
Reborn As Dante

Reincarnation in another world. What more could you possibly want? Unimaginable power. Luckily for a newly reborn soul, he gets to experiece both in the body of the Legendary Devil Hunter, Dante. This opportunity is one that should be exploited to the fullest extent. Chaos will ensue, a harem will be formed, and timelines will be irreovocably damaged. Let's rock, baby! (Current World: One Piece)

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60 Chs

Audience With The King

The silence was beginning to fester, and Dante was slowly losing interest as the walk went on. Neither the woman nor Yonji made any attempts at conversation, though that could be on account of Dante's lack of trying.

He decided to try and spark any form of communication and get some answers about this place as he did.

"So... you got a name, lady?"

She looked back at him, smirked for a moment and then answered.

"Reiju Vinsmoke; charmed. And given your clothing as well as the hair, you must be the Red Devil. Already I can see that my brother was far outmatched."

"This Red Devil has a name, and its Dante. Not sure why people always forget that part."

He looked to the side, as if thinking and trying to ascertain why people selectively ignore his name when speaking of him, coming to the conclusion that it was either a bid to dehumanise him, or simply to demonise him.

"Anyways, mind telling me just what the hell this place is? Heard it was some kinda tech-hub, but that doesn't help much. Defence here was pretty weak too."

She didn't bother to turn back to him this time, instead choosing to talk as she walked along a stone pathway.

"The Germa Kingdom houses the great Germa 66, and despite being believed to be nothing more than a fable, we are very much real. This island serves as both a mobile base of operations in warfare, as well as a technological marvel of research."

Finally, she glanced back at him again, that same smirk littering her face.

"And don't flatter yourself. Those 'defences' were simply bioengineered clones."

Before she could make any further conversation, she was pulled aside by her brother Yonji who spoke in hushed whispers, all of which Dante could hear.

"Reiju, why the hell are you talking to that goddamn psycho!? Just bring him to Father and let's get the hell out of here."

"Don't be such a sourpuss, Yonji. From what I saw, Dante came to us peacefully. Or, attempted to at the very least. We should see what he wants, what he's like."

Yonji stared into her eyes and exaggerated the next words he spoke as much as possible.

"He. Tried. To. Kill. Me."

"And? You simply started prattling on during a battle, had you been more aware you could have put up more of a fight. Your failures are not my responsibility to bear."

Realising that he was getting nowhere with Reiju, Yonji simply resigned himself to angrily walking alongside her, mentally chiding himself for expecting any help from her.

Now that Yonji had stopped speaking, Reiju slowly walked until she fell in line with Dante, and began to converse with the half-devil.

"Now then, would you like a tour of the Germa facilities? I believe we can show you a great many things that will pique your interest."

Dante thought for a moment, mulling the idea over before deciding that he wanted to get his business with Dragon over and done with before bothering with a tour.

"Sorry, but right now I just wanna speak with the King. If the offer is still on the table afterwards I'd be more than happy to accept."

She seemed neither pleased nor downtrodden by his postponing of their tour, instead showing an expression of gratitude that he even considered it.

"Then I eagerly await such a time."

The conversation turned into nothing more than silence after that, until eventually Dante found himself before a pair of large doors that led directly to the King, where he would have his audience.


If he thought he had seen opulence at the Kuja Palace, Dante soon found himself to be mistaken. The very air in this room seemed to be of a higher quality, and Dante feared he would be charged just for breathing it.

Lined across the walls were banners made of the finest cloths depicting each member of the Vinsmoke family, with the number 3 mysteriously void. Each had their own hair colour too, and they all shared the curly eyebrows.

Shifting his gaze the center of the room, Dante finally laid eyes on the man himself. Judge Vinsmoke. His form was collosal in size, and was coveted head to toe in sturdy armour painted a bedazzling gold. His sneer was matched only in pompous superiority by Yonji's, though clearly the son could not emulate the father as Judge radiated pride.

Speaking of Yonji, the second they had entered the throne room he had tried to shout out and run towards judge in a bid to warn him of Dante's actions against them, though to his surprise Judge raised a hand and the conversation ended before it even began. Judge's low, grouchy voice echoed across the hall.

"You fight well, Red Devil. I can appreciate a fellow warrior of your calibre."

He leaned back in his throne and awaited Dante's response, while Reiju carried Yonji to the side of the room where they stood in wait beneath their respective banner.

"Well, I'm glad you know skill when you see it, King Judge. Now, do you mind if we get down to brass tacks and get to the real reason why I'm here?"

Judge laughed.

"You would be so bold as to force your way into my territory, slaughter my men, threaten my own son and then demand I allow you to speak? You are a bold one, Dante."

Dante crossed his arms and chuckled at the circumstances of the situation.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. Anyways, I'm here on behalf of Dragon, and the Revolutionary Army."

Judge's eyebrows raised slightly at the declaration, while his children were shocked by such news.

"And? What of it, Red Devil?"

"Well... they need some new trade routes and a few new business partners. I'm here to make sure you cooperate."

Judge snorted before slowly raising himself from the throne he sat on, revealing his full height and eclipsing Dante entirely with his shadow as he stared the half-devil in the eyes.

"If you believe I will surrender my will to that fool simply because you told me to, then you will find yourself mistaken. I live by my own rule, and clearly I have not been enforcing said rule so strongly."

He chuckled ruefully at the situation.

"To think that the Germa Kingdom has fallen so far as to be used by those incompetent dregs of the Revolutionary Army... this must change. Red Devil Dante. I respect your strength and skill, however I will not allow you to tarnish my rightful dominion."

Dante smiled at the King and summoned King Cerberus into his hand.

"Good. I like it more this way."

Thus began the battle that would seal the fate of the Germa Kingdom.