
His First Wife (Part 2)

The female Granilith suddenly felt something rise within her, which caused both a gasp to escape her mouth and her legs to shake.

The Paru immediately felt her tightening around his throbbing cock, and pulled her closer.

Through her shivering, she wrapped her arms around him, and he wrapped his around her.

This wasn't their first time. The two had, many times already, become one. Yet, this time felt differently. Despite the fact that he hadn't been thrusting himself in and out. Despite the fact that she hadn't been moving up and down him. Neither had moved. He had remained inside of her without moving, and she had remained with him inside of her without moving. And yet, it felt more intense than ever.

The female Granilith gasped, jerking her head back, causing her hair to take to the air and cascade down her back. 

The Paru instantly moved forward.