
Devoured By Her...!

'I suppose I'll have to get up once it's time for actual action… Just like Liz, she won't be able to take it at first…'

The next second, the Paru felt a shiver as the tip of his cock entered Rea's mouth. 


Surprise filled him, as the length taken into her mouth increased each second. 

He felt his swollen tip push against something, and the Paru started doubting whether it was really her mouth.

Thermal Vision-

It was.

His tip pushed against the back of her mouth, before finding its way to her throat.

'Holy… Fuuuck…!'

A third of his cock was inside her mouth before Rea gagged, which caused his cock to exit her mouth. 

The feeling of the warm, slick, and slippery heaps of saliva on the upper portion of his cock was shiver-inducing.

Rea brought a hand to her neck as she gagged, a wide smile on her face.

"Now that's… A real cock…"