MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Warp-Over the Realm of the Sorcerors, the Azure Moon's Core/Secret Azure Moon Altar of Ixion
Before sitting down, Laharl requested that they each put in a thousand souls into the avatar, to grant them a boost in stats on their Avatar States.
They've agreed with the Dark One's suggestion and did as he said, and all four of them offered a thousand souls each to the Avatar, making it much stronger than before.
The Avatar glowed and flashed in between their sacred colors for a short moment, before reverting to it usual Chaos Warrior Grey, and with that all but Tzeentch since he was already sitting upon his assigned throne, sat down.
They began to concentrate their consciousnesses and essense into their avatar, it was quick for Laharl, Khorne and Nurgle, while it took a short moment longer for Tzeentch, but in the as many times before their real bodies were covered in protective spheres of surging chaotic energies, while the one that usually protects and keeps Ixion in place fades away...
All four of them, immediately felt their connection and control over Ixion, as they opened a rift directly into the Old World and cross through it...
Location the Warhammer Old World-Norsca, the Lands of Vargs: Within Enzium, the Throne Chamber
A swirling portal and time resumed on the Old World once again...they sat on their throne within Enzium the Living Castle/Fortress, beside them were the headless knight Dullahan, and the blood magik kunoichi, Skarlet awaiting their command or more specifically the command of their personal master within the Daemonharts.
The Dark One, Changer, and Maggotking could sense Khorne "happiness" that he was able to see Skarlet again, the Changer joked with his other brothers about "Seems that you, Laharl taught, the Blood Art the art of seduction." for Nurgle it was very funny, but Laharl only found it funny cause he understood it as, "I taught my younger brother, the art of Rizz."
Khorne heard his brothers laughing and he growled and yelled at them, "SHUT THE WARP UP, YOU BASTARDS!!!!" this unintentionally released a large amount of khornate power from their avatar.
But regardless it was finally time for the Warp Gods, to continue the campaign reaching out to the crystal ball to see all that their Greater Daemon was perceiving, showing through the crystal ball.
All shown was the desolate snow and mountainous terrain, as Enzium headed straight through Vargs to the Sea of Claws, Tzeentch commented he was deeply impressed with Enzium's design and also he quite honestly slightly disappointed that he couldn't face anyone yet...this surprised the other Warp Gods, in all honesty.
The Changer of Ways, the Great Schemer, and Lord of Lies was eager to actually be apart of a fight...they reassured him, that all of Kislev and its weak inhabitants are his to slaughter with them backing him up along with their 10k+ of warriors and daemons under their command.
That's when Whiptail, Laharl's chosen mount and loyal beast meowed to get their attention, Laharl mentally commanded Ixion to pet his exalted manticore.
While they watched, Laharl knows he has to spend time with Tai Tai Shien to enchant her to become another of his beautiful wives, and add the catsabers to the beastmen of 40k along with the Chaos Beastmen in the Old World, so they can spread the warherds and worship of Chaos to the adhuman beastmen, that GW ignored for years until they made the kill team of them...both in lore and real life, beastmen have been gathering dust in 40k, and in truth in Fantasy and AOS he own beastmen armies which he greatly enjoyed playing and collecting...and he was ranting again...sighing mentally.
Laharl requested Aillia discreetly to show him the slightly upgraded stats for Ixion, Aillia responded in her usual happy, cheery tone, (Here you go. Good luck, my Lord!! Not that you needed, my Lord. ⭐️👍) and with that a transparent screen appeared in front the Dark One.
Name: Ixion Daemonhart
Operators: Laharl, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch.
Chaos Marks Obtained-Nurgle, Khorne, Laharl.
Weapon Type: Great Chaos-sword
Weapon Name: Hellbane.
Gear-Undivide: Haz'kariot, Ring of Damnation.
Laharl: Crystal of Overwhelming Insanity.
Khorne: The Gauntlet of Relentless Fury.
Nurgle: The Pandemic Star Shield, Decaying Armor of Bluttaplex, Incense of a Thousand Corpses.
Tzeentch: N/A
Capital-Enzium, the Living Daemon Fortress
Territories-1.Chaos Wastes 20.02%
2.Norsca 07.12%
Army Size-Total: 10360
Lord/Heroes-1.Kholek Suneater.
2.Tai Tai Shien.
Mounts-Exalted Manticore: Whiptail.
Daemonic Forces
6.Flesh Hounds-300.
