
Reborn As Dante

Reincarnation in another world. What more could you possibly want? Unimaginable power. Luckily for a newly reborn soul, he gets to experiece both in the body of the Legendary Devil Hunter, Dante. This opportunity is one that should be exploited to the fullest extent. Chaos will ensue, a harem will be formed, and timelines will be irreovocably damaged. Let's rock, baby! (Current World: One Piece)

emonoc · Cómic
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60 Chs

Prison Break-In

After some time spent walking across the Barrens, Dante finally was face to face with the first destination on his tour. Udon, a region of 5 prisoner mines that have no intentions of ever letting you escape. If it were filled with actual criminals, he'd be impressed, but considering Kaido wants a 'pirate paradise' Dante heavily doubts Udon is for enforcing actual Law.

The operation was massive, each mine being filled with workers and pumping out goods at an astonishing pace. Ethical violations aside, its extremely efficient. The region overall was comprised of 5 prisoner mines, where convicts are forced into labour for the sake of producing weapons, administrated by a central tower that overlooked the operation.

Looking between the smog blocking out most of the sky and the desolate state of the land around him, Dante was willing to bet big money that the mines had at least partial influence in the Barrens becoming what they are now. A shame, really. The place could've been so beautiful.

"Now... just how the hell am I gonna go about this?" Dante muttered to himself, and as he thought of how he'd make his dramatic entrance the idea hit him like a brick.

Summoning Abbadon into his hand, Dante held the warhammer high and squinted his eyes, using his off-hand to point at the front wall of the gate ahead of him.

Nodding his head, Dante stepped back and catapulted Abbadon towards the wall, unleashing raw chaos upon the prison. Within seconds, an alarm began blaring for miles in all directions.

Abbadon travelled past the front gate, moving forward further and further as stone walls were shattered with every collision, the structural integrity weakening with every blow. With enough of an impression made, Dante set about his next task

Holding his arm behind his back, Dante resummoned Abbadon to himself, conjuring a Doppelganger and activating Quicksilver as he did so.

The plan was simple. Break the front door, send in his Doppelganger to get rid of anyone in the prison, then demolish the place entirely. With any luck, he would be done here in less than 10 minutes and be able to move onto the other prisons in his vicinity, though he was considering taking out the Central Tower next.

Every prisoner rescued was an inch closer to claiming Wano as his own territory. He wanted loyalty to be willingly pledged, not forced onto the people. Plus, if these people really are being forced into concentration camps like these then he couldn't just sit by and do nothing.

Dante was many things: a terrorist, a murderer, a criminal loiterer, but Nazi was not among them.


Anyways, in the seconds Dante had spent reaffirming his ideological beliefs, his Doppelganger had emptied the prison mine of anyone wearing chains and tossed them aside, leaving them both confused and euphoric at their newfound freedom.

With the stragglers gone, Dante threw himself up into the sky above the prison, now able to see that he was assaulting an iron mine. He clutched Abbadon with both hands, mentally engaging the switch for it to begin spewing magma viciously as he fell towards the prison.

He held the warhammer above his head as he plummeted towards the earth, rapidly gaining momentum as a trail of fire was left in the air behind him. Just as he was bound to crash into the surface of the mine, he swung the hammer down over his head, slamming it into the floor and levelling the complex around him entirely, stone walls cascading and shattering, with the World seemingly shaking afterwards.

Once the initial blast had finished, cracks began to form in the already decimated ground, slowly opening up causing scorching hot magma to begin spewing from the crevices, leaving everything around covered in raw magma. Where a prison once stood, now all that remained was slag and molten rock, the World now left disfigured and scarred.

Looking at the utter devastation around him, Dante couldn't help but grin with raw, unfettered pride. A damn fine job, he daresay. Mentally, he chastised himself for not killing Akainu sooner and exploiting how fun Abbadon was to wield.

While some prisoners had been enraptured by Dante's destruction of the mine, almost all of them by now had begun to flee, running in any direction they could think of to get as far away from Udon as possible. Thankfully for them, they didn't have to worry about being followed, as the guards and staff were far more occupied with how a meteor had just impacted one of the mines.

Speaking of which, Dante had been sat atop a pile of rubble waiting for any response from the prison staff, slowly becoming aggravated with the alarm that hadn't stopped blaring yet. Finally, though, he was met with 4 people rushing towards his position, each one more disfigured than the last.

Given the hushed whispers of "Warden, Sir, that's the Red Devil!" and "Reports said he was last seen in Bakura Town, whats he doing here?" it seemed that Dante was dealing with the folks in charge of this operation.

The only thing he could really say in regards to them was that they seemed pretty... disgusting. Between the head honcho having a fucking elephant head in his chest and the woman with 6 arms, Dante felt as though he was fighting against a circus more-so than ruthless prison guards. The less said about the hippo the better.

Hopping down from his pile of rubble and walking towards the sinister subhumans he found himself faced with, Dante dismissed Abbadon and prepared himself for the usual 'I'm gonna get you, Red Devil' spiel. Oddly enough though, there was no such thing. Rather, everyone seemed to be looking at the hippo for some odd reason.

Moments later, said reason was revealed, as the jaws of the beast opened to reveal a man, either trapped inside of the creature or there willingly. Once more, Dante reminded himself that this was somehow considered normal.

"I'm sorry, could you say that again, buddy? I couldn't quite hear you, cause of the whole 'inside a bloody hippo' thing you got going on."

"You're in no position to make jokes, Red Devil! You got only a few minutes until Queen arrives, and when he does you're gonna be fucking flattened! You don't get to cross the Beast Pirates and walk away unharmed."

Elephant Chest walked forward ahead of his compatriots and spoke, while the six armed woman began patting Hippo man on the back after he started coughing violently from how much he had strained his throat by shouting.

"Our job right now is just to keep you busy until Queen shows up. But... if I get to kill you myself I wouldn't exactly be complaining!"

With that, Elephant Chest began running at Dante, followed by his equally disturbing pals.

real mother fuckers break into a prison, only clowns break out.

emonoccreators' thoughts