
Reborn as an Abandoned Princess of Another World

[Remade and longer chapters] When the soul of a modern military girl who died by a gunshot reincarnated into the soul of young Cecilia the daughter of the Empress that was murdered by the Emperor's beloved consort.Cecilia was bullied often because she was naive while her father the Emperor goes on to handle Kingdom affairs. He knows nothing and sadly she wasn't the castle's favorite princess due to rumors even though she has her father's heart/favor. She will climb the ladder to become the heir by knocking her enemies down like dominos. The whole family of that consort will pay but what about that boy he doesn't belong here. Anywho make them fall like dominos! Now that the soul of a very vicious woman is in her, she'll make them all pay.

LilyBuns · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 The Dinner

The Emperor, Xander Aetos was a kind and just ruler, unfortunately everyone knew his new Empress was a sadistic woman hiding behind a cheerful facade. The Emperor glanced at the seat where Cecilia usually sits but it was occupied by Clair.

"Clair...This is your sister's seat...You should not be occupying that seat." stated Xander as he took a sip of the wine out of the glass.

"Oh I heard the maids talking, Cecilia is under the weather tonight father...I decided we still need a princess to represent still."

Clair smiled as she gently nodded her head in being acknowledged with a smile.

"Strange, Cecilia never was under the weather usually. None or less, it's still a crime to sit in the crown princess seat. After dinner you should kneel in front of your sister's bed for forgiveness." The Emperor stated as his Empress was infuriated and Clair looked back at her mother in disbelief as if telling her to do something.

"But your majesty, we have guest, it would look inappropriate for Clair to kneel in front of Cecilia's bed at this moment." Consort Tila stated as she kneel in front of the Emperor. The Emperor sighed and looked at Clair with a look of annoyance. Clair quickly kneeled with fear as she looked up at her father pitifully.

"Daughter of mine, I spoil you too much. Sit in your proper seat. If I catch you dwelling on the crown princess positions and matters you will be sent to the church for one year."

"Father, I'm sorry! I understand!"

Clair's disbelief left her teary eyed as the Adonis walked in, Clair's attention from sadness turned to infatuation.

"Ah!" Clair smiled as she stared at the Adonis putting on a cute face only to be greeted with a disgusted look on his face by the girl's action.

'The prince can't resist me if I act pitiful.' Clair watch the boy walk over to his seat as she realize she is just left on the floor to fend for herself. Clair got up and sit in her chair in utter embarrassment as her mother comfort her.

The room again was filled with silence Emperor look up at Rainier dignified and intelligent ashamed he is the rumored playboy crown prince of Drakos.

"Rainier Drakos, such a pleasure. Please sit."

Rainier sat and glanced up at the Emperor as a plate is presented to him.

"Thank you, your majesty, Emperor Aetos. I know why I am here to discuss a possible marriage alliance on behalf of my parents." Rainier stated as he took a bite out of her food and a sip of wine startling the staff of the mansion. Ignoring the girl who was awe strucked and the Empress who was smiling happily at the two pairs.

"I'm sorry your majesty, I accidentally served wine to the young prince!" The maid kneeled quickly as the Empress was about to speak to assert dominance she was cut off.

"What it's not uncommon in Rainier's country to drink wine at a young age it shows maturity. Why, yes, your parents and I went way back. The former Empress spoiled you back then when you came as a young child. You remembered Cecilia?" Xander chuckled as he chatted with the boy like he was a grown man causing the mother and daughter pair to be confused.

"Why yes...I miss her. How is she fairing?" Rainier finished his plate without a drop of food left. "I heard from the maids she's been sick...in fact for the whole time you were gone. I heard she was even more beautiful but they say her hair has fallen out and her body is frail as if she is malnutritious."

"WHAT?!" Emperor Aetos slammed his hand on the table as he glared at a nervous Tila. Clair feared for her mother as she clinged onto her father's arm.

"Father, mother has been so busy she didn't know Cecilia was sick!" Clair whined as she try to shield her mother. "For the sake of the guest please don't lash out at her."

"Emperor Aetos, an Empress is a mother and a mother of her whole country. She disregarded her step-daughter who is suppose to be the Crown princess and was destined by the church. Cecilia holds the powers of House Seraphim! The strongest in all the kingdoms of holy light and dominant power they have the prowess in the battle field. She shouldn't be sick this often doesn't she have the dominant power from you to command heaven? What does princess Clair holds?"