8.Infectors-200=Hostless Maggots 71, Werekin 1, Marauder Hosts 42, Chaos Knight Host 29, Warhound Hosts 50.
11.Chaos Furies-150.
12.Pink Horrors-150.
13.Blue Horrors-150.
14.Brimstone Horrors-50.
17.Exalted Flamers-50.
Mortal Forces
1.Frost Eldars-550=Ice Warriors 250, Cryowitches 100, Shadow Hunters 100, Dark Wendigo 1, Crystal Wraiths-Archers 100.
3.The Blood-Drinkers-400=Khornate Norscans 84, Khornate Khights 101, Bloodreavers 102, Blood Warriors 109, Slaughterpriests 3.
4.Plague Marauders-235=Berserker Marauders 40, Great-Axe Marauders 50, Plague Knights 100, Axe-throwers 45.
5.Hedonites of Slaanesh-1=Shardspeaker.
6.Chaos Marauders [Norscan, Kurgan, & Kvelling]-2285=Berserker Marauders 520, Spearmen 400, Great-Axe Marauders 300, Chaos Knights 600, Fimir 55, Axe-throwers 135, Skin-Wolves 45, Chaos Warhounds 200, Norscan Ice Wolves 75.
7.Daemonhosts-600=Bloodhosts 200, Plaguehosts 200, Carnagehosts 200.
8.Darkoath Savagers-200=Darkoath Warqueen 1, Chieftains 10, God-speakers 4, Proven 65, Gloryseekers 20, Wrathtouched 10, Savagers 90.
9.Titanomachy Giants-12=Khornate Giants 4, Nurglish Giants 4, Laharlish Giants 4
10.Shartaks-80=Shaggoths 20, Dragon Ogres 50, Summoners of Rage 10
Avatar Status-Chaos Undivided
TITTLE: Chosen of the Gods
GEAR-Ring of Damnation
POW-225 + 25
MAG/PSY-160 + 100
Magic Lores-1.Lore of Laharl Lv-3
2.Lore of Nurgle Lv-3
3.Lore of Tzeentch Lv-3
4.Lore of Fire Lv-3
5.Lore of Metal Lv-3
6.Lore of Lightning Lv-1
7.Lore of the Seas Lv-1
Spell List-Laharl: Dark Bolt, Dark Rip, Black Haze, The Grasp of Laharl.
Nurgle: Writhing Cloak, Children of Nurgle, Lance of Foulness, Stench of Nurgle.
Tzeentch: Fires of Change, Pink Fire of Tzeentch, Blue Fire of Tzeentch, Glean Magic, Infernal Gateway.
Fire: Fireball, Burning Stream, Kindleflame, Cascading Fire Cloak, Flaming Sword of Rhuin.
Metal: Metalshifting, Searing Doom, Glittering Robe, Plague of Rust.
Lightning: Thunder Burst, Bolt of Suffering.
Seas: Flowing Stream, Sea Wall.
All things were well, as he finished reading and dismissed the screen, and enjoyed the marched towards the south...
(Yuri Godslayer/Daemon Prince/Daniel POV)
Location Eastern Nosca, the Aeslings Lands-Near the Cockatrice Lair
Marching west to meet this soo called Chosen of the Gods, my armies of daemons and warriors have taken over many sites and villages belonging to the Aeslings.
I've suffered some loses during these battles, and earn much more favor from the Dark God even losing my Deathharbinger Sword but by the grace of the Plague God, I was gifted with a great Plagueblade, not only this weapon but I've earned several other gifts from the Gods, from Slaanesh, I gained the Chained Fiendish Tail with hooks and chains entwine around the tail, rusted and bloody from all manner of cruel delights, the Great Deceiver gifted me with Heavy Bracers, my whole arms is protected by a heavy bracer of multiple parts, leaving very little skin uncovered, flexing my golden armor claw covered hand over my massive blade.
Lastly the Lord of Slaughter, has gifted me the Spiked Collar, its corruption that leeches from the sharp metal spikes of the collar, leaving its dark infection glowing in my veins, but I need to replenish my forces.
That's when one of my tzeentchian sorcerors came to me, and told me of a breeding ground for Cockatrice, perfect chaotic beasts to assimilate into my army, and replenish the troops I've lost.
I know of the great bird creatures, and their preferred places to make lairs which are surrounded by the pecked-apart corpses of beasts many times larger than themselves, would seem to indicate that they have some sort of advantage over sizeable prey.
For whilst the Cockatrice is not so physically fearsome as other monsters of the Known World, it they possess an ability that makes it equal to even the mightiest dragon.
