

"Hehehe… I can't believe that I did that!" Roka chuckled as she lowered her glass against the desk. "I really told him! Haha! That'll teach him!" After a moment, she downed the rest of her glass in one gulp. "I really told him… The truth too." The Commander nodded her head repeatedly. "Yes. I really told him. Hahaha! I'm so gonna regret that tomorrow! Hahaha!"

The Paru stretched his arms up as he sighed, lying with his back on the mattress.

As his left hand descended, it was lowered on the female Granilith's butt, delivering a gentle but firm slap on her ass cheek. 

"U… Wa…" Lith whispered with a smile as she scooted closer. 

She had been lying on her stomach.

As the female Granilith got closer, she turned on her side, and stuck to her mate's body, holding her hands together and on her chest. 

The Paru turned onto his side as well and wrapped his arms around her.