
Calm Before the Carnage

(General POV)

Location the Warhammer Old World-Norsca, the Lands of Vargs/Outside of Doomkeep: Within Enzium, the Grand Banquet Hall

Several days have passed, since the Warp Gods have returned with their latest brother, Tzeentch joining them...

During those mentioned days, heading towards the shores of Sea of Claw, specifically the Bay of Blades, they've encountered a few nuisances in Doomkeep which ended in it complete destruction only corpses and rubble remained on that so called dark norscan fortress.

Enzium itself destroyed it with a barrage of skull cannons and magmarite assault.

It was a uneventful slaughter, in all the opinions of the Warp Gods, as those days passed Laharl has use his psychic ability to communicate with Tai Tai, visiting her and seducing her, this allowed the Dark One to know her, and hasten the connection between her and him, without revealing himself to the Speaker, and bond with his catsaber.

While Khorne that sometimes take control of their avatar, Ixion Daemonhart, to spend time with Skarlet that has been soo grateful for her lord's consideration and even offered new forms of blood, that even surpass the taste of Edanians, of course his brothers watched very attentively at the Blood God's charming the outworld kunoichi, which utterly annoyed Khorne to no end.

Tzeentch use the opportunity, to order all spellcastors that they possess which amount to the single Hedonite, Shardspeaker woman.

Tzeentch was annoyed and demanded an explanation for their lack of magic users on their forces, Khorne as usual commented that they're weak cowards that have little use, making the other Warp Gods, sigh in tire exasperation...well at least the Changer, has gained Khorne's input, so he turned to his other older brothers, and they explained that they face few Chaos Sorcerers, and those that they did they've absorbed, hence why he has access to the power and knowledge of the Lores of Fire, Metal, Lightning and Sea.

Disappointed he dismissed the Shardspeaker since his original plan to learn more on the magic lores and forces of the world, would be useless from a slaaneshi witch...so instead he started talking and asking about these questions to his brothers.

Laharl sighed and started to explain about the ones that Tzeentch doesn't know of.

Starting with the Lore of Shadow, the wind of Ulgu, which is known as the Wind of deception, of the unseen and unknown, and the hidden the Lore of Shadows gives the abilities of invisibility, illusion, and unseen death, and is one of the Magic Lores that Laharl is after, next was Lore of Beasts, the wind of Ghur, another target of Laharl as he admitted and this Lore focuses on bonding with the wild, and it's creatures that make their home in these places, the magic allows them to commune with the spirits of animals, summoning flocks of crows to attack their enemies, calling the beasts of the wild to their side, and even allows the wizard to take the form of these animals to fight or travel, this Lore has aspects of both destructive magic and tactics, it has a spells to prevent enemy beasts from moving or attacking.

The Sorceror God was greatly intrigued and eager to know more, so he requested his brother to continue, and so the Dark Harbinger did, he spoke next of the Lore of Heavens, the wind of Azyr, it gives the Wizard power over weather and the sky, in battle, these wizards also called Astromancers, are able to calls down powerful bolts of lightning and gusts of wind to strike his enemies, and the most powerful are capable of reaching beyond the atmosphere to bring down comets and meteors, their second, and more powerful, ability is to use Azyr to see into the future becoming powerful seers and scryers among the schools of magic of Old World. 

Then he spoke of the Lore of Light, the wind of Hysh, the White Wizards, use the spells of the Lore of Light, this magic is the manipulation of light and all things that light represents: enlightenment, purity, and holiness,White Wizards are capable of concentrating light into a focused beam of destruction, they are also able to heal the sick or injured, and cast powerful protective spells...Tzeentch notice his brother clear tone of content while talking about this Lore, and ask him the reason so.

Laharl grumbled angerly, as he mentioned it was a direct antisisis to his divinity over [Darkness] & [Void], as well as a polar opposite to his magics.

Tzeentch understood, and for this moment decided not to pry further, the Dark One breathed in deeply as he continued, as he talked about the Lore of Life, the wind of Ghyran, one of Nurgle's targets actually, which the Plague God confirmed it.

Jade Wizards, or Druids use and channel the magic of the Lore of Life, like those from the White Order, Druids are also powerful healers, being able to heal not only people, but even the very land itself, the source of their greatest power, however, is their dominion over plant life and water.

Able to command nature and life itseld as a weapon, from summoning thorny vines burst from the ground to strike his enemies, to geysers of boiling water gush forth at their feet, the very air around them will change, bringing forth the blistering heat of summer or the frigid temperatures of winter.

Death, the wind of Shyish was the next Lore of Magic, that intrigued both the Dark One and Nurgle.

The Lore of Death isn't connected to necromancers and has no spells that raise the Undead, nor would they want them.

The magic of Shyish is the magic of time and the soul, of driving away or destroying the Undead, of causing a person or item to wither and age a decade in seconds, of draining a person of his vitality to empower the casting wizard, of communing with the recently dead, and of ripping a person's soul from his body to leave behind a decaying corpse.

Aside from the Lores of Lightning and the Sea that were Laharl's creation, those are the main eight lores of magic, that is widely known and used in the Old World.

After saying that Tzeentch said, "Main? You mean there are other lores, out there? Hehehehe, very interesting. Can you elaborate, brother?" at that moment, Laharl thought it would have been soo much better to simply have recruited and subjugated, shamans and sorcerors, so Tzeentch could be entertained and sastified in his hunger for knowledge and magic.

But he did accept his brother's plead for knowledge, might as well give him all he wants...then he thought, "Just wait until, he finds out about the Blue Scribes, or the sits of magical power scattered in the world."