Tila gritted her teeth at Rainier for talking about Clair like she was useless. Clair felt her mother power was leaking out as she gripped her mother arm. Clair looked up sadden as she calmed her mother down.

"My Clair is still trying to obtain her inherited power. Please don't over look it, maybe she will have a power greater than Cecilia."

Xander frowned as he heard this statement and he regretted making Tila, Empress but it must be done to please the royal court and her house.

"I doubt that." A voice ranged from the doors and a young woman came in. Her silver hair was a slight mess and an ill-fitting dress was adorned. She looked thin and sickly. Xander eyes widdened at the state of this young lady, it was his beloved daughter Cecilia.

Rainier smirked as he took another sip of wine as he glanced at Cecilia's way. Cecilia eyes widdened for a second but she quickly meet her father's gaze.

"Father, Empress Tila attempted to poison and starve me while you were gone! The maids also turn their backs on me and all my valuables were given to Clair." Cecilia pointed at the dress and hairpin which looks awfully familar to Xander now.

"Is this true, Tila?" Xander asked quietly as Tila trembled in her seat as Clair looked at her mother in horror.

"Is it?!" Xander shouted as he stood up as Tila was silent to his answer.

"Answer me!!" A loud smack could be heard as Tila looked up in anger.

"Yes, it's true your mother-less bastard is an eye sore I wanted Clair to succeed more then her!!"

Tila yelled at Xander and then smiled. "The royal Court won't approve if you kill me for this. Remember my house is supporting you now. House Seraphim hasn't answered back since your precious Stellar has been missing for a while."

Rainier was enjoying the show as he motioned Cecilia to sit down and a plate of food was given to her begrudgingly.

"Alrighty, you're done! You're done! Here's my order, Empress Tila is grounded until further notice and sent to the cold palace. She will be treated the same as how princess Cecilia was treated. All maids that princess Cecilia was abused by will be tortured and sent to be demoted as slaves. Princess Cecilia will marry Prince Rainier by age 18 and will be my official heir! Everyone leave me and my daughter alone, Rainier, I suggest you turn in for the night. I'll talk to you later about firming our alliance." Xander sighed as everyone got up and Clair weeped as she walked after her mother who stormed out furiously.


Cecilia was nervous as she sat with Xander. Xander clapped his hands as a lot of food was presented to Cecilia.

"Please, eat my dear daughter." Xander said as Cecilia hesitantly eat the food. "It's not poisoned. You are safe with me."

Cecilia never felt a warm beck and call of a father. Her father died in the battlefield and she had a soft mother. She was thrown into a family of combat and cruelness.

"Father..." Cecilia sobbed as Xander pat her back and to make things worse for Tila, Cecilia cried out in a painful sob. "I miss mother. Where is she?"

Xander heart ached for his daughter as Xander rubbed her back more.

"Cecilia, I need to get you to learn how to use your mother's family power. You need to know how to defend yourself.Molten heavenly light is House Seraphim, sacred power. It is stated that house Seraphim served the Heavenly Emperor and is given the power to slay the gods, demons and monsters of the earth. Like the planets core the light burns those that are unpure and go against the heavenly Emperor. As for House Ophelia, which is Seraphim's opposite house they are closer with the Emperor of Demons. They still serve the Heavenly Emperor but they stay neutral if anything they came from another nation. Killing them can summon the Emperor of Demons."

"Father, this is alot. What do I need to do to keep my place as Crown Princess away from Tila and Clair?"


"You need to summon your weapon first and to do that, you need to go to the House of Seraphim Forrest and complete the trail to venture to the pavillion. I may have the soul of the Heavenly Emperor but you need to get an answer from your Ancestor Seraphine Seraphim the first of your mother's family to obtain Molten Heavenly's Light."


Rainier listen in and smiled as he knew that Cecilia had strong powers no one can withstand poison long enough.

'So a Seraphim but my country relies on Demonic Power. House Ophelia was from our country I persumed.' Thought Rainier as he smirked walking down the hall. 'No wonder why my family and Aetos Family is close.'

As Clair sniffles as she walk down the hall she ran into Rainier. Her sorrow was pushed aside and she chased after the prince with blush.

"Prince Rainier! May we talk?" Clair said as she smiled talking to him made her happy and flirty.

"I'm sorry, Princess Clair. I'm quite tired. Maybe tomorrow."

"Oh, ok."

Clair walked away and went to her room with tears as she cried harder in her pillow. Then she bite her lip in anger.

'This is all your fault, Cecilia! Why can't you die?!'