
Takeoff In Ten!

"Agh…" Roka rubbed her sleepy eyes and tired face. "I was so horny I ended up wasting most of the time allocated to sleep… Tsk. As their Commander, I can't get more time than them. Otherwise, morale will…" 

Her whispers lasted for a while as she slowly pushed herself off the ground, changed her skinsuit for another,

"Gross… Can't believe I didn't change before sleeping… I can't wait for this mission to end…"

Roka put her military coat, pants, and boots on, gently slapped herself on the face twice, and left the room.

'We're lacking a lot of things…' She thought to herself while placing her gun into the holster around her hips. 'We lost most of our weapons. Just like we lost most of the unit… Still, we attained our goal.'

She walked across the large spaceship.

'Nothing bad happened while I was asleep, so that's a relief.' Roka noted internally after getting a brief rundown of their progress from a female soldier. 'We should leave as fast as possible though.'

She gave orders, and the orders were transmitted.

"Huh? The Commander wants to leave soon?"

"But we just…"

"Can't we rest a bit…?"

The males protested a bit, but Roka made her orders clear.

"We're leaving as soon as we have enough fuel to reach the next closest location on which we can get more fuel. These invisible creatures are too dangerous. They've already taken two of us."

The Commander exited the spaceship. The retractable ramp was still lowered. Sleep rotations were ongoing.

"I hope we don't get into-"

Her eyes widened suddenly as she noticed it. 

A second later, a shot had been fired.

"Its shell is strong enough to withstand a bullet? I'll have to aim for its-" Roka clicked her tongue as she stopped in her tracks. "Retracting into its shell? How annoying. I can't get too close. I don't know how dangerous things are here…"


Dozens of meters away,

'Holy shit! She shot right away!' Rei watched over the scene while using his Invisibility Skill. 'Well, it is an Alien she's looking at. I wonder how she will… Oh, getting closer to it? Oh…'

The reaction was close to what he had expected, but far from what he had hoped.

Cautiously keeping her distance, Roka kicked the Paru's shell, turning it around, before shooting its defenseless body.

'Merciless. Hot.' Rei thought to himself before shaking his head. 'I seriously need to get my head out of my ass. Seriously!'

He had carried that particular Paru off the Kyrio meteorite and placed it in front of the spaceship to see how they would interact with it. Knowing that Parus were harmless, he hoped that they wouldn't kill it right away.

'Well, I would do the same. The problem is… The same would have happened to me.'


'It was harmless enough, so maybe I shouldn't have…' Roka thought to herself as she stared at the Paru's lifeless body. 'Better safe than sorry.'

Not really knowing why, she continued staring at the strange creature.

"Looks pretty cute…" Roka whispered to herself, before taking a seat on the ground.

Her legs were crossed in the lotus position, and her right elbow rested on her right leg.

"Could have made a good pet…" 

She rested the barrel of her gun against her cheek.

"Maybe for morale…"

Her hand was off the trigger.

Rei thought she looked incredibly cool like that.

'But that doesn't matter! She would have killed me! Ugh… Well, I'll just have to figure out something later.'

It didn't take long for others to exit the spaceship, for the Commander to issue additional orders, and for work to start getting done.

'Mm… Guess I'll chill for a bit while waiting for take-off. I might not come back here after all.'

There wasn't much to see on the planet. The earth was bare and dry.

Up above though, it was a real spectacle.

Dancing nebulas, shooting stars, planets that made the one he was on tiny, asteroids that circled around the Miro planet.

All of it was above.

He watched, while patiently waiting. 

'They'll need to bring in their drilling machines and all, so I definitely have a lot of time left.'

Rei contemplated many things while watching the starry show above.

His new life, his new body, his uncertain future, what he might encounter, what might happen…

Over all, he was extremely optimistic about it all.

'These guys don't look very competent, so that might be the only way for this to go wrong… Us crashing on a random planet… Or into a back hole… Fucking hell.'

Rei chuckled internally.

'Though I suppose I only think this way because I know it. Because I've seen it.'

"Alright! Time to leave!"

'Your Commander is pretty perverted. Well, so horny that… Mm. Who am I to judge though?'

"Get everything in! Fast! And don't make too much noise! Come on! Get in!"

'Yes, ma'am!' The invisible Paru thought to itself as it slipped past them and entered the spaceship.

The retractable ramp started moving.

'Should go into the ventilation ducts? Or remain in the open? I have enough Endurance Points to keep switching between them. I'll wander around, and go into the ducts when in need of Endurance Points!'

The Paru followed the Worka into one of the locked rooms he, previously, could not enter.

'Oho… So many screens. So many buttons!'

Orders were issued and executed. 

A couple of minutes later, every single individual was seated and ready for takeoff, with multiple seatbelts locking their bodies in place.

'Wait… I don't have that! I don't have anything like that! I might get thrown against the wall! Invisibility doesn't get rid of sounds!'