So he started by giving a basic rundown on the Greenskins Waagh Magic, which none of them including Tzeentch could not use or understand...so he went on to the High Elves' High Magic, also known as True Magic or the Mystic Arts of Saphery, is the lore of the High Elves, it is the purest mystical energy, unlike the wizards of the world, it can considered the true Arcane Magic in the whole of the Old World.

The runic name for High Magic is Qhaysh and it represents the eight winds acting as a gestalt whole, intertwined and working together without losing their unique properties, the obvious metaphor being that of a rainbow.

High Magic was very intriguing to Tzeentch and seems to be one of his targets alongside more knowledge and power over the Lores of Fire and Metal, and true be told if their future sister, Slaanesh, was here she'd also be salivating over anything elvish...

Moving on, to the opposite of High Magic, which is Dark Magic, also known as the Dark Arts, is the lore of the Dark Elves.

Runic name, Dhar, is a form of magic that consists of all the eight winds forced together, unlike High Magic that gently weaves them together, this magic energy forces them together and seeps into the world and lies undisturbed, it can gain physical attributes and becomes warpstone.

The last elvish magic, the Lore of Athel Loren it is the lore of the Wood Elves, the lore draws upon the magic of the forest of Athel Loren and can only be used by wood elf mages, very similar to Druid magic, but more aggressive and connected in a deeper level with the magical forces of Athel Loren itself.

The Lore of the Vampires aka the Art of Necromancy, the Lore of the Vampires is based upon the works of Nagash, and his version of Necromancy, allowing to rise the dead and command them, as well as conjure spirits and bats, while blocking out the Sun.

More and more Tzeentch was surprised and pleased with the new knowledge and targets that he has in order to grow and evolve into a greater source of magic.

Continuing on with a sub magic that was created also by the Vampires or more specifically the Vampire Pirates, it is the Lore of the Deeps lists the spells used by the harness the power of the crushing depths and waves, along with reanimating the dead that have perished under the depths of the Sea, Laharl confess he also desires this lore to assimilate it to his Lore of the Sea, for his wives and his own use.

Then there's the elemental magic of Kislev, called Ice Magic that draws upon the power of Kislev itself and its icy climate, Ice Magic is practiced by Ice Mages and the Khan-Queens of Kislev, who can transmute the winds of magic into ice storms. Ingame Ice Magic is a balanced lore with both offensive and defensive spells.

Then is the Lore of the Hag, which channels a malevolent spirit into an enemy's soul to saturate their being and gradually tear them to bloody, miniscule shreds from the inside out, a literal lore of hexes, curses, and malicious intent.

Next were Skaven Magic and the Ogres' Gut Magic which like their own lores they can't use or replicate, but they can gain resistance, knowledge and understanding over them.

Lore of the Old Ones, also known as Lore of time and space, this lore was once used by the slanns of the first generation to control the power of the gods themselves; however, this lore was forgotten and the secret died with them...until they consume Lord Kroak's soul and essense than they'll have another magic lore in their possession, the power over Time and Space is a perfect fit for Tzeentch and he knows, seems that once they are done with this task, they're heading for Lustria next.

The Lore of Yin is a type of magic in Cathay. It is also known as Empress Lore, Moon Magic and Veil Winds and is considered a darker path than the Lore of Yang.

While the Lore of Yang, is more focused on supporting the army and devastating enemies with strong magical power, Yin is for the protective use, polar opposite with origins from the Celestial Dragons, in all honesty Laharl didn't know or understand the concept of Yin and Yang Magic...both personally and since it was Total War that basically designed and fully made Grand Cathay a Faction, after GW left them, Nippon, Araby, and more eat dust and obscurity...regardless, just like lore Tzeentch or Chi'an Chi, or Tsien-Tsin as the Far Eastern cultures of Old World call him, has always had his eyes set on Cathay, well of all threats tzeentchian invasions are quite often happening there.

Finally, the last form/"lore" of magic in the Old World, Runelore which is used only by Dwarfs, it is the art of crafting runes on weapons and other artifacts to give them extra strength or power.

Quite basically if Dwarven runic magic, since Dwarves despise the use of magic and are quite offended if a wizard compares their runelore to magic, cause the only magic users of their vile kin of the Dawi-Zharr.

With that Tzeentch was pleased and contemp for the the upcoming days...

The Dark One did bring and summon his special herald Amonn, and gave it to his daemonic headless knight, Dullahan.

Immediately Amonn landed on the head-part and fused with Dullahan becoming one mind and body, both a multi-entity and a single daemonic warrior of Carnage.

Grateful for this glorious gift Dullahan kneeled before his dark master and king, speaking through Amonn in a dark, deep voice, "I'm honor by this gift my king. All slain and consumed by my unholy blade, shall be in your glory!!" and with that Amonn has fulfilled his purpose to be both the Head of Dullahan and his partner.

That what has happened in the last couple of days, as they feast with all their forces with Kholek, Dullahan, Tai Tai, and Skarlet sitting next to main table...Tzeentch was quite a wine lover, apparently and adores the taste of poultry, which made Laharl laugh, since it just add fuel to the meme that Tzeentch loves everything involving birds.

Meanwhile near Enzium location...

Location Outside of Enzium, the Lands of Vargs/Outside of Doomkeep Ruins

Under the command of the Godslayer, a large force of Hedonites and slaaneshi daemons were rushing through the snow to attack the Living Daemon Fortress of the Dark Legion, of Ixion Daemonhart.

Shrieking and roaring in excitement the daemonettes of Slaanesh and the Seekers were leading the charge, craving the euphoric screams of pain from their victims.

A Hellflayer mowing through the snow, followed by hundreds of Fiends of Slaanesh, meanwhile Slaangors were joining both the daemons and hedonites in their changes, this was the advance force of Godslayer Army, as it will take the main force some time to arrive and join the upcoming battle.