he has to deal with in a daily basis.)


Groaning after waking up after my 7 hours of sleep I got up to see the clock hitting 7 on the dot. Smirking a little I thought 'still got it' after getting out of bed I stumbled a little with my bones creaking. Wincing in a bit of pain I thought ruefully 'or not' walking over to my closet I grabbed my hokage robes and got ready for the day. 'Dammit minato why did it have to be you, I'm to old for this shit.' I thought bitterly while thinking about the council meeting that was called again.

Walking out of my house and the saratobi clan compound I noticed my trusted hokage guard waiting for me within their special camouflage jutsu that makes them blend into the surroundings only known to the anbu and some jonins. With a small smile I thought about the few anbu I could trust with danzou putting those curse seals on his roots tongues 'I might be old but I'm still the hokage does he really think I don't see what he's doing especially with these council meetings and him bringing up the need for him to train little Naruto. Speaking of Naruto I should try and see him again it's been 7 months at least I have bears reports although they've been a little weird as of late. I know I can trust bear he's a saratobi after all.'

While walking to the hokage tower I greeted and waved at passing villagers. Finally getting to the tower I was greeted by the guards and the staircase. After walking up the twenty floors I was met by a handful of anbu hiding in the shadows noticing another of MY ANBU was replaced by a root agent sighing once again I noted to check up on turtle and see where he was reassigned. Walking into my office I was greeted by a mountain of FUCKING PAPERWORK 'I should of fixed the hat on jiraya spy master or not this job is meant for mad men.' Sighing as I sat down and my hokage guard took up their posts in the corners of the office I got to dealing with the paperwork. It was mostly mission requests but a few requests from the civilian council. More than one of them was requesting a personal guard full of jonin.

"As if we have the numbers to grant these requests." I said out loud "Do these people not realize we are one step away from war with kumo and iwa?" I asked out loud seemingly to no one but I knew there was someone to my left after all I've been friends with him since we were kids and I've grown to just know when he's near like a six sense.

"Of course they do but to them war means money especially the councilors that own blacksmiths and the few sealing shops. Also that doesn't even include the councilors that are in danzou's pocket he's almost got them all by now." The man that seemingly appeared out of nowhere fully garbed in anbu gear with a dragon mask.

Sighing once again for the fifth time today I spoke "How's the kumo front."

"Good we're holding the line and putting on a strong front." He answered sounding just as tired as me. Not that I could blame him he's been anbu commander for as long as I've been hokage. 'It's to bad mikoto had a child I remember how happy he was when he said he found his successor before me and was going to retire first smug basterded.' I thought with a little smile

"Oh and what's so amusing about that?" He questioned after seeing my small smile.

"Oh nothing just thinking back on better times old friend. How about getting a drink tonight like old times?" I answered and asked back.

I couldn't see behind his mask but I got the impression that he had a shit eating grin.

"I'd love to have a drink for old times sake tonight unfortunately your going to have a visitor or 2 tonight. I came across an interesting sight when I was visiting an old friend." He said and I could now hear the amusement in his voice. After a second he spoke again "but enough with the pleasantries you have a council meeting to attend and I have a few spies and loose ends to cut off. Iwa has gotten a little brazen with their attempts to spy on us so I'm thinking of a little scene to make them back down."

Nodding my head I spoke one again "As long as you don't start a war I'm fine with whatever."

Giggling like a school girl he skipped into the wall before seemingly disappearing into it. "Haaa I envy your ability to act childish and find joy in your job." I spoke as I was getting up.

But as I finished my sentence I heard a "oh I think you get plenty of enjoyment from using the hokage orb to peak at the hot springs."

Freezing as I felt the killing intent from one of my female anbu i nervously chuckled while doing my best to ignore the oni that appeared behind my raven masked anbu. Speeding up my actions while thinking of a way to get my old friend back for this. Finally getting out of the office raven stopped letting her killing intent out and went back into her borderline emotionless anbu mode. Making my way to the council room I felt the councils chakra as well as the hidden anbu noticing more root anbu. Still keeping the neutral look on my face I thought 'What are you doing with so many root anbu danzou they are needed at the borders you paranoid old warmonger.'

Opening the council doors I motioned for everyone to shut up and they did mostly some of the civilian council members kept talking not holding any respect for me anymore. 'Some of danzous pawns than they think he cares about them and will protect them.' Internally sighing at the civilians stupidity I rose my aura and spoke. "Shut up or get out." In a calm yet commanding tone. Most of the civilians shut up and paid attention to me but a few looked like they were about to protest before danzou shut them up with a stare.

"Ok now that we are all here what is this about." I asked while the shinobi clan heads agreed with my question well at least the ones that were here most have been sent to the kumo front while those like the aburame and inuzuka who specialize in intelligence and tracking went to the iwa front to stop spy's from getting in. Making the council numbers favor the civilian side.

A civilian spoke out, but only after getting a nod from danzou "We are here because of the economic situation within the village. We the civilian council request, no we demand more money from the missions and to raise the taxes on the villagers so that we can rebuild more of the damaged land from the demons attack. Also while talking about the demon why haven't we killed that thing yet."

I was getting eeady for another headache but when I heard him demanding things from me the hokage I giggled with glee from within my mind. 'Dumbass you don't just demand things from the hokage that's ground for treason.' Grinning from ear to ear at the constipated look on my old rivals face I thought 'Nice choice of paws jackass. Maybe today will be a good day.' Standing up I let my killing intent out as I spoke with a demanding tone.

"Oh you a civilian demand something from me the hokage?" I asked

And like i thought he would he dug his grace deeper with a smug look on his face despite the cold sweat going down the back of his neck.

"Yes I do I am a council member and we get what we want."

Taking a moment to relish in the fact that danzou chose this dumbass to be his speaker for the day I finally spoke

"I see so you think your council status makes you invincible. Well sadly for you you are wrong it doesn't." Gaining a grin as I shot danzou a smug look I yelled out "LION TAKE HIM TO T&I" as I finished a lion masked anbu appeared next to the council member grabbed him than disappeared again.

"Anything else you all want to discuss." I asked out loud. Gaining fearful looks from the civilian council, a thankful look from the clan heads, and my personal favorite i hateful one from danzou.

Smirking I got up and left the council room and body flickered to the hokages office only to be met with the sight of a new pile of paperwork and a scared shitless secretary in front of me. Letting out a pitiful whine I got back to doing my paperwork.

*a few hours later*

Almost done with the paperwork I noticed it was 11:30 at night. Deciding to do the rest in my home office I dismissed my hokage guard for the day. They happily took off immediately. Gaining an eye twitch at the tic-tac-toe and connect the dots games that were doodled on the walls I reminded myself to punish them later. With an amused chuckle I body flickered home still thinking about the good day I had well except for the paperwork 'I swear the devil invented it.' Going to my office chair and desk I put down the paperwork and got to work.

*About 30 minutes lator*

I was about 10 pages from being done with the devil before I felt something off. Focusing on the feeling i distantly remember my old friend telling me about a visitor. Just as I finished that thought I blond haired, blue eyed, and whiskered kid came in through the now opened window followed by a black haired woman.

'Naruto and mikoto' I thought in surprise. Than seeing the frightening smile on mikotos face I sobered up and waited for her to talk and when she did my throat ran dry at the implication of her question

"We need to speak about the treatment of my GODSON old man."