
A Group Photo?

"The virgin is sitting alone?" The Paru asked as he took a seat by the Commander's side. "Want me to keep you company?"

"I'm not sitting alone. Liz just went to get some water."

"So you don't want me to keep you company?"

"Coming to me after Rea and Raya left?"

"I guess so." The Paru chuckled as he shrugged. "Rea is probably coming back soon though."

"I see…" 

Roka's eyes narrowed as Lith took a seat between them and rested the side of her side on the Paru's shoulder.

"The two of you sure are close." Roka muttered as she took a sip from her glass.

"Yeah." The Paru directed his towards Lith for a moment. "Of course we're close." His gaze went back to Roka. "It wouldn't be wrong to call her my wife, you know?"

"Ha! That's funny."

"It is?"

Roka frowned slightly as she took another sip.

"I can never tell if you're fucking with me or being serious."

"Yeah… I am tired of fucking with you."