
Rebirth of the Reverse Eyes

In his entire life, Rion had never felt happy. He didn't even remember smiling or laughing. When he decided to end it all, he lost his life. Surprisingly, he didn't feel angry. Instead, he felt free for the first time. Instead of going to the afterlife, Rion woke up in another world full of magic. He even had a new name, Arion. This time he had parents who loved him and siblings who adored him. Finally, he could feel true happiness. However, trouble doesn't leave Arion alone. There was a group that wanted to eliminate magic users, especially those from great kingdoms. His family was one of their targets. Somehow, Arion was connected to the mysterious power of a long-lost kingdom. The power symbolizes the past and the future. That makes him the main target of everyone. Both from his side and from the enemy's side. Because that's how much power he's got. “The greater the power gained, the heavier the burden to be carried.” He is the chosen one. Chosen as a human being loved and protected by the gods. And as the holder of the greatest power, with the fate of the world on his shoulders.

CameliaZ · Fantasía
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74 Chs

43. Intruder

Back to the tense situation Arion, he listened carefully to the voice of the person. He still didn't know how many people had sneaked in through the window.

'Did the guards not hear the voice from inside? Whoever just spoke was quite loud in this silence.' Arion thought incomprehensibly.

Because it was so quiet, even the sound of falling objects would echo in the corridors of the palace. It was strange that the guards in front of the door did not hear anything. Especially when they were on guard.

"Don't be so loud, the people outside might catch us," Another voice answered the first.

Arion jumped, 'There's more than one person.'

The first voice grumbled unhappily, "Shut up! Why not just kill them now? Being secretive is such a hassle!"

Arion refrained from making a sound in shock, 'Kill?'

The word was not unfamiliar to Arion. He had heard it many times from his father in his first life.

There was a sigh, "Wait for the others. We have an agreement." This time his tone was sharper, as if his patience had run out.

The first man snorted so loudly, "Boring."

Arion began to feel uncomfortable. From what he heard, there were probably more people infiltrating the palace. If his guess was correct, some of them must have been assigned to get rid of the guards.

'But isn't the palace guard tightened? How could they get in so easily?' Arion thought hard for an answer. But the sound of a loud door slamming brought his thoughts to a halt.

"Finally! What took you so long?" The first person to speak sounded pleased and content.

A third voice grunted, "We have to wait for the nannies to go further away or we'll be discovered."

Arion swallowed nervously, 'They're luring Nova away on purpose?'

In retrospect, why did this maid named Emily have to bring all four nannies to the kitchen to get the baby's milk? One or two people would have been enough.

Arion wanted to curse his carelessness. How could he let his guard down so easily?

"Hmph! They're just ordinary nannies. What are you afraid of?" The first person said lightly.

"We should secretly kill the guards as well, stupid. Do you want us to get caught easily?" The third voice said angrily.

The first person snorted lightly, "What's so hard? Just stab them in the neck so they don't have time to make a scene," He said lightly.

Arion stopped himself from shaking with fear. He held back the hand that was about to go for his neck. The longer this conversation went on, the more nauseous he became. Either because he was sick of these people or because their talk brought back bad memories from the past.

"Better safe than sorry. They could be warning the kings and all the palace knights," The last answer left the first person silent. He wasn't stupid enough to think that he could defeat the four kings, who were known to have powers beyond human capabilities.

In the end, all he could do was retreat and cackle in annoyance, "Whatever!"

After that, only silence surrounded them, which made Arion uncomfortable. It seemed that the other babies weren't bothered by the arrival of this stranger, because none of the three woke up and cried. Whether Arion should be grateful for that or not.

'Who exactly are these people? What is the purpose of their infiltration?' Arion thought. He tried to gather all the clues he could by listening to these people.

Arion frowned in thought, 'I doubt they are after the royal treasure. If they were, why would they go through the room where the babies are?'

He honestly still did not understand what their purpose was. So far, all he had heard was about secretly infiltrating, even to the point of keeping the nannies away. There was even talk of possibly killing the guards. This thought made Arion remember something.

"How are the guards?" The question snapped Arion out of his reverie. That was what he had been thinking about.


That one word made Arion hold back his horror. His face turned pale, 'They killed the guards?'

What horrified him was the fact that they were talking about it as if it was a normal thing. There was not a trace of guilt in his voice. Had killing become commonplace in this world?

The image of her father's cruel face in his first life made him tremble with fear, 'They're all the same. Monsters.'

Arion closed his eyes tighter, 'Somebody, please come here,' He hoped silently, even though he knew that no one would be able to hear him.

Even if he didn't mind dying again, he didn't want to die in the same way and with the same people. That was a nightmare. He didn't want that.

Without realizing it, someone could feel that something bad was about to happen to Arikn. He stopped moving and was silent for a few moments.

"Brother?" The call brought Eric out of his daze. He turned his head to see his sister looking at him with confusion and concern.

"Is something wrong?" Hana asked worriedly. Although Eric had only left for a moment to retrieve the ball that had been thrown away.

Feeling that her brother had not returned yet, Hana decided to catch up with him and saw her brother standing silent with a blank look on his face while holding the ball tightly in his hand.

That made Hana worry. Was tonight too much for him? His behavior was quite unusual.

Eric shook his head gently, "Sorry, I suddenly wanted to see Arion," He murmured.

Hana frowned in confusion, "Why all of a sudden?"

Eric did not answer. Actually, he didn't understand why he wanted to see Arion all of a sudden. Arion had to be well and sleeping peacefully.

But the bad feeling that had just come over him made him uncomfortable. It was as if something bad had happened to his brother. He couldn't calm down until he saw Arion in person.

Hana, seeing that Eric did not answer, remained silent. Then she pulled her brother's hand to follow her, "Then let's go."

"Hana?" Eric called confusedly to his sister. Where is she taking him?

It turned out that Hana was taking Eric to their friends who had been waiting earlier, Noam and Zane to be exact. Meanwhile, Rose was reading a book in a nearby chair.

Noam and Zane turned their heads when they saw that Hana had finally brought Eric back. But the atmosphere between the twins was so strange that it confused both of them. Even Rose looked at them when she noticed it too.

Hana gave them an awkward smile, "Sorry guys. Eric and I will go first. We want to go to Arion."

The sudden statement left everyone confused. But seeing the slightly worried look on Eric's face made Noam and Zane look at each other before nodding.

Noam smiled broadly at them, "Then let's go together!"

He had no idea what was bothering the twins, especially Eric. But seeing the look on his face, which seemed to feel something bad, made Noam unable to stand by without helping.

Seeing them rushing to get to Arion, it was likely that something had happened in the nursery. Although he hoped everything was okay, it couldn't hurt to check.

Noam's statement surprised Eric and Hana.

"Noam?" Hana called out hesitantly. Eric was silent next to her until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning his head, he found Zane smiling at him.

"I'm coming too. My sister's in the same room anyway. I want to see her too." Zane explained without breaking his smile.

Just like Noam, he felt something that couldn't happen to Eric. As his friend, he couldn't just stand by and do nothing, right?

After all, ever since Hana had said they wanted to see Arion with that worried face, he couldn't help but worry about Fiona, his little sister.

Eric blinked slowly, "Zane?" He called uncertainly. He didn't want to worry his friends for no reason. But knowing them, they wouldn't just give up. So he didn't protest.

Zane smiled as he patted Eric's shoulder several times. He turned his eyes to someone who got up from reading, "Are you coming, Rose?"

Rose approached them with a flat expression. She nodded firmly, "I'm coming. Mother has entrusted me with Kalyca," She explained simply.

Hana looked at her with happy eyes, "Rose!"

Hana almost jumped up to hug Rose if she hadn't controlled herself. Rose might have felt uncomfortable with the sudden hug.

Rose gave her a confused look, but nodded anyway, making Hana smile brighter. Does this mean that Rose is more open to him?

Eric let out a resigned sigh, but secretly he smiled faintly. How lucky he was to have a friend who supported him even for no apparent reason.

Eric segmented before putting on his serious face, followed by his friends. It seemed that this situation was no joke.

"Let's go."

With that, the five of them ran away, leaving behind the knights and servants who had been watching them from the beginning.

When they saw the princes and princesses suddenly running away, they all panicked. Some of them chased after the five children, while the rest went to report to the kings.

They hoped that King Arsen would not behead them for neglecting their duties. Just thinking about it gave them goosebumps. The king of the Gewitter Kingdom was indeed terrifying.