
Reborn As Dante

Reincarnation in another world. What more could you possibly want? Unimaginable power. Luckily for a newly reborn soul, he gets to experiece both in the body of the Legendary Devil Hunter, Dante. This opportunity is one that should be exploited to the fullest extent. Chaos will ensue, a harem will be formed, and timelines will be irreovocably damaged. Let's rock, baby! (Current World: One Piece)

emonoc · Cómic
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60 Chs

Indiscriminate Fisticuffs

The first man his fist made contact with exploded into a fine mist of blood and viscera. Evidently, Dante had forgotten to hold back, however the spectacle did nothing to dissuade the encroaching soldiers from their assault against him.

Dante was becoming annoyed with the insistence they had on murdering him, his frustration had been steadily growing over the course of this mission, however thankfully he had more than enough ways of relieving said stress now.

With deft movements, Dante wove himself between each oncoming strike pointed his way, snapping joints and breaking bones as he went along, using mostly his fists to pulverize the opposition with raw blunt force trauma.

For good measure, he began to add Armament Haki to his fists, not only to practice with it further, but to also see if Greenie would notice, which evidently he did given the slight widening of his eyes, and the approving nod.

He shifted his body aside to avoid a kick aimed at his chin, grabbing the foot and using his elbow to snap the knee at the joint, then began pushing down further, tearing the leg off entirely. The next soldier beside him was violently smacked over the head with the leg of his comrade, his nose being turned to a fine paste as a result.

Then came a fist, aimed at his back and seeking to paralyse him given the force behind it. Dante rapidly spun on his foot, turning to meet the oncoming punch with one of his own, leaving the attacker's fist mangled in a mess of bone and torn flesh, the force of his strike travelling along the arm and further rendering the limb a broken mess.


Before he could admire his work any further, he swiftly ducked beneath a high kick sent at the back of his head, then jumped back to avoid the follow-up. Greenie hadn't moved an inch as Dante slaughtered these men, however his frown deepend ever so slightly with every corpse made.

Dante dashed forward, grabbing the face of the oncoming soldier and slammed it into the stone platform they fought on, causing the skull to shatter under the strength of his arms, tearing the brain inside to shreds. From there, Dante spun on his foot, standing as he did so, and raised his foot to block an incoming kick.

Seeing that the man was entirely open at his chest, Dante went for the simple option and lowered his leg, causing the soldier to stumble forward slightly and kick at the open air. After, Dante raised his left foot and slammed it against the chest of this poor bastard, sending him flying into a railing on the outskirts of the platform, his body folding around it like a roll of tape as he collided.

Taking a brief look around, Dante saw that only one man was left that was able to challenge him, holding a large knife in his hand as he rushed towards Dante. Seeing this, Dante channeled his inner Kazuma Kiryu, grabbing the arm of his assailant and breaking it at the elbow with his knee before unleashing a savage punch to the mans face, causing his nose to sink into his face and killing him instantly.

Clapping his hands together, Dante stretched his back for a moment and fixed his coat, admiring the scenery.

"Now, you gonna come down here yourself, Greenie, or am I gonna have to drag you?"

In response, Greenie began to froth at the mouth with fury due to the carelessness Dante had been showing while butchering his men, as well as his violent nature as a whole.

"My name is Yonji Vinsmoke you despicable cretin, and I will not be disrespected by common scum of the ocean like yourself! You have no right to address me in such a manner, nor have you any right to-"

Midway through the speech, Dante had grown tired of the pompous attitude being shown towards him, choosing instead to Trick next to the Vinsmoke and make his presence known, grabbing him by the throat and immobilising the impudent brat.

"Vinsmoke, eh? Perfect. Now then, you are gonna take me to the King of these parts, and then we're gonna have a nice chat, capiche?"

Yonji still attempted to hurl insults at Dante despite the compromising position he was in, getting spit all over Dante's prized jacket, choking out that he would never choose to obey Dante's wishes.

"Look pal, its either this, or I snap your neck. Don't look at me like that, I'm just a messenger. This is on you, all you had to do was just tell me where the King is."

After Dante's ultimatum was given, Yonji began to fearfully attempt to back away, hopelessly scratching at Dante's gloved hand around his throat, staring at the man as though he were the devil incarnate. Luckily for Yonji, another voice entered the conversation.

"I'm afraid no necks need be broken today."

Walking into view was a pink haired woman, sharing the same overall dress code as Yonji, with multiple 0's all over her garb, just as Yonji was covered in 4's. Dante admired her form for a moment, before realising that she shared the same 'side character energy' that Yonji carried in spades, meaning she was more than likely important to his goals.

"Oh? And why's that?"

The woman slowly sauntered over towards where Dante stood, carefully prying his fingers away from Yonji's throat before removing the hand entirely, causing Yonji to scramble away, falling flat on his ass as he did so. She walked further into Dante's personal space afterwards, coming inches away from his ear.

"Because I would be more than happy to bring you to the King, our Father."

She stepped back and gave him a smile, one that didn't quite fit the image of a supposed princess of the Kingdom. The woman grabbed her brother by the shoulder and began to aid him in moving towards the central compound, motioning Dante to follow and pointedly ignoring the fearful glare Yonji sent at Dante.

He stood still for a moment, considering just how much easier things would have been had she been the one to greet him rather than Yonji, but decided not to vocalise such thoughts.

Instead, he began to follow the duo as they led him to the great King Judge. If the man was anything like Yonji, getting him to aid the Revolutionary Army would involve a helluva lot of force, but luckily for Dante he had that in spades.