
Rebirth of the Reverse Eyes

In his entire life, Rion had never felt happy. He didn't even remember smiling or laughing. When he decided to end it all, he lost his life. Surprisingly, he didn't feel angry. Instead, he felt free for the first time. Instead of going to the afterlife, Rion woke up in another world full of magic. He even had a new name, Arion. This time he had parents who loved him and siblings who adored him. Finally, he could feel true happiness. However, trouble doesn't leave Arion alone. There was a group that wanted to eliminate magic users, especially those from great kingdoms. His family was one of their targets. Somehow, Arion was connected to the mysterious power of a long-lost kingdom. The power symbolizes the past and the future. That makes him the main target of everyone. Both from his side and from the enemy's side. Because that's how much power he's got. “The greater the power gained, the heavier the burden to be carried.” He is the chosen one. Chosen as a human being loved and protected by the gods. And as the holder of the greatest power, with the fate of the world on his shoulders.

CameliaZ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
74 Chs

42. Plan

Another meeting was held in Arsen's office. But this time there were two more members in the meeting, Edric and Philip.

The atmosphere between them was very serious, even Oscar, who usually joked a lot, was silent and had a serious look on his face.

Philip groaned impatiently, "What exactly do you want to discuss? This is unusual."

Philip's question immediately broke the silence between them. Oscar let out a tired sigh, which was very unusual for his energetic character. Even Philip looked at him strangely.

Arsen remained silent and folded his arms. He looked at Edric who smiled tiredly.

Edric cleared his throat and prepared to open the conversation, "Sorry to interrupt your time. But I would like to discuss this, Arsen." He looked at Arsen for confirmation.

Arsen nodded in agreement, "I understand. I've also been waiting for a full explanation from you."

Philip frowned in confusion, "What is this? Is there something going on that only you two know about?"

Philip looked at Oscar who grimaced and looked away. He raised his eyebrows at his friend's awkward behavior.

"I think Oscar knows as well. So I'm the only one who doesn't know yet?" He continued with a flat face.

Philip wasn't angry. He knew that when his friends didn't tell him about something through an intermediary and waited until they got together to tell him directly, it meant something serious.

Edric sighed, "I didn't want to leave you, Philip. It's just that I had my reasons."

Philip shrugged nonchalantly, not seeming to mind, "Has something happened or is it about to happen? Something important?" his guess was answered with a nod.

"Do you remember the people who almost ruined my daughter's birthday party?" Edric asked seriously.

Philip looked confused but nodded anyway, "I remember them. I guess they are still fugitives from your kingdom."

Then a thought crossed his mind and made him put on a serious face, "Are they coming tonight?"

He could see in the corner of his vision that Arsen's gaze was sharpening, accompanied by the tightening grip of his hand. Without being told again, he knew that his guess was right.

Edric began to explain about one of the group members he had captured and all the information he had managed to obtain.

Arsen listened attentively. But unfortunately, all the information Edric explained was the same as what Oscar had said. In other words, there was no new information to disappoint him.

Philip thought seriously about all this information. The situation wasn't too bad when he thought about it again. After all, the kingdom of Glatteis had been attacked once without any warning and they had managed to thwart it.

It shouldn't be difficult for the Gewitter Kingdom to stop them as well. Besides, Arsen was a fiercer fighter than Edric. He would show no mercy to these invaders.

Philip frowned in confusion when something was missing, "If this matter involves the Kingdom of Glatteis and the Kingdom of Gewitter, then how did you find out about it, Oscar?"

Oscar rubbed his red hair, "Well, Arsen was busy preparing for the celebration. So Edric asked for my help instead of Arsen. You know, of the three of us, I'm the one who has the most contact with Arsen."

Philip sniffed with a mocking expression, "More of a nuisance to me." He didn't care about Oscar's cry of disapproval.

It was fortunate that they had used soundproofing magic to keep their conversation inaudible to outsiders. Otherwise, Oscar's voice would have echoed throughout the palace.

Arsen shrugged indifferently, "I even found out this morning."

Philip leaned back, "Too sudden a news, in my opinion."

Not that he blamed Edric. It all happened within a week. He had very little time to look up the information.

Edric must have wanted to confirm the truth of this information before telling Arsen, because he certainly didn't want to give Arsen a false warning.

Edric's expression looked guilty, "At first, I wanted this matter to be known only by the people I trusted in the Kingdom of Glatteis. But because of their plans for the Gewitter Kingdom, I couldn't help but tell you."

Philip chuckled, "This is a mess."

All the fun of the party was gone, replaced by the somber atmosphere in the room. The situation was very serious as the group had targeted two major kingdoms.

