
Intimate Visit

Some people in the hall were startled by Liu Yang's words, while others found it funny.

"Hahaha ... Who do you think you are to say those words? Some supreme expert? "The person who spoke was the son of Aster Sands.

"That's right, who do you think you are?" Others began to speak out because of the young man's words.

"Shut up !!!!!!!!!" Aster Sands was angry and anxious about this situation, if this was not properly taken care of, the Desert Hunters Tribe could suffer an extremely heavy loss.

"Husband, you ..."

"I told you to shut up !!"

"Aster Sands, I think the Desert Hunters Tribe has dropped a lot since the last time I saw them, I think you need to decline a bit to be a little more humble as before. And that some members should be killed for wanting my woman" Liu Yang said casually.

"Lord Van ... I apologize for the words of my son..." Listening to the two words, Lord Van, everyone in the room realized who the black-clad person was in the chair.