Many beastmen herds and followers of the Gods, tame these great chaotic beasts and make them a part of their armies, as I will do now.
In these Aeslings lands, there's a place famous for having a large amount of cockatrice, even as my time as a mortal prince I've heard of this dangerous place in this frozen North.
Rising my Plagueblade, I let out a mighty roar, commanding my force to head northwest to the Cockatrice Lair, praise the Dark Gods for this small mercy Ixion, for soon we shall meet in battle and in front of the Gods I will show them I'm greater!!!
I, the Godslayer, prince of Chaos, shall offer your souls to the Dark Gods and reign as the true Chosen of the Gods!!!
(General POV)
Location the Boarders between Troll Country & Nosca/Near the Tower of Khrakk
The desolate icy floating fortress of Khrakk, a sacred and a gathering point for the savage tribes of Norscans. (Sorry there is no lore on this location, typical GW they make a place and don't mention anything about...but it basically a floating icy tower that used to belong to a unknown Chaos champion called Khrakk...)
Throgg and his army of trolls, monsters, and mutants have just traveled into the lands of Norsca, Throgg was eager to meet this new champion of the Chaos Gods that he has been hearing about.
As the monstrous army of Chaos, marched through the snow and against the frigid northern winds they stop in the legendary Norscan monument of Khrakk, to rest only for them to be ambushed by Aeslings of the area, forming another battle between the forces of Chaos over dominance, glory, and survival.
Throgg using his massive stone maul, to crush several marauder berserkers and even a manticore that the tribesmen brought to battle, a Chaos Chosen with dual axes challenged the Troll King, as trolls crush and slaughter all around of them.
Throgg swung in a low-wide arc, which the Chaos warrior barely managed to evade, as they duel all around them their followers were waging gruesome battles.
A group of Stone Trolls came rushing at the axe-throwers their hide ignored the axes thrown at them without any damage, as these species of trolls, charged through the hundreds of Noscan marauders, and began crushing, bashing, and tearing apart the Norscans, the other trolls from river to vile variants were tearing apart the weak raiders.
Meanwhile the Giants under Throgg's control were making a short and gorery work the calvary of the marauder horsemen, and the other monster were devouring and killing all that stood in their way.
Leaving only the Chaos Chosen/Chieftains, to face his death at the hands of the Troll King, as he fell onto the snow and Throgg stood over him, growling and snarling at the weak human, cowarding under his feet.
He roar as the bug shuke his hands, in feat and mercy at the sight of Throgg lifting his great stone maul, over his head and swinging down with his full strength...
Meanwhile on another Chaos force being drawn to the snow covered shores of Nosca...
Location On a Norscan Ship, the Sea of Chaos
A grand a mighty vessel of Norscans warriors was sailing through the chaotic seas of the North, traveling to the frozen lands of Norsca.
But this ship belong to no other, than the Bane of the Undead, Harald Hammerstorm, the reddish armored Chaos Champion was standing at the bow of the ship, watching the waves crash onto his boat, he has heard much of what's happened in Chaos Wastes and to the Frozen North, which drew such a legendary figure out from the Wastes and go south.
Who is the mighty dark champion, as said his name is Harald Hammerstorm, is a legendary Chaos Champion in the tales of the Norscans and the Kurgan.
He was the central figure in legends that concern one of the greatest feats of arms ever seen in the northlands.
These legends and tales claim that while plundering an ancient tomb-city in the Chaos Wastes Harald's Warriors of Chaos warband found themselves face-to-face with a vast Undead army, roused from their slumber with rusted blades and eyes aglow with witchfire, with no escape and against seemingly insurmountable odds, Harald formed the point of a wedge driving through the skeletal warriors, his followers pressing in behind him as his warhammer rose and fell in monotonous destruction.
After a day and a night, nothing remained but a hill of broken bones such odds had truly never been overcome by a mortal of the north.
Tirelessly roaming the Chaos Wastes, always on the lookout for a fresh enemy to fight, Harald Hammerstorm now exists as an eternal avatar of Chaos and the bane of the Undead, but upon hearing the rise of glory, and path of carnage left by Ixion Daemonhart, the Hammerstorm, decided to leave the Wastes for the southlands, especially if it meant he can crush the vile retches of the undead, for to this age none have sparked fear on the emotionless undead, than he.
