
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Cómic
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89 Chs

Birthday party

(AN: just more slice of life in this chapter.)


'Shit' I thought as the door busted open with kurami's soaking pussy right over my head. Looking back at kurami for a solution I saw her freeze and a 'oh shit' look crossed her face. Gulping nervously I spoke

"Uhh can I have a second to get ready?" Only for kakashi to just giggle perversely and leave while saying something about sending ideas to his jiraya-sama, itachi and shisui activated their sharIngan to imprint the scene in there mind, while Izumi did the same but more out of loosing control of her emotions than wanting to engrave this moment in her memory. Hiruzen did the same as kakashi, leaving only mikoto.

Letting a few tears down her face mikoto spoke "first itachi now my little ruto you all are growing up to fast." After finishing that sentence she stored out of the room.

"Well that didn't go to well did it." I stated more than asked kurami. Looking up at her I saw that her earlier look of 'oh shit' was fine leaving only her annoyed one.

"Your getting my present tonight, now I need a cold shower." She said through grit teeth as she hit up and left for the bathroom. Her nine swaying tails swaying from behind her tantalizing ass.

Sighing as a thought crossed my mind 'I hope no one noticed her tails this will be a bitch to explain already.' Than sighing I thought 'oh well time to get ready for the day and the questions that will follow.'

But before putting on new clothes I used my finger to collect a bit of her juices and got a lick in 'it's sweet like honey which is way different than the tangy taste back in my old world.'

"Thanks for the compliment!" I heard from the bathroom before I herd the water turn on.

Smiling ruefully I thought 'so I really have no more privacy.'

'Nope It's about time that you realized that.' Was what I herd through our mental connection. 'Now go down there and rip the bandage off so to speak.'

'Ya ya I know, I'll see you when your done.' I thought before opening the door and going downstairs.

Raining at the bottom of the stairs I was greeted by a nervous Izumi and a prideful itachi. To anyone that doesn't really know him he'd look stoic but to those who do know him he's relaxed right now, due to being surrounded by people he trusts and sees as family.

Itachi was the first to talk,

"Pretty eventful morning huh." Making me blush a bit. Than smirking he introduced izumi. "This is izumi uchiha shes 16 and a jonin. She's also my girlfriend."

Nodding I went to talk when I was interrupted by her "I'm really sorry about walking in on you earlier I hope it doesn't impact your relationship with itachi Namikaze-sama." She said in a hurry.

Blinking at the title I spoke "no worries Izumi it was my and kurami's fault for not checking for people first. Also please stop with the namikaze-sama crap I'm a five year old and no one can know about my father and mother's identity's till I'm strong enough to defend myself so please don't make it a habit." I made my tone polite and friendly.

Itachi leaned closer to Izumi and whispered with a small smile "told you." Making her blush and elbow him in the ribs.

Than continuing she spoke to me "thank you nama….Naruto I hope we can get along."

"Yes me to now I think we should join the others at the table. Kurami will be down soon I hope." I spoke in a friendly tone but a hushed one at the end.

Nodding she turned and went to the table as itachi whispered so only I could her "so older women huh."

Blushing I smirked behind the face mask and let my emotions show from my voice as I spoke in the same whisper he did. "Older women know what they want and who wants some underdeveloped kid when you can have the full package."

Nodding itachi said "Yes older women are way better." Than as we walked closer I saw the others faces.

I saw a less nervous izumi, a lazy looking kakashi, a giddy shisui who looked as if he was going to bust out into laughter again, and a calm looking hiruzen but when he saw me he had a serious look in his eyes 'shit he knows something's up with kurami.' I thought. Also there was mikoto who was aggressively scrambling eggs wincing I thought, 'Shes mad.'

Deciding to let them ask the questions I sat down. Not a second later shisui let his laughter out as he exclaimed "Did you have a nice breakfast naruto." Making kakashi chuckle.

With a twitching eye I spoke to him "No I wasn't able to enjoy it so to an interruption."

Only serving to make him laugh harder. I could swear I herd a growl from mikoto.

Than seeing his chance kakashi asked curiously "wasn't kurami like 16 last time we saw her, as in last night?"

Already coming up with an answer I answered him "She used the jutsu e clans transformation jutsu to appear older."

Nodding in content he added "Lucky bastered." Making me chuckle.

I could tell the old man wanted to ask a question but held it in but shot me a look that said that he'll be talking to me privately later.

A minute later we here's footsteps as kurami in her teenage form walking down the stairs. With her hair matted down by water she looked absolutely gorgeous. 'Only one taiI?' asked mentally. I would've thought her pride would get in the way.

'Yup only the old man saw my tails.' She replied nonchalantly. As if people finding out she's the kyuubi is not a problem.

