
Reborn As A Human

About three things I was definitely positive about. First I shouldn't have fallen in love with a human. Second, I shouldn't have given up my position as the guardian of the sky for him. And third, I shouldn't have gotten involved when I found out my human lover was the heir to the throne of the wizard Kingdom.

Coo_Latie · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 17

Writer's pov

Wizard world.....

Rafar sat in the mini throne room he created for himself inside his chambers caressing his pocket dagger as always and thinking of different ways of cutting the prince's body into several bits.

A knock on his door jolted him back to reality and he hesitated a bit before letting whoever it was in.

"The queen demands your presence in the throne room, Lord Rafar" the servant reported, with his head facing the ground.

" I'll be with her shortly" he quickly dismissed.

Rafar rearranged his hair and dusted his clothes then proceeded to the mighty throne room.

There the Queen was pacing from one end of the room to the other with both her hands rested on her waist.

"What could be troubling her majesty on a day like this?" He asked as he approached where she was.

"Rafar I'm becoming impatient! I need to see the body of that prince lying in state.

I want to laugh over his corpse. I want to spit on his grave!

I want to....." She fumed.

" And you will your majesty" He consoled.

"All you need is a little more patience. Going into the human world as a witch or a wizard is not as easy as it seems, your majesty, so I implore you to give the twins a little more time to bring back the Prince." He begged hoping that the twins were still alive.

"That's the issue Rafar! Each time I sleep I dream about me loosing my throne... My kingdom! My pride! My everything!

I don't want that to happen and so I am giving you this one task.... Make sure those girls bring him back to me.... Dead or alive!" She screamed.

"Don't strain your muscles your majesty for your wish.... Is my command "

With that he flicked his fingers and off he went, leaving a cloud of smoke hovering around the place he stood.


"This was all your fault Gwen... If only you agreed to let him enter his house first before attacking, he wouldn't have had the time and the opportunity to run away!" Georgia yelled pulling her hair dramatically.

"Don't put any blame on me miss. Since you're all knowing why didn't you think of this then. All you do is nag and nag and not bring anything useful out of your empty goddamned head!"

The twins argued as they got close to the queen's gates. Rafar stood on the terrace and stared at the scornfully as they kept on throwing tantrums at each other.

"Incompetence runs in their bloods. Their mother surely was so much of a bad blood that she was punished with such weak daughters" he muttered.

He gritted his teeth in frustration and anger. He regretted sending them in the first place.

"What did I say about coming back without him?"

He asked as they approached the terrace where he stood.

They both looked at each other and bowed their heads in remorse but Rafar had his back facing them so he couldn't see how apologetic they were.

"I'm sorry Rafar....." Gwen started.


"We.... We're sorry Rafar, but he out ran us and we lost so much strength after using a shape shifting spell on ourselves in order to fit in well and not get caught.." Georgia continued.

"Escort yourselves to the dungeon..... The queen will decide your fates" he ordered.

With that he brushed past them and made his way to the Queen's chambers to tell her what was going on.

"You only had one task to do...and you messed it up. Now you're putting the blame ln those partly trained weaklings, Rafar..." The queen immediately grabbed him by the neck.

"Your majesty I have trained those twins more than I have trained any witch of their age in this kingdom. They claim the Prince has a guardian and you, my Queen, shouldn't be told how extremely powerful a guardian can be... They've existed for as long as we have...." He struggled to speak and she immediately let go.

The queen stayed quiet for a while still tapping the edge of her scepter with her back facing Rafar.

"Your incompetence has put your position in this kingdom on the line.... One more failure on your part and I'll be forced to be rigid with my judgement. If you make me leave my throne and go in search of this Prince, I'll wipe your lineage from every surface....

I shouldn't also remind you how powerful I am and how I can get whatever I want, no matter what it costs."

"I'll give you one more chance to prove your loyalty to me, to my throne and to this kingdom.

Get me the Prince.... alive"

"In the meantime, make sure those girls bleed throughout tonight until tomorrow night" and walked on him.

"As you wish.... Your majesty" he yelled behind her.

Pained and utterly frustrated, Rafar stormed into his chambers and paced from one end to another. He clutched his pocket dagger tighter than usual and blood trickled down from the cut he gave himself.

He looked at the blood as it dropped slowly on the adorned marble floor, and a mischievous smile crept on his face.

"Just a few drops of blood won't hurt.... Until I fill the drums of the poverty stricken commoners with the blood of a royalty..... Who knows.... Only one royalty can't fill all those drums..."

His hysterical laughter filled the room and echoed through the hallway.

"Time to go Prince hunting...but first, I'd have to teach those miserable twins a lesson that even their mother would feel the impact from wherever shit hole she's in"

Rafar was always known to be the devil on earth. His heart was of stone and void of any emotions apart from anger and hatred.

Anyone who had any encounter with him always went back worse than they came, no matter the intention of the encounter.

As he got to the dungeon where the twins were, he sat on the iron stool at the far end of the room and stared at them deathly.

They both knew what they were in for so Gwen especially had already braced herself up for whatever it was that Rafar wanted to do to them both.

"Now we'll play a game, but I don't have so much time to waste here, play along accordingly and it won't hurt that much." He smiled mischievously.

"Do what you want Rafar and get the hell out of here...." Georgia snapped.

"Save your strength little one.... You'll need it for your tears"