
Reborn as Jeremy Gilbert

A massive fan of Vampire Diaries finds himself killed by his school bullies who endlessly tormented. He finds himself in the body of Jeremy Gilbert in a ruined state due to drug use He has been given a new found chance at life and a cheat. With new found resolve he will live this life the way he wants Jeremy plans to go with the flow and enjoy this life while having some 'adventures' with women -------------------------------------------- The main character will be a bit unhinged and horny, he has no desire to have a harem and only wants to sleep with different women but he also wouldn't care if people fell for him #the vampire diaries #tvd

GreedyNoble · TV
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27 Chs

The Talk

The next day Jeremy was eating breakfast with Jenna and Elena

"So how is work treating you Jenna" Jeremy said making some small talk with his Aunt he said playing around with the omelette on his plate

"Most of my coworkers are nice and I really settled in how about you Jeremy? You never wake up so willingly and you even made breakfast" Aunt Jenna said happy about the change but suspicious

"So how much money do you need Jeremy" She said in a half joking tone

"I don't need anything at all, I just realized that my actions this past month was not my finest moments and I wanted to show that I want to get back to normal as soon as possible" Jeremy responded to her question in a cheerful manner

"Is Elena doing better now since you checked on her last"

"I'm not sure, last time we called the doctor she said it was normal for PTSD patients to wake up every now and then caught up in a trance where they relive their trama and that all we can do is reassure them until they wake up from their trance again" Jeremy said feeling bad that there wasn't much that he could do

"Poor Elena this is the study I've seen her" was all she could say before she got up "Remember if you need me at all just call me and I will rush home" Jenna said leaving for work

After Jeremy had finished cleaning the plates he went to check up on Elena

"Is that you Jer" she said weakly as he opened her door

"Yeah it is, are you feeling better now" he pulled a chair beside the bed

"Better but it still feels like they were with me until they *sobs*. If only I wasn't so selfish that day" she broke down crying still very hurt and feeling guilty and could barely speak due to the tears

"Come here" Jeremy said softly to her as he embraced her

"It's not your fault about what happened with mom and dad so I don't want you ever blaming yourself. What happened was a horrible accident that was no one's fault" he whispered to her in a loving voice

"Noo Jer but it is"

"Shh" he replied quickly, wiping her tears away

Jeremy activated Love Weapon lvl.1 using it on his hand to rub the back of her neck to induce sleep

He massaged her for several minutes until she passed out crying on his shoulder

He released her from his embrace "I'm sorry I couldn't be for you before" he said sincerely which came from the lingering emotions of the original Jeremy and also from the diehard fan inside

"Love you Lena" Jeremy kissed her forehead

He left when he heard someone ring bell closing her door when leaving

Jeremy opened the door to see the person he had been waiting for

"Hello uncle" a devilish smile creeped on Jeremy's face

"So what does my dear niece need help that's so important you needed me here out of anyone? Is it about Elena" John had a strange worried face Jeremy never saw before, he barged into the house

"Elena had just fallen sleep so don't be too loud. I have a something equally important so I need you to sit down before I tell you"

John seemed to calm down after hearing what he had said

"Ok I'm listening" John sat down

"Jonathan Gilbert" Two words was all he said

"Our great ancestor who was a well known inventor who went insane and was a big believer in vampires" John chuckled when talking about their ancestor

"I know I'm going to sound crazy about every night since dad and mom died a man calles Jonathan Gilbert has haunted me in my dreams telling me to kill the wretched vampires every night to the point I used drugs to drown it out but last night he mentioned your name and you will help me kill them" Jeremy made up a solid story and even used his history of drugs to his advantage

"Your not crazy" he said in a dead serious tone

"What are you saying Uncle? Vampires are creatures humans made to scare children at night time"

"No you going to want to listen closely to what I'm about to tell you

Vampires are creatures of the night who have existed even before Mystic Falls was founded. The Gilbert's is a family who always helped with exterminating vampires and our ancestor Jonathan Gilbert made magic inventions that could combat against them. When you became older your father was planning on telling you but it appears you were chosen by Jonathan himself. Since your still quite young how about I bring you out with me for a month to teach you all I can about the supernatural and even how to hunt a vampire and then if you really believe that is the life for you I can enlist you into some undercover job while you slay vampires"

"Can I get back to you later since this is still very shocking and honestly seems like a joke that I can barely believe" Jeremy tried his best to seem overwhelmed and surprised to not arise any unneeded suspicion

"I want an answer by the end of the day because I do want to help you with your issues but i'm a very busy person and its not like your Aunt is easy to persuade"

"Anyway Jeremy I have to go make a vampire report to the counsel but I'll be back for dinner so you better have your answer by then. So until then bye"

"See you later Uncle" he opened the door for his uncle then closed it when he left

Anyone could see that Jeremy was shaking from excitement

"I'm so glad it turned out so well" he couldn't help but wave his hands in the air that he succeeded

"If I can kill a couple vampires than I can grow stronger and also roll the gacha"

Despite being extremely happy and he really wanted to celebrate he decided to check up on Elena to see how she was

"Elena you awake" he whispered as he opened the door quietly

"Yeah im feeling better, I really appreciate you being there for me today" Elena replied with energy since she seemed to have recover

"No I should have done this earlier but I was selfish and caught up in my own grief that I never saw yours"

"Hey Jer it really isn't your fault we were all suffering so don't blame yourself, it was never your fault"

"You don't get it though Elena, you were struggling with these panic attacks and suffering while I was getting high" Jeremy responded with anger and lots of self resentment

The two of them talked for a while and were getting along the first time since their parents had died in the car accident. Aunt Jenna had come home bringing groceries making dinner while Uncle John had barged in like it was his home and said he was staying the night in a pushy manner that Jenna couldn't refuse so everyone including Elena had dinner together

"Oh yeah so Jeremy have you thought about my offer" John asked infront of the family pressuring Jeremy

"What offer did you give him John?" Aunt Jenna asked confused

"Well you see Jeremy here has been.. lets just say gone through some body developments and I like the master of charms I am offered to bring him out for a month to widen his 'horizons' and give him some 'enlightenment' "

"You can't just take him away like that Uncle" Elena said outraged that their creepy uncle want to take HER Jeremy away on some lustful adventure

"Now now Elena its only for a month and whether he goes or not is up to Jeremy isn't that right Jenna" John was quick to defend himself

"Yeah Elena John is right, if Jeremy wants to go I won't stop him but he better be back after a month or I Will you down John"

Jeremy who had seen everything onfold was shocked and impressed that John would use his developing body as an excuse

"Im sorry Elena but I think I will go with John since he is the only person I can speak to about this" Jeremy didn't whether to cry or be angry at John that he was forced to ditch Elena like this

"Alright I understand.." Elena's words differed from her betrayed tone

"Well now that its settled me and Jerwmy will leave tomorrow morning" John couldn't be happier about the outcome which was really shown in his tone

The reason behind why Elena is possessive of Jeremy is mainly due to him reaching out to her in her worst moments that not even Jenna was able to snap her out of it

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