
Reborn As Dante

Reincarnation in another world. What more could you possibly want? Unimaginable power. Luckily for a newly reborn soul, he gets to experiece both in the body of the Legendary Devil Hunter, Dante. This opportunity is one that should be exploited to the fullest extent. Chaos will ensue, a harem will be formed, and timelines will be irreovocably damaged. Let's rock, baby! (Current World: One Piece)

emonoc · Cómic
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60 Chs

It Aint Much, But It's Honest Work

Dante tilted his head and smiled, thankful that he wouldn't have to mutilate Judge any further than he needed to in order to ensure his cooperation. His job done, Dante dismissed Coyote and instead held his hand out to the man in a gesture of peace.

The gesture was a handshake, though it would be incredibly difficult for Judge considering the limb needed to meet Dante's handshake had been eviscerated by said man not minutes prior. Dante had done this intentionally, using it as one final jab against the King now that the battle had ended.

Dante once more smiled at the man, before preparing to leave now that his job was done. He had no more business here after all, his entire goal was to ensure Judge's loyalty to the Revolutionary Army, and now that Judge had realised the sheer difference in strength between Germa and Dante he would hopefully think twice before attempting to cut ties with them.

"Fantastic. Now then, if you don't mind I'll be taking my leave."


The voice that had spoken was not Judge's, instead being the still astonished Reiju who had somewhat come to terms with her family's new employer.

"You said the Revolutionary Army needs our help, that we'll be working for them. When do we meet them?"

Dante looked over to her. She shrunk under his gaze, no longer having the same confidence she once had when speaking to him.

"That's the thing, you don't. They'll come to you. Everything else after that, I couldn't care less for."

She looked down, her question now having been answered. Strength wise, Dante had not dealt much damage to the Germa Kingdom, but morale wise he had crippled them. His existence would forever remain a stain on the Germa, who had thought themselves a rising force in the world. Dante looked over the now silent Vinsmoke family.

"That all? Great."

With that, he smacked his hands against one another and adjusted his vest, before turning around and leaving the island, his silhouette burned into the minds of the Vinsmokes.


Upon walking out onto one of the small proto-islands, Dante summoned the Yamato and opened a portal directly to the R.A base situated on Cunolan. He wasn't going to work for no pay, after all, he was a man of dignity.

The response to a tear in reality opening was to be expected. Every individual in the bunker instantly went onto high alert, several items were dropped and the alarm was almost rung, until the grinning visage of Dante was seen walking through the portal.

Some were skeptical, believing that he had sold them out and that there was an army waiting on the other side. Considering their occupation, they had every right to be paranoid, but the one person who didn't raise a hand was Dragon himself.

He had been eagerly awaiting Dante's return to his humble base, as despite all of his confidence the provisions and supplies for his troops had been running dangerously low. Dante had been sent on the worlds most important intimidation job, and he didn't even know.

After a moment, the two were staring eachother down. The air was tense, weighed down by the raw presence of both figures.

"Job's done. As of now, the Germa Kingdom are your newest business partners."

"And you're certain of this? Are you absolutely sure they swore allegiance to our cause?"

"His territory is yours now. Trust. Almost killed the bastard getting it, but he caved."

Dragon had been relaxed upon hearing of Dante's success on the mission, and now he was content with it.

"Though the violence you used is somewhat questionable, I can't frown upon good results. I'll get in contact with the Vinsmoke family soon. Thank you, Dante."

Dragon patted Dante on the shoulder, a gesture of good faith, and nodded in thanks, before walking behind the half-devil to speak with his troops.

"That's all well and good, but you're forgetting something."

Dante turned to address Dragon, who was now frowning in confusion.

"I don't work for free, Dragon. I expect some kind of payment. And I ain't leaving without it."


"I had thought you would fight for the cause of your own good heart, not for some greedy desires. I suppose this was to be expected."

"Hey, I'm not the guy who fought a rebellion for 20 years and still was less successful than an upstart rookie at hurting the World Government. These 'greedy ambitions' of mine have been a lot more successful than whatever you've been doing for 2 decades. When I came here, I expected some damn competence. So far, all I've been is let down."

"You would discredit my own achievements, my life's work, for nothing more than material gain? I thought you were better, Dante."

And with his piece spoken, Dragon simply turned back and continued about his work, entirely ignorant of the look on Dante's face.

"That it? You ain't even gonna continue speaking to me? You gonna go back to jamming that thumb of yours up your ass, hoping someone comes along to do your work for you? This ain't about the money anymore, Dragon, at this point I'm questioning your imtegrity."

Dragon didn't even turn his back to address Dante.

"I have no time for a petulant child like you, who would ask for payment when helping to bring down a sadistic government, then so callously insult my competence on a whim. Does the knowledge that you help the world not fulfill payment criteria? Does the freeing of slaves, the dismantling of tyranny - does none of it mean anything to you? I had thought you a valuable ally, but it seems I was wrong. You're just like every other pirate."

A pause, the tension in the air growing thicker with every second. As of this point, Dante was pissed. He wasn't in the mood to be berated, nor treated like a child.

"Freeing of slaves? When have you ever even tried to go against the Celestial Dragons? You're too scared to even look at them funny, let alone try take something from them. I've freed more slaves in the last month than you've done in twenty years by accident."

Dante moved closer to Dragon, looking down on the man as he slowly lost any sympathy for the Revolutionary Army, his terrorist ambition no longer a consideration.

"You delude yourself into thinking you're a coalition, a proper rebellion, with fancy bunkers and shadow alliances, but you haven't done shit for anybody. Nobody cares about the 'good work' you do, cause you don't even do anything. You stay hidden in your little outposts, never show your face. Past your bounty, your little Army is worthless. Pirates don't know about you, regular people see you as some 'enigmatic evil-doer', and the only sign there is that the World Government even gives a shit about you is that bounty of yours. Don't try take the moral high ground with me, while you've been twiddling your thumbs I've been doing your job for you."

Dante's expression had long since changed from an easygoing grin, instead being a frown that looked out of place on his face.

"You're a terrible Revolutionary, a terrible employer, and an even worse father. Just what the hell are you good for at this point?"

probably spent too much time on Dante's argument with dragon. oh well, we ball. let me know what you think of the story, I feel like my writing downgraded from how it used to be when I read old chapters.

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