Location the World Edge Mountains, Deep in the Mountains
Archeon the Everchosen, and his legions of dark warriors, beastmen, and daemons were crossing the traitorous trails of the World Edge Mountains, just out of reach of the Slayer King, Ungrim Ironfist of Karak Kadrin, the task given to Archeon by the enforce of the fifth God of Chaos, Laharl, said by the Doom Hydra as many have come to call it that he and his legions must destroy the Empire or slay the Emperor, Karl Franz to receive his blessing and ascend to greater power.
As Archeon riding his daemonic steed, Dorghar, steering it throught the dark mountain paths and leading his armies, he has to accomplish this and prove himself the only worthy champion of all the Dark Gods.
While he preferred to face this Ixion Daemonhart, personally but the grand destiny promised to Archeon the Thirteenth Everchosen, the prophecized bringer of the End Times with more Gods entering the Chaos Pantheon, he must achieve his destined greatest.
As his army of Everchosen was marching through the paths, when a goblin army emerged and attacked them.
This annoyed Archeon, who ordered their complete massacrer, drawing his Slayer of Kings ignited in hellish flames, he rode straight at the Goblin Warboss with his legion behind him as another battle in the glory of the Gods, has begun.
That wasn't all that was happening the forces of Tzeentch were in total disarray with the sudden disappearance of Kairos, Vilitch, and the Changeling their followers were leaderless and hectic, but none more than OW-Tzeentch himself.
He lost all trace of them, and basically apart from Aekold Helbrass he has no strong champions or enforces in the Old World, this left him open to attack from his enemies.
Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord and Gutrot Spume the Lord of Tentacles were attacking and ravaging all tzeentchian territories in the Old World, empowering the Grandfather and basically crippling OW-Tzeentch for a long time...
Meanwhile the shaky alliance of Sigvald and Azazel was proving to be quite beneficial as they travel together and destroy all that stood in their way, in their hunt for Ixion Daemonhart, that was earning all the Dark Princess' attention and favor which should belong to one of them respectably.
Normally N'kari would focus his attention on the High Elves of Ulthuan, especially those bearing the accursed blood of Aenarion, but the Dark Princess has commanded him and his harem to travel south and test the Slaaneshi side of this multi-soul mortal called Ixion Daemonhart, hence the Soul-Flayer, marches out again to battle.
OW-Nurgle was suffering at a similar level as his accused rival the Architech, but he has a deeper and more expansive hold on the world, and possesses several champions still eager to do his will, but still the lost of Ku'gath Plaguefather, Epidimius, and Festus the Leechlord was a gravely one.
But he still have his other children, which are laying waste to OW-Tzeentch remaining holds on the world, all the while OW-Khorne was furious at his lost of Valkia the Gorequeen, Scyla Anfingrimm, and Karanak his hound, but of all apart from Slaanesh he was the least affected by this unexplained situation.
Instead the Blood God, contacted his banished son Skarbrand to ravage the land, along with Skulltaker, Skarr Bloodwrath, and Arbaal the Undefeated, were causing mayor amount of bloodshed, and OW-Khorne believes that his mortal enemy Slaanesh might be responsible for their missing champions and daemons, despite the others OW-Tzeentch and OW-Nurgle believing otherwise...but the Blood God was so consumed with blind rage, he commanded all his mortal and immortal servents to wage war and attack every single slaaneshi warband, cult, and followers across the Old World.
Not only that but the Warherds of Khazrak One-Eye, Morghur the Shadowgave, Taurox the Brass Bull, Malagor, the Dark Omen, and even Ghorros Warhoof were being riled up by the surge of chaotic energies that their bray-shamans are feeling.
Sensing that a great conflict and moment to gain untold blood, favor, and glory they've all started marching out the wilds and forests, seeking war and bloodshed in the name of the Gods!!!
A unique minotaur warherd from the desolate lands of the Greenskins was also hearing the signs as the Doombull in charge of the Bloodhoof Herd, slammed her axe and sounded the horn of war.
While another warherd, that has been in constant war with the Wood Elves of Athel Loren, were also riled partaking in a breeding frenzy with captured she-elves producing their unique gors, a Centigor Warlord took a horn from a slain khorngor chieftain, used as sacred warhorn blew it, steering the beastmen of the herd to war, leaving the forest of the wood elves, but not before killing all the no longer useful breeding slaves.
It was clear that the Forces of Chaos were being steered by a massive event, a sign of the End Times or something much greater...the only ones that know the truth is the Warp Gods, still traveling to Kislev for a grand battle that will be song and praised by all Chaos followers for years to come!!!