Mentally sighing I just pushed all my problems to the back of my head. Than I heard mikoto yell out "Breakfast is ready itachi shisui help me!"

They got up and did as they were told. Breakfast was quiet and awkward at first but we quickly got over it and started livening up the atmosphere.

Later after finishing breakfast we all went out to the porch to talk and mingle.

*near dinner*

Mikoto being the boss decided it was time for presents. Following her exclamation everyone took out storage scrolls. The first to walk over was itachi with his scroll. Handing it to me while saying "happy birthday." He sat back down on the couch. Nodding back to him I replied with a "thanks" before opening it to reveal a brand new kunai and shurikan holster.

"Oh thanks I've been needing one of these thanks itachi." I said in gratitude. Nodding at my thanks itachi Motioned for shisui to go.

Walking over with his goofy smile he spoke "happy birthday Naruto hope you like it." While handing me his scroll. Opening it revealed a mat black tanto with an extended blade. Inspecting it closer shisui added "it's also chakra conductive so you can run your lightning or wind chakra through it to increase either piercing power or the cutting edge."

My eyes widened at that chakra metal was expensive as fuck. Looking at him I asked "how much did it cost you for this?"

Still with his goofy grin he replied "completely free I got it off a kumo shinobi I missed the killing blow because of her massive titts distracting me and her teammates took her and retreated."

Chuckling at the image of shisui while on anbu duty getting distracted but than thought 'her bust must of been really impressive if it took an anbu off guard.' While shisui was slapped upside the head by mikoto and scolded.

Than she spoke "ok next kakashi go."

Nodding kakashi walked over and handed me the scroll. After saying "happy birthday" he sat back in his seat.

Opening his scroll a book appeared and as soon as it did kurami who was now in her fox form quickly swiped it while storing it in the inventory and answered the questioning looks she was getting "Oh sorry none of you saw it but it was a special book that would benefit both me and Naruto as inspiration thanks hatake." She than went back to lazing about on my shoulder.

Hearing the giggle from kakashi I thought 'it's a porn book isn't it.'

'Yup I'll be using it.' She replied.

Than Izumi stepped forward and presented it with a "happy birthday Naruto."

'She's gotten better at saying my name and not namikaze-sama or Naruto-sama.' I thought as I opend the scroll with a thanks.

Opening it revealed a spare set of anbu clothes. Nodding at her I spoke "thanks I needed some more sets of clothes. I was planning on stea….buying some from a store." I quickly corrected my self at the end.

Getting a chuckle from those in the room hiruzen finally stepped up to me and said. "I've watched your improvement throughout these months and I'm impressed truly your abuse of shadow clones had speed up your training to the point you'll be ready soon. So here is my gift."

Smiling at his compliments I opened the scroll to reveal two scratched up headbands one with red cloth and the other with a yellow cloth.

Looking at the old man with a question brewing in my eyes he answered it.

"Those were your parents headbands. You can probably guess who's headband is who's but when going to the battlefield they're switch headbands so they would always be with each other in spirit at least."

Snatching them up I thanked the old man as I thought 'I'll put them in the masters bedroom for now and put them in a storage seal that I'm going to tattoo on my arm later.'

Giving the old man a one armed hug we went back to our seats. Finally being her turn mikoto jumped up and hugged me to her chest as she gave me the scroll and spoke "happy birthday my little ruto."

Smiling I opend the scroll to see a few papers pop out. Looking at mikoto I saw a nervous look on her with both hope and fear on her face as she was shuffling around a little. Casting my eyes towards itachi only to get a shoulder shrug, I looked back to the papers and picked them up to read and froze.


*This is a signed and official document for the adoption of one Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze by Mikoto Uchiha and co signed as a witness Hiruzen Saratobi.*

There was plenty of other writings but it was just rules and other shit. Looking at mikoto that hope and fear became a lot more noticeable and made a lot more sense. Opening my mouth to answer only for nothing to come out a few times. I decided to take a few deep breaths ti calm my self down and just nodded at her letting her see my agreement as my eyes softened at her.

She smiled joyfully as she jumped at me and picked my small form up like a rag doll and spun around a few times. While happy tears fell from her face. Getting even more confused itachi went over and picked up the papers only to freeze as well than give a small smile as he looked at both me and mikoto with happiness while passing the papers over to the others getting similar reactions.

'Todays a good day' I thought as we spent the rest of the night together as one big happy disfunctional family.

Later as everyone was leaving I caught the sight of the old man sitting calmly at the table with a cup of tea. 'Oh ya I still have a talk with him about the kyuubi.' I thought while panning my eyes over at the fox on my shoulder.