
Reborn As A Human

About three things I was definitely positive about. First I shouldn't have fallen in love with a human. Second, I shouldn't have given up my position as the guardian of the sky for him. And third, I shouldn't have gotten involved when I found out my human lover was the heir to the throne of the wizard Kingdom.

Coo_Latie · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 18

Writer's pov

Saturday morning, and everywhere seemed more quiet than usual.

Rowena strolled into the bathroom and had a warm and long bath before slipping into her work dress and strolling downstairs.

Jaden was still asleep, and Ro couldn't help but admire how princely he looked. His sweaty face shone under the chandelier light that swayed a few feet above his head.

"If only you could love me the way you've always done...."

She sighed and went to make breakfast for the three of them.

Giselle joined her a few minutes later, and before long, Jaden too.

The rest of the morning was uneventful, at least for Giselle and Jaden.


At work, Rowena couldn't concentrate on anything at all, in part because Giselle and Jaden went over to his place to get his stuff since he would be spending a long time at their house.

The thought of leaving both of them to spend time together was disturbing, and Rowena kept making mistakes and mixing up people's orders.

"Hey, baby, are you ok?"

Peter asked as she returned with another wrong order.

"Yeah, I'm good. "Just having a bad day, that's all."

"Look, Elle, I know you too well to believe that nothing is wrong with you. You know you can talk to me, right?" He consoled.

"Thanks Peter...  But I'm fine, trust me. If there's anything you need to know, I'll definitely tell you, ok?"

"It's fine...  When you are ready, let me know.

"I'm always here," he said, tapping her shoulder and returning to work.

She nodded her head slightly, and before she could go back to the counter, her boss sent for her.


"So tell me... how long have you been in this part of the country?" Jaden asked, trying to start a discussion with Giselle.

"Longer than you think."

"Enough with the cross-questioning already, and let's focus on what brought us here," she replied rudely.

"Yes, my lady," he murmured.

Giselle sat on the large bed in his bedroom and watched him fold his clothes one after the other and pack them into one of the two large suitcases on the floor.

"So young Prince, I see your plate is full." She started.

"Look who's asking questions now," he teased.

"Don't stress it. Answer the question."

Jaden hesitated a bit before answering the question because the thing he wanted to talk about the least was definitely his work.

"Well...  I wouldn't say my plate is full, but at the moment, I have so much to deal with. "Work is becoming more complicated than usual, with these twin witches and the whole lost prince theory. He rapped on.

"He didn't kill her." She winced.


"The lady whose case you're on Her boyfriend didn't kill her."

"You're only diverting your attention from the main culprit."

"How do you know all of that?..." "Forget that, how did you even know I'm working on a murder case?"

"I stumbled across some files you left in the living room; I shouldn't have done that, now stop asking questions."

She paused for a while and looked around like someone who had been caught stealing.

"Quickly, get your stuff ready." "Something worse than those twins you know about is on the way. I can feel it," she warned a totally confused Jaden.

With that, she helped him pack his stuff, and they left as hurriedly as they had entered.


Rowena's pov

"Elle, is everything alright with you?" He asked with a stern look on his face the moment I walked into his office.

"Yes, sir," I stuttered.

"Well, I don't think so.

"You've messed up all the orders today, and you tell me that you're ok?" His voice began to get louder.

"You got into a heated argument with a customer also because you messed up the orders and still claimed to be right." He reminded.

"Sir, I promise I'm ok."

"I'm just having a bad day, that's all, but I can manage."

"I won't make any mistakes again." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Miss Elle, but your safety is also as important as your job."

"Take the rest of the day off and take care of yourself," he replied, scribbling something on a piece of paper.

Taking a day off means losing a day's pay; I can't afford that.

"But sir....."  I tried to protest.

"No buts, you may leave now."

Frustrated and extremely angry, I walked back to the counter, picked up my purse, and ordered an Uber to take me home.

I got home to find Giselle and Jaden sharing a bucket of ice cream, and that shattered my heart even more.

I thought I didn't care about meeting Jaden again; I thought it was too painful to meet him and let him go again, so why do I care so much about him?

"You're home early; come join us." Giselle said that as tempting as it was, I ignored her and walked up the stairs.

"Should I be worried?" I heard Jaden ask.

"Nope, she'll definitely come around," she replied over a full mouth of ice cream.

**Wizard world**

Writer's pov

"Take off your clothes," Rafar ordered, smiling mischievously at Gwen.

Immediately, Georgia raced to the front of her sister.

"Why does she have to do that?" Georgia fumed.

"Because I was told to punish you," he whispered back.

"Punish us, not abuse us, you perverted old frog," she yelled, and Rafar raced towards her, seeing the perfect opportunity to take out his anger.

He grabbed her by the neck and started to squeeze the life out of her, dragging his long nails across the cemented walls.

Gwen saw that her sister might actually lose her life, and although they tried to pretend they hated each other, it is impossible to hate one of your own.

She fell to the ground and started to plead.

"Fine, I'll take them off," Gwen begged. Rafar immediately let go, "Very well then," he smiles whiled Georgia coughed and took in loud breaths, trying to find the strength to prevent her sister from doing such a dreadful thing.