
Rebirth: The Skeleton Summon's Reawakening to Godhood

In the magical world of Terra, a long-dormant skeleton summon reawakens. Once bound to a demi-god hero of the Lux Kingdom, the skeleton fell inactive after his master's betrayal and death. Now, he rises in a world both familiar and strange, driven by his master's final command: to destroy those who betrayed him, even if it means annihilating the world. As he awakens, a cold voice echoes in his mind: [System activating]. This system, a remnant of his former master's power, bestows new abilities and unlocks ancient mysteries. Yet, the skeleton harbors a powerful identity from his past that contradicts his master's wishes. Caught between his master's vengeful legacy and his own true self, he must navigate a transformed world where ancient grudges and new alliances shape the fate of Terra, not to mention the impending 'exitium'. Prepare for a tale of magic, vengeance, and identity in a world on the brink of chaos.

Sam_Reuel · Fantasía
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233 Chs

Where life began

Confused about what to say, she uttered, "So what of it?" Words that sank Ossa's nonexistent heart.

"Why?!... How?!" Ossa's mind short-circuited, not understanding how the queen could just disregard a great deed such as saving the world from destruction.

He looked blankly at the queen, hoping she had just fumbled and did not mean what she had said.

In his whole life, he had never once been this disregarded, neither by foe nor ally. Everyone was in awe or fear of his power or at least had respect for him, not such blatant indifference.

"What do you want?" the queen added, not changing her first words, as she was unaware they were offensive to Ossa.

The twins and Miriel could only sigh, aware of the queen's inferiority complex which made her say strange things occasionally.

"I... I want a body for my master's and my sake," Ossa stammered, his blank eyes looking directly at the queen, unable to read the cold expression behind the veil.