
Interrupted, She Roars

"You look surprised." The Paru said with narrow eyes as he entered the command room.

"Y-Yeah, I guess I am." 

He tilted his head to the side slightly, an amused smile on his face.

"Why are you stuttering?"

"I-I'm…" Rea lowered her gaze slightly, and it found his massive cock. "I'm not…" She gulped.

"You changed so much since I started talking. What's that about?" The Paru asked with a tone filled with curiosity.

"I-I didn't!" Rea answered while the Paru walked to her side and let his body fall onto the seat to her left.

He silently made his seat rotate so that he would face away from her.

"I didn't change that much physically…" He made it spin again to face her, his legs spread apart, his massive cock resting on and beyond the seat below him. "So what's got you flustered?"

"As I said already… I'm not flustered!"

"Then what is it?"