"I honestly don't mind you keeping this a secret, especially since you have your reasons. But this meeting is not just about that, is it?" Philip said seriously.

"I'm sure Arsen has already tightened the security. So the discussion now is that you suspect something." He continued cautiously. He had a bad feeling.

Edric nodded, "It's true. We suspect a traitor from within."

Philip cursed and sighed loudly. Traitors, there were always such people. It was disgusting to think that there were people like that around them, walking around as if they hadn't done anything wrong. People with no principles and no loyalty.

"Have you found out who this traitor is going to be?" Philip, Oscar and Edric looked at Arsen, waiting for an answer.

Arsen sighed heavily, "Unfortunately not yet. There is not enough time. I've ordered Regia to see if any servants, knights or nobles act suspiciously. The result is zero."

Edric made a thoughtful face, "In that case, do you have any idea who did it? For example, someone who had a conflict with you not long ago?"

Arsen snorted, "There are many."

How could he not when those old nobles often asked him for useless things. Sometimes he wondered if they had forgotten that he was still a king. If so, it seemed he needed to clean up his act as soon as possible.

Oscar chuckled, "What did you expect?"

Edric shook his head in resignation as Philip snorted amusedly, "I mean, of all of them, there's a big potential for you to hold a grudge. Maybe because you unknowingly hurt their pride?"

Philip snapped his fingers as if he had just thought of something, "Most of the people you intimidated into freezing are the most likely culprits. Sometimes cowards have too much pride. Especially when someone instigates them."

This explanation left Arsen speechless. He frowned as he remembered a situation similar to the one Philip explained.

"There is." His muttering caught the attention of his three friends.

Oscar chuckled, "Really? Either it's your annoying nature or the problem is with them. You have annoying subordinates."

"We all do." Philip's comment made Oscar frown, "That's right."

Edric ignored them as he focused on Arsen, "What percentage do you think this man is the traitor? Is he strong or weak? What about his position?"

Arsen was silent. To be honest, he was still not sure. But it was indeed only this person who had problems with him that he was angry with and almost lost control of in this one month.

"70%. Weak. The position is not high, just medium." Arsen explained briefly.

Oscar frowned when he heard what percentage Arsen mentioned, "That's not as much as I thought."

Philip looked at Arsen, "Still not sure, huh."

Edric hummed quietly, "This guy's not too worrying if you ask me. In that case, do you have any other plans, Arsen?"

"Like luring the traitor out?" Oscar asked enthusiastically. This traitor might not be the business of his kingdom, but he would not refuse to make him regret planning to ruin his new nephew's important event.

Edric frowned in disagreement, ''We don't even know what their real goal is yet.''

''Did you ever think that they might be targeting the babies?" Philip's question silenced everyone.

It wasn't that they had never considered the possibility. It was the most plausible reason, especially since the group of intruders came during the celebration of the second heir's birth.

Actually, the reason is simple, because the kings have many enemies. Individually and in groups. So it was not surprising that they wanted to take revenge on the brand new baby.

Oscar let out a long groan, "Ugh, don't tell me revenge again."

Edric thought seriously, "The babies are still fragile, with no self-defense. No wonder the villains think they are our weakness. If you think about it logically, they're not wrong."

Philip added, "But if you think about it dispassionately, it's also true."

Specifically for him, his weakness was not only his baby, but also his wife. Unlike other queens, his wife could not fight. It wasn't that she never learned, but her body couldn't keep up.

Daisy's body grew weaker by the day. Philip didn't know where to take his wife for treatment. All the results were the same.

Philip dismissed his thoughts and went back to his opinion, "Attacking when there are so many strong people gathered around the babies. That's a stupid plan," He commented sarcastically.

Arsen nodded in agreement, "That's why I still doubt this idea. But it doesn't hurt to be vigilant."

Oscar suddenly straightened his body, "Wait a minute! Isn't our baby in danger now? Where are they?" He asked worriedly.

He remembered Martha saying that the queens would have their own private meetings and leave the babies in the hands of the nannies. Doesn't that mean the babies aren't under protection right now?

"They are under close supervision. As long as Natalie is with them and doesn't leave them, the babies are safe." Arsen explained calmly. He trusted Natalie to be up to the task.

Oscar breathed a sigh of relief. They focused on Arsen again, "So, would you mind telling me what your plan is, Arsen?" Philip asked rather demandingly.

He, too, couldn't wait to destroy the culprits who had ruined this peaceful night. Daisy could finally have fun with her friends after all this time. But there were people who ruined her fun.

Arsen's eyes narrowed, "Listen carefully. This will be risky. But I guarantee that all of them will be caught without any of them escaping."

Oscar, Edric and Philip looked at each other before nodding in agreement. There is no